This example will work through configuring a DNS subdomain in Cloudflare. This will require us to use the DnsRecord resource as well as resources for configuring load balancers, load balancer pools, and load balancer monitors. See here for the full cloudformation.
You can deploy the complete example with the following command. Please note that you will need to fill in some values within the cloudformation template. These could also have been parameterised but weren't to keep the example simple.
aws cloudformation update-stack --region eu-west-1 --stack-name My-Cloudflare-Project --parameters ParameterKey=AccountId,ParameterValue=<AccountId> ParameterKey=ZoneId,ParameterValue=<ZoneId> ParameterKey=DomainName,ParameterValue=<e.g.> --template-body file://example.yaml
We start by setting up a DNS Record. As you can see this is an A record with corresponding domain, ip, etc. For further details on how to configure the Cloudflare::Dns::Record type see here.
Type: Cloudflare::Dns::Record
ZoneId: !Ref ZoneId
Type: A
Name: !Ref DomainName
Content: <IP ADDRESS>
Proxied: false
Ttl: 1
We will now add a load-balancer to make our domain more stable. For this we will also confifgure a monitor and a load-balancer pool. See here for more details on each of these resources.
Type: Cloudflare::LoadBalancer::Monitor
"ExpectedCodes": "200"
"Method": "GET"
"Timeout": 5
"Path": "/"
"Interval": 60
"Retries": 2
"Description": "GET over HTTPS - expect 200"
"Type": "http"
"Port": 80
"AccountIdentifier": !Ref AccountId
"FollowRedirects": false
"AllowInsecure": false
"ProbeZone": ""
Type: Cloudflare::LoadBalancer::Pool
"AccountIdentifier": !Ref AccountId
"MinimumOrigins": 1
- "WEU"
"NotificationEmail": "[email protected]"
"Healthy": false
- "Enabled": true
"Address": <IP Address>
"Name": "server-1"
"Weight": 0.9
- "Weight": 0.1
"Enabled": true
"Name": "server-2"
"Address": <IP Address>
"Name": "Servers"
"Description": "Region Pool"
"Monitor": !GetAtt Monitor.Id
Type: Cloudflare::LoadBalancer::LoadBalancer
"ZoneId": !Ref ZoneId
"Proxied": true
"Name": !Ref DomainName
"SessionAffinity": "none"
"ZeroDowntimeFailover": "none"
"SteeringPolicy": "off"
"DefaultWeight": 1
- !GetAtt Pool.Id
"FallbackPool": !GetAtt Pool.Id
"Enabled": true