Buildroot creates Embedded Linux images, customised for specific tasks. It is a modular system for generating images, quite well suited to Internet of Things (IoT) applications. It can build runtime systems, but cannot manage: * packages * OpenWrt (or LEDE) may offer manageable packages * compliation tools * if you need more complex images, consider Yocto ## SnapOS Here is an example of using buildroot for a specific application. SnapOS is a wireless sound receiver with synchronisation to provide clean multi-room audio using Snapcast. For more on the software see ### Compile image with buildroot These instructions were developed for use on Ubuntu derivatives. ``` # Check the latest long term stable version # BUILDROOT_VERS=buildroot-2018.05.1 DOWNLOAD_FOLDER=$HOME/Downloads # Install Prereqs sudo apt install build-essential git libncurses5-dev ## perhaps simpler to use git instead of download/unzip #git clone -b 2018.02 #cd buildroot cd $DOWNLOAD_FOLDER/ wget -qO-$BUILDROOT_VERS.tar.gz | tar xvz # Clone SnapOS git clone # define SnapOS as an external to buildroot cd $BUILDROOT_VERS make BR2_EXTERNAL=$DOWNLOAD_FOLDER/snapos/buildroot-external/ snapos_rpi3_defconfig # If you are testing, you can speed up recompiling using ccache: in Build options choose Enable compiler cache. # NB if you want to add custom config files (network ids, ssh keys, etc) to the target during the build process, look for `Root filesystem overlay directories` # if you want to check the menus for what is configured make nconfig # begin creating the image file make ``` It could take hours for the build so be patient, maybe let it run overnight ### Flash the image to SD NB: Although the compilation will work from a VirtualBox guest running ubuntu, this configuration can give issues when flashing images to microSD cards plugged into the host from within the guest system. For more reliability, transfer the file directly onto a physical device with the SD card plugged in and flash the image from there. Note: this automation in the rest of this page is similar to that used in the pages below, so perhaps they could be merged at some point? * [ArchLinuxArm install]( * [Raspbian basics]( * [write Distro to flash]( * [disks - rename]( ``` MEDIA_DEVICE=sdb MEDIA_LABEL=SdLabel NEWHOSTNAME=NewHostName WIFI_SSID=MySsid WIFI_PSK=MyPsk SYSLOG_SERVER=MyLogSvr IMAGE_FILE=output/images/sdcard.img sudo dd bs=4M if=${IMAGE_FILE} of=/dev/$MEDIA_DEVICE conv=fsync status=progress sync # refresh partitioning without removal sudo umount /dev/${MEDIA_DEVICE}1 sudo umount /dev/${MEDIA_DEVICE}2 sudo partprobe sudo mkdir /media/$USER/osboot sudo mkdir /media/$USER/osroot sudo chmod 777 /media/$USER/osboot sudo chmod 777 /media/$USER/osroot sudo mount /dev/${MEDIA_DEVICE}1 /media/$USER/osboot sudo mount /dev/${MEDIA_DEVICE}2 /media/$USER/osroot sudo fdisk -l /dev/${MEDIA_DEVICE} # if you want to relabel, then SHORT_LABEL=${MEDIA_LABEL:0:8} sudo dosfslabel /dev/${MEDIA_DEVICE}1 ${SHORT_LABEL^^}_OS sudo e2label /dev/${MEDIA_DEVICE}2 $MEDIA_LABEL\_disk # display labels sudo dosfslabel /dev/${MEDIA_DEVICE}1 sudo e2label /dev/${MEDIA_DEVICE}2 #### configure the networks # set the hostname sudo sed -i "s/snapcast/$NEWHOSTNAME/g" /media/$USER/osroot/etc/hostname sudo sed -i "s/snapcast/$NEWHOSTNAME/g" /media/$USER/osroot/etc/hosts # wifi if [[ $WIFI_SSID ]] ; then sudo tee /media/$USER/osroot/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf <> ~/.ssh/known_hosts # key scan is not reliable enough so # you will just have to answer 'yes' (all 3 letters) below # Connect via ssh # default password is snapcast ssh root@$NEWHOSTNAME ``` * If you don't get a wireless connection first time, * try connecting an ethernet cable for diagnostics. * If you can't connect via ethernet, * connect an HDMI screen and keyboard to check from the console. Once you've logged on, then... ``` # Stop your box getting hacked by rogue code on other internal devices # Change the default password passwd # check your sound card is accessible aplay -l # check your soundcard settings alsamixer # see the snapcast client settings # CTRL-C to break out snapclient -e ``` ## Issues ### Firmware request errors With Buildroot 18.02.5 and the SnapOS rpi3 modules the image generated the follow error every few seconds `raspberrypi-firmware soc firmware request 0x00030046 returned status 0x80000001` Numerous responses to this error suggested a firmware upgrade using rpt-update, clearly not possible on a buildroot image. For instructions on updating the firmware on any linux raspberrypi image, see These resolved the above issue ### No Wireless With Buildroot 18.02.5 and the SnapOS rpi3 modules the image failed to connect to wireless This image is based on Busybox using inittab to start the services. See The WPA service does not appear to be registered with dbus ### recipe for target aixlog-v1.2.1 failed The Buildroot 2018.05 make command fails in section `>>> aixlog v1.2.1 Downloading` This issue is now documented (with workaround) at