42 | 42 |
43 | 43 | |Project|Target Framework|Description|Nuget Download Link|
44 | 44 | |---|---|---|---|
45 |
| -|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator) | net8.0 | Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator is a WebApi C# code generator using a OpenApi 3.0.x specification YAML file. | [](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator) | |
46 |
| -|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.CLI](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.CLI) |net8.0 | A CLI tool that use Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator to create/update a project specified by a OpenApi 3.0.x specification YAML file. | [](https://www.nuget.org/packages/atc-rest-api-generator) | |
47 |
| -|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.CodingRules](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.CodingRules) | net8.0| Create/update atc coding rules for the generated code | | |
48 |
| -|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Contracts](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Contracts) | net8.0| Shared contracts and interfaces for the generated code. | | |
49 |
| -|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Framework.Mvc](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Framework.Mvc) | net8.0| Provides support for generating ASP.NET MVC / Controller based REST API server implementations. | | |
50 |
| -|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Framework.Minimal](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Framework.Minimal) | net8.0| Provides support for generating MinimalAPI based REST server implementations. | | |
51 |
| -|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Client.CSharp](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Client.CSharp) | net8.0| Generates C# client code for interacting with the generated REST APIs. | | |
52 |
| -|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Framework](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Framework) | net8.0| Shared framework components and utilities for the API generator projects. | | |
53 |
| -|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.OpenApi](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.OpenApi) | net8.0| Handles OpenAPI specification parsing and manipulation for the API generator. | | |
54 |
| -|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Nuget](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Nuget) | net8.0| Manages NuGet packages required by the generated code and frameworks. | | |
55 |
| -|[Atc.CodeGeneration.CSharp](src/Atc.CodeGeneration.CSharp) | net8.0| Provides utilities and functionalities for generating C# code. | | |
| 45 | +|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator) | net9.0 | Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator is a WebApi C# code generator using a OpenApi 3.0.x specification YAML file. | [](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator) | |
| 46 | +|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.CLI](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.CLI) |net9.0 | A CLI tool that use Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator to create/update a project specified by a OpenApi 3.0.x specification YAML file. | [](https://www.nuget.org/packages/atc-rest-api-generator) | |
| 47 | +|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.CodingRules](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.CodingRules) | net9.0| Create/update atc coding rules for the generated code | | |
| 48 | +|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Contracts](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Contracts) | net9.0| Shared contracts and interfaces for the generated code. | | |
| 49 | +|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Framework.Mvc](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Framework.Mvc) | net9.0| Provides support for generating ASP.NET MVC / Controller based REST API server implementations. | | |
| 50 | +|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Framework.Minimal](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Framework.Minimal) | net9.0| Provides support for generating MinimalAPI based REST server implementations. | | |
| 51 | +|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Client.CSharp](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Client.CSharp) | net9.0| Generates C# client code for interacting with the generated REST APIs. | | |
| 52 | +|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Framework](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Framework) | net9.0| Shared framework components and utilities for the API generator projects. | | |
| 53 | +|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.OpenApi](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.OpenApi) | net9.0| Handles OpenAPI specification parsing and manipulation for the API generator. | | |
| 54 | +|[Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Nuget](src/Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Nuget) | net9.0| Manages NuGet packages required by the generated code and frameworks. | | |
| 55 | +|[Atc.CodeGeneration.CSharp](src/Atc.CodeGeneration.CSharp) | net9.0| Provides utilities and functionalities for generating C# code. | | |
56 | 56 |
57 | 57 | ## Project dependency graph
58 | 58 |
@@ -512,23 +512,23 @@ Running the above command produces the following output:
512 | 512 | 🟢 root: atc-coding-rules-updater.json created
513 | 513 | 🟢 root: atc-coding-rules-updater.ps1 created
514 | 514 | 🐭 Working on EditorConfig files
515 |
| - Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet8/.editorconfig |
| 515 | + Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet9/.editorconfig |
516 | 516 | Download time: 27.947 ms
517 | 517 | 🟢 root: .editorconfig created
518 |
| - Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet8/src/.editorconfig |
| 518 | + Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet9/src/.editorconfig |
519 | 519 | Download time: 22.987 ms
520 | 520 | 🟢 src: .editorconfig created
521 |
| - Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet8/test/.editorconfig |
| 521 | + Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet9/test/.editorconfig |
522 | 522 | Download time: 24.465 ms
523 | 523 | 🟢 test: .editorconfig created
524 | 524 | 🔨 Working on Directory.Build.props files
525 |
| - Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet8/Directory.Build.props |
| 525 | + Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet9/Directory.Build.props |
526 | 526 | Download time: 20.880 ms
527 | 527 | 🟢 root: Directory.Build.props created
528 |
| - Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet8/src/Directory.Build.props |
| 528 | + Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet9/src/Directory.Build.props |
529 | 529 | Download time: 48.340 ms
530 | 530 | 🟢 src: Directory.Build.props created
531 |
| - Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet8/test/Directory.Build.props |
| 531 | + Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet9/test/Directory.Build.props |
532 | 532 | Download time: 29.480 ms
533 | 533 | 🟢 test: Directory.Build.props created
534 | 534 | ✅ Done
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