This repository contains a CLI tool, which can be used to maintain coding-rules
in a project, where atc-coding-rules has been utilized.
- Read about atc-coding-rules
- Master rule files information
- ATC-NET Coding rules updater
The Atc.CodingRules.Updater.CLI library is available through a cross platform command line application.
The tool can be installed as a .NET Core global tool by the following command
dotnet tool install --global atc-coding-rules-updater
or by following the instructions here to install a specific version of the tool.
A successful installation will output something like
The tool can be invoked by the following command: atc-coding-rules-updater
Tool 'atc-coding-rules-updater' (version '') was successfully installed.`
The tool can be updated by following command
dotnet tool update --global atc-coding-rules-updater
Since the tool is published as a .NET Tool, it can be launched from anywhere using any shell or command-line interface by calling atc-coding-rules-updater. The help information is displayed when providing the --help
argument to atc-coding-rules-updater
atc-coding-rules-updater --help
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
--verbose Use verbose for more debug/trace information
-v, --version Display version
run Update the project folder with ATC coding rules and configurations
sanity-check Sanity check the project files
options-file Commands for the options file 'atc-coding-rules-updater.json'
analyzer-providers Commands for analyzer providers
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe run [OPTIONS]
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe . (equivalent to 'run -p [CurrentFolder]')
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe run . (equivalent to 'run -p [CurrentFolder]')
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe run -p . (equivalent to 'run -p [CurrentFolder]')
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe run -p c:\temp\MyProject
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe run -p c:\temp\MyProject -t DotNetCore --useTemporarySuppressions --organizationName
MyCompany --repositoryName MyRepo --verbose
-h, --help Prints help information
--verbose Use verbose for more debug/trace information
-p, --projectPath <PROJECTPATH> Path to the project directory (default current
-o, --optionsPath [OPTIONSPATH] Path to an optional options json-file
-t, --projectTarget [PROJECTTARGET] Sets the ProjectTarget. Valid values are: DotNetCore,
DotNet5, DotNet6, DotNet7, DotNet8 (default)
--useLatestMinorNugetVersion Indicate if nuget packages should by updated to latest
minor version (default true)
--useTemporarySuppressions Indicate if build process should use temporary
suppressions - appends to .editorconfig - unless
temporarySuppressionPath is set
--temporarySuppressionPath [TEMPORARYSUPPRESSIONPATH] Optional path to temporary suppressions file - if not
set .editorconfig file is used
--temporarySuppressionAsExcel Indicate if temporary suppressions file should be saved
as Excel (.xlsx)
--buildFile [BUILDFILE] Solution/project file - required when multiple .sln
files exists in root path
--organizationName [ORGANIZATIONNAME] Optional: Specify the name of your organization for the
Directory.Build.Props file
--repositoryName [REPOSITORYNAME] Optional: Specify the name of your repository for the
Directory.Build.Props file
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe sanity-check [OPTIONS]
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe sanity-check . (equivalent to 'sanity-check -p [CurrentFolder]')
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe sanity-check -p c:\temp\MyProject
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe sanity-check -p c:\temp\MyProject -t DotNetCore --verbose
-h, --help Prints help information
--verbose Use verbose for more debug/trace information
-p, --projectPath <PROJECTPATH> Path to the project directory (default current diectory)
-o, --optionsPath [OPTIONSPATH] Path to an optional options json-file
-t, --projectTarget [PROJECTTARGET] Sets the ProjectTarget. Valid values are: DotNetCore, DotNet5, DotNet6, DotNet7, DotNet8 (default)
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe options-file [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe options-file create . (equivalent to 'options-file create -p [CurrentFolder]')
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe options-file create -p . (equivalent to 'options-file create -p [CurrentFolder]')
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe options-file create -p c:\temp\MyProject
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe options-file create -p c:\temp\MyProject -t DotNet5
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe options-file validate . (equivalent to 'options-file validate -p [CurrentFolder]')
atc-coding-rules-updater.exe options-file validate -p c:\temp\MyProject
-h, --help Prints help information
create Create default options file 'atc-coding-rules-updater.json' if it doesn´t exist
validate Validate the options file 'atc-coding-rules-updater.json'
Having a project folder in c:\code\MyProject where the .sln file for C# projects exists in the root, run the following command
atc-coding-rules-updater run -p c:\code\MyProject --verbose
Running the command above produces the following output
____ _ _ _
| _ \ _ _ | | ___ ___ _ _ _ __ __| | __ _ | |_ ___ _ __
| |_) | | | | | | | / _ \ / __| | | | | | `_ \ / _` | / _` | | __| / _ \ | `__|
| _ < | |_| | | | | __/ \__ \ | |_| | | |_) | | (_| | | (_| | | |_ | __/ | |
|_| \_\ \__,_| |_| \___| |___/ \__,_| | .__/ \__,_| \__,_| \__| \___| |_|
🐭 Working on EditorConfig files
🟢 root: .editorconfig files merged
🟢 sample: .editorconfig created
🟢 src: .editorconfig created
🟢 test: .editorconfig created
🔨 Working on Directory.Build.props files
🟢 root: Directory.Build.props created
🟢 sample: Directory.Build.props created
🟢 src: Directory.Build.props created
🟢 test: Directory.Build.props created
✅ Done
The tool has an optional options parameter, which can be used to control the paths for persisting the .editorconfigs and props files. This can be applied as follows --optionsPath 'C:\Temp\atc-coding-rules-updater.json'
By default the atc-coding-rules-updater will detect projects in the solution and try to fetch the matching project specific rules and supply an .editorconfig in those projects. This mapping can however be over-ruled as seen in atc-coding-rules-updater.json example 3
"mappings": {
"sample": {
"paths": [
"src": {
"paths": [
"test": {
"paths": [
"mappings": {
"src": { "paths": [ "source" ] },
"test": { "paths": [ "tests" ] }
In this example a project framework mapping has been added. The entry is mapped using the CsProj fileName and the specific ProjectFrameworkType. Currently the supported values for project framework type are defined here
By specifying this mapping it will over-rule the automatic detection of the project framework type.
"projectTarget": "DotNet8",
"mappings": {
"sample": { "paths": [ "sample" ] },
"src": { "paths": [ "src" ] },
"test": { "paths": [ "test" ] }
"projectFrameworkMappings": [
"name": "HelloWorldWpf",
"type": "Wpf"
"projectTarget": "DotNet8",
"useLatestMinorNugetVersion": true,
"useTemporarySuppressions": false,
"temporarySuppressionAsExcel": false,
"analyzerProviderCollectingMode": "LocalCache",
"mappings": {
"src": {
"paths": [
"test": {
"paths": [
"projectFrameworkMappings": []
Note: If there is a atc-coding-rules-updater.json
file present in the root folder (given by options --projectPath
/ -p
), then it will automatically be found and used. Other given arguments will then override.
To ensure that the latest version of the CLI tool atc-coding-rules-updater
is being used, the following methodology can be used:
- Download the 2 files from
into a project root folder. - Modify the
to the projects specific needs. - Run
from powershell
The atc-coding-rules-updater
downloads files from the atc-coding-rules repository's distribution folder.
From here it works with 2 concepts:
- Scaffolding files (
) - if a file does not exist - it creates a copy. - Updating files (
) - if a file exist - updates the files first content part and does not touch the second content part.- First content part is related to rules above the line
# Custom - Code Analyzers Rules
- and will be updated - herafter known as ATC-part. - Second content part is related to rules below the line
# Custom - Code Analyzers Rules
- and will not be touched - herafter known as Customer-part.
- First content part is related to rules above the line
In scenario A we have root where src
and test
destination is defined as:
"mappings": {
"src": { "paths": [ "src" ] },
"test": { "paths": [ "test" ] }
When the atc-coding-rules-update
is exceuted first time, the following happens (see legend for explanation):
arrows indicate files created in
folder.arrows indicate files created in
folder.arrows indicate files created in
In this scenario we have root where src
and test
destination is defined as:
"mappings": {
"src": { "paths": [
] },
"test": { "paths": [
] }
When the atc-coding-rules-update
is executed first time, the following happens (see legend for explanation):
arrows indicate files created in
folder.arrows indicate files created in
folder.arrows indicate files created in
For both scenario A and scenario B, when the atc-coding-rules-update
is executed a second time it will only update .editorconfig
file. And as previously stated, it will only update the ATC-part of these files.
When starting with ATC rules on an existing project, the general recommendation is to initially suppress all failing rules in your Custom section in order to get back to ✅ state for the project, and then later clean up the code and remove the suppressions one by one in nice clean commits.
The challenge is that this initial suppression list takes a long time to hand-write. In order to circumvent this tedious process, some extra flags have been added to the CLI to allow for auto-generation of these suppression lines. When utilizing these new options, the updater process will run a dotnet build on your project and extract any errors and create suppressions for these along with a count of how many occurences are present. The CLI will also add additional information, e.g: Category, Title, Link to the rule being broken.
The three CLI options for generating temporary suppressions are as follows.
--useTemporarySuppressions Use temporary suppressions from build - appends to .editorconfig - unless temporarySuppressionPath is set
--temporarySuppressionPath Optional path to temporary suppressions file - if not set .editorconfig file is used
--temporarySuppressionAsExcel Optional - save temporary suppressions file as Excel (.xlsx)
Below an example of the auto-generated supressions is shown:
# ATC temporary suppressions
# generated @ 21. juni 2021 02:33:34
# Please fix all generated temporary suppressions
# either by code changes or move the
# suppressions one by one to the relevant
# 'Custom - Code Analyzers Rules' section.
# Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1303.severity = none # 1 occurrence - Do not pass literals as localized parameters -
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1707.severity = none # 1 occurrence - Identifiers should not contain underscores -
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1801.severity = none # 1 occurrence - Review unused parameters -
# SonarAnalyzer.CSharp
dotnet_diagnostic.S1118.severity = none # 1 occurrence - Category: 'Code Smell' - Utility classes should not have public constructors -
# StyleCop.Analyzers
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1400.severity = none # 2 occurrences - Category: 'Maintainability' - Access modifier must be declared -
When using the --useTemporarySuppressions
option, a dotnet.exe build
will be executed (up to 10 times depending on the complexity of the solution).
Hence a requirement is that dotnet.exe can be called from the root path.
If there are multiple solutions (.sln) files in the root folder, the --buildFile
option will then be required as a parameter when calling the CLI tool.
--buildFile Optional path to solution/project file - required when multiple .sln files exists in root path