File tree
774 files changed
lines changed- Auth0
- docs
- css
- data/documentation
- auth0
- auth0apierror
- auth0error
- authentication
- authenticationerror
- challenge
- credentials
- credentialsmanager
- credentialsmanagererror
- credentialsstorage
- foundation
- data
- jwk
- jwks
- loggable
- logger
- managementerror
- passwordlesstype
- request
- simplekeychain
- simplekeychain
- swift
- string
- telemetry
- trackable
- userinfo
- userpatchattributes
- users
- webauth
- webauthentication
- webautherror
- webauthuseragent
- documentation/auth0
- auth0apierror
- code
- info
- init(info:statuscode:)
- statuscode
- auth0error
- cause-1atql
- cause-9wuyi
- errordescription
- localizeddescription
- authentication
- clientid
- codeexchange(withcode:codeverifier:redirecturi:)
- jwks()
- login(appleauthorizationcode:fullname:profile:audience:scope:)-6sf9m
- login(appleauthorizationcode:fullname:profile:audience:scope:)-7k4xo
- login(email:code:audience:scope:)-39g8b
- login(email:code:audience:scope:)-587bo
- login(facebooksessionaccesstoken:profile:audience:scope:)-28ncj
- login(facebooksessionaccesstoken:profile:audience:scope:)-8wh5g
- login(phonenumber:code:audience:scope:)-38nv0
- login(phonenumber:code:audience:scope:)-8kbii
- login(usernameoremail:password:realmorconnection:audience:scope:)-5yc0w
- login(usernameoremail:password:realmorconnection:audience:scope:)-8kdlq
- login(withoobcode:mfatoken:bindingcode:)-3r1t9
- login(withoobcode:mfatoken:bindingcode:)-3ykhg
- login(withotp:mfatoken:)
- login(withrecoverycode:mfatoken:)
- logindefaultdirectory(withusername:password:audience:scope:)-3uzbn
- logindefaultdirectory(withusername:password:audience:scope:)-4gru8
- multifactorchallenge(mfatoken:types:authenticatorid:)-3p692
- multifactorchallenge(mfatoken:types:authenticatorid:)-7xrct
- renew(withrefreshtoken:scope:)-2llyg
- renew(withrefreshtoken:scope:)-8vkbb
- resetpassword(email:connection:)
- revoke(refreshtoken:)
- signup(email:username:password:connection:usermetadata:rootattributes:)-4rw4y
- signup(email:username:password:connection:usermetadata:rootattributes:)-92l3l
- startpasswordless(email:type:connection:)-56xbe
- startpasswordless(email:type:connection:)-6xl8p
- startpasswordless(phonenumber:type:connection:)-5azmm
- startpasswordless(phonenumber:type:connection:)-9unt
- url
- userinfo(withaccesstoken:)
- authentication(clientid:domain:session:)
- authentication(session:bundle:)
- authenticationerror
- !=(_:_:)
- ==(_:_:)
- auth0error-implementations
- cause
- code
- debugdescription
- equatable-implementations
- errordescription
- failurereason
- helpanchor
- info
- init(info:statuscode:)
- isaccessdenied
- isinvalidcredentials
- isinvalidrefreshtoken
- isloginrequired
- ismultifactorcodeinvalid
- ismultifactorenrollrequired
- ismultifactorrequired
- ismultifactortokeninvalid
- isnetworkerror
- ispasswordalreadyused
- ispasswordleaked
- ispasswordnotstrongenough
- isrefreshtokendeleted
- isruleerror
- istoomanyattempts
- isverificationrequired
- localizeddescription
- localizederror-implementations
- recoverysuggestion
- statuscode
- authenticationresult
- challenge
- bindingmethod
- challengetype
- init(from:)
- oobcode
- credentials
- accesstoken
- decodable-implementations
- description
- encode(with:)
- expiresin
- idtoken
- init(accesstoken:tokentype:idtoken:refreshtoken:expiresin:scope:recoverycode:)
- init(coder:)
- init(from:)
- nscoding-implementations
- nssecurecoding-implementations
- recoverycode
- refreshtoken
- scope
- supportssecurecoding
- tokentype
- credentialsmanager
- canrenew()
- clear()
- credentials(withscope:minttl:parameters:headers:)-11d2f
- credentials(withscope:minttl:parameters:headers:)-7xldm
- credentials(withscope:minttl:parameters:headers:callback:)
- enablebiometrics(withtitle:canceltitle:fallbacktitle:evaluationpolicy:)
- hasvalid(minttl:)
- init(authentication:storekey:storage:)
- renew(parameters:headers:)-3jl3m
- renew(parameters:headers:)-7yn20
- renew(parameters:headers:callback:)
- revoke(headers:)-6wgai
- revoke(headers:)-9mzo6
- revoke(headers:_:)
- store(credentials:)
- user
- credentialsmanagererror
- !=(_:_:)
- ==(_:_:)
- auth0error-implementations
- biometricsfailed
- cause
- debugdescription
- equatable-implementations
- errordescription
- failurereason
- helpanchor
- largeminttl
- localizeddescription
- localizederror-implementations
- nocredentials
- norefreshtoken
- recoverysuggestion
- renewfailed
- revokefailed
- storefailed
- ~=(_:_:)-7k0od
- ~=(_:_:)-93ixe
- credentialsmanagerresult
- credentialsstorage
- deleteentry(forkey:)
- getentry(forkey:)
- setentry(_:forkey:)
- databaseuser
- defaultscope
- foundation
- data
- a0_encodebase64urlsafe()
- jwk
- algorithm
- certchain
- certthumbprint
- certurl
- exponent
- init(from:)
- keyid
- keytype
- modulus
- usage
- jwks
- init(from:)
- key(id:)
- keys
- loggable
- logger
- logging(enabled:)
- using(logger:)
- logger
- trace(request:session:)
- trace(response:data:)
- trace(url:source:)
- managementerror
- !=(_:_:)
- ==(_:_:)
- auth0error-implementations
- cause
- code
- debugdescription
- equatable-implementations
- errordescription
- failurereason
- helpanchor
- info
- init(info:statuscode:)
- localizeddescription
- localizederror-implementations
- recoverysuggestion
- statuscode
- managementobject
- managementresult
- passwordlesstype
- !=(_:_:)
- androidlink
- code
- equatable-implementations
- hash(into:)
- hashvalue
- init(rawvalue:)
- ioslink
- rawrepresentable-implementations
- weblink
- refreshtokens
- request
- callback
- headers(_:)
- parameters(_:)
- start()-132e1
- start()-8gjgk
- start(_:)
- simplekeychain
- simplekeychain
- credentialsstorage-implementations
- deleteentry(forkey:)
- getentry(forkey:)
- setentry(_:forkey:)
- swift
- string
- a0_decodebase64urlsafe()
- telemetry
- init()
- trackable
- telemetry
- tracking(enabled:)
- using(inlibrary:version:)
- useragents
- userinfo
- address
- birthdate
- customclaims
- email
- emailverified
- familyname
- gender
- givenname
- init(json:)
- jsonobjectpayload-implementations
- locale
- middlename
- name
- nickname
- phonenumber
- phonenumberverified
- picture
- preferredusername
- publicclaims
- sub
- updatedat
- website
- zoneinfo
- userpatchattributes
- appmetadata(_:)
- blocked(_:)
- email(_:verified:verify:connection:clientid:)
- emailverified(_:connection:)
- init(dictionary:)
- password(_:verify:connection:)
- phonenumber(_:verified:verify:connection:clientid:)
- phoneverified(_:connection:)
- usermetadata(_:)
- username(_:connection:)
- users
- get(_:fields:include:)-7aaln
- get(_:fields:include:)-8mfww
- link(_:withotherusertoken:)
- link(_:withuser:provider:connectionid:)-5y4yy
- link(_:withuser:provider:connectionid:)-6nwr7
- patch(_:attributes:)
- patch(_:usermetadata:)
- token
- unlink(identityid:provider:fromuserid:)
- url
- users(token:domain:session:)
- users(token:session:bundle:)
- webauth
- audience(_:)
- clearsession(federated:)-3k5r3
- clearsession(federated:)-4zqyr
- clearsession(federated:)-6n4z6
- clearsession(federated:)-8sl1o
- clearsession(federated:callback:)-9xcu3
- clearsession(federated:callback:)-9yv61
- clientid
- connection(_:)
- connectionscope(_:)
- invitationurl(_:)
- issuer(_:)
- leeway(_:)
- maxage(_:)
- nonce(_:)
- onclose(_:)
- organization(_:)
- parameters(_:)
- provider(_:)
- redirecturl(_:)
- scope(_:)
- start()-98znq
- start()-qpqo
- start(_:)
- state(_:)
- telemetry
- url
- useephemeralsession()
- usehttps()
- webauth(clientid:domain:session:)
- webauth(session:bundle:)
- webauthentication
- cancel()
- resume(with:)
- safariprovider(style:)
- webautherror
- !=(_:_:)
- ==(_:_:)
- auth0error-implementations
- cause
- debugdescription
- equatable-implementations
- errordescription
- failurereason
- helpanchor
- idtokenvalidationfailed
- invalidinvitationurl
- localizeddescription
- localizederror-implementations
- noauthorizationcode
- nobundleidentifier
- other
- pkcenotallowed
- recoverysuggestion
- unknown
- usercancelled
- ~=(_:_:)-3690
- ~=(_:_:)-6ibkd
- webauthprovider
- webauthprovidercallback
- webauthresult
- webauthuseragent
- finish(with:)
- start()
- img
- index
- js
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
774 files changed
lines changed+1-1
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