When running contract or SAM tests locally, the resources expect the Lacework Url, AccessKeyId, and SecretKey to be available via the type configuration. Add the following to ~/.cfn-cli/typeconfiguration.json. Replace the values inside the square brackets with the actual values for testing
"LaceworkAccess": {
"Url": "https://[MY_LACEWORK].lacework.net/api/v2",
"AccessKeyId": "[MY_ACCESS_KEY_ID]",
"SecretKey": "[MY_SECRET_KEY]"
See Generate API Access Keys and Tokens for how to generate the necessary keys.
You must have a Lacework account to run these tests.
Some of the contract tests for specific resources require pre-configured setup. This is documented in the README.md files of those resources.
To run the contract tests for a specific resource you need to update the overrides.json file for that resource. Replace any values within <> with
actual values that will work with your account. You can then run the contract tests with the command: cfn test