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4538 lines (3585 loc) · 188 KB

File metadata and controls

4538 lines (3585 loc) · 188 KB

Release notes

Release notes are prepared by Artefactual for each release of Archivematica. Most releases also have a corresponding release of the Storage System, and may also include corresponding releases for various dependencies and libraries (i.e. AIPScan, Automation Tools) - be sure to check the release notes for more information.

Features, enhancements, and bug fixes were often sponsored by members of the Archivematica community who are dedicated to funding Archivematica's ongoing development and maintenance. Code contributors are individuals who write Archivematica code and contribute it back to the project. Archivematica couldn't continue to grow without sponsors and contributors - thank you!

Questions about a release or the release notes? Ask on the Archivematica User Group!

(Current Release) Archivematica 1.16.0 and Storage Service 0.22.0

Release date: May 16, 2024

Original release notes.


Please see the installation instructions.

Archivematica 1.16.0 and Storage Service 0.22.0 have been tested in the following environments:

  • Ubuntu 22.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • Rocky Linux 9 x86_64

For development purposes, most of our developers prefer to use Docker containers. These and all above environments are linked from the installation instructions above.


List jobs API endpoint returns detailed output

A detailed parameter was added to the List jobs API endpoint. When the parameter is sent in the request, the endpoint will return all the task properties returned by the Task endpoint.


PRONOM v.116

As of this Archivematica release, we are up to date to PRONOM v. 116.

GitHub issue 1653

Python versions

Archivematica 1.16 works with all the current Python supported versions: 3.8 to 3.12.

Django 4.2

Archivematica 1.16 dropped support for Django 3.2.


Update MCPClient forking model

Archivematica 1.16.0 introduces a new prefork execution model in MCPClient based on a process pool. MCPClient workers are automatically restarted to free resources and will reuse database connections when possible.

The following new settings were added to the MCPClient service:

  • ARCHIVEMATICA_MCPCLIENT_WORKERS defines the number of MCPClient workers. If undefined, it defaults to the number of CPUs available on the machine. Only client modules that define concurrent_instances will perform concurrent execution of tasks (e.g. identify_file_format).
  • ARCHIVEMATICA_MCPCLIENT_MAX_TASKS_PER_CHILD defines the maximum number of tasks a worker can execute before it's replaced by a new process in order to free resources.
  • ARCHIVEMATICA_MCPCLIENT_MCPCLIENT_PROMETHEUS_DETAILED_METRICS indicates that detailed metrics should be sent to Prometheus. With large transfers this might affect performance of the local storage in Prometheus and slow down its threads in Archivematica.

See the MCPClient Configuration page.

DIPs are cleaned from watched directories

Duracloud spaces retry chunk downloads

Thank you Carlos Mc Gregor for contributing this fix!

Partial reingest works with non-core DC properties

Improve paths handling in the Storage Service

Thank you Fco. Javier Clavero for starting this work!

Please see the 1.16.0 milestone in GitHub for all issues addressed in this release:

Archivematica 1.15.1 and Storage Service 0.21.1

Original release notes.

Release date: November 29, 2023

Environments for 1.15.1

Please see the installation instructions.

Archivematica 1.15.1 and Storage Service 0.21.1 have been tested in the following environments:

  • Ubuntu 22.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • Rocky Linux 9 x86_64

For development purposes, most of our developers prefer to use Docker containers. These and all above environments are linked from the installation instructions above.

Changed for 1.15.1

Security upgrades

We have performed upgrades to the follow Python libraries to patch reported security issues in earlier versions:

  • agentarchives: from version 0.8.0 to 0.9.0
  • amclient: from version 1.2.3 to 1.3.0
  • ammcpc: from version 0.1.3 to 0.2.0
  • cryptography: from version 41.0.4 to 41.0.7
  • django: from version 3.2.22 to 3.2.23
  • metsrw: from version 0.4.0 to 0.5.0
  • urllib3: from version 1.26.17 to 2.1.0

We have also upgraded the following JavaScript front-end dependencies:

  • fsevents: from version 1.1.3 to 1.2.13
  • js-yaml: from version 3.7.0 to 3.13.1
  • json5: from version 0.5.1 to 1.0.2
  • karma: from version 0.13 to 6.0.0
  • loader-utils: from version 1.0.2 to 1.4.2
  • lodash: from version 4.5.1 to 4.17.12
  • nodejs: from version 14.x to 20.x
  • shelljs: from version 0.2.6 to 0.8.5

Fixed for 1.15.1

API endpoint for listing unapproved transfers returns error

UUID identifiers were not encoded properly in the List Unapproved Transfers and List SIPS Waiting for User Input API endpoints.

Transfers cannot be moved to the rejected directory

In the Archivematica 1.15.0 update, there was a backward-incompatible change involving the configuration parsers for Django settings. This change, part of a simplification process, has affected the handling of the %%sharedPath%% variable. This variable is no longer included in the default settings. If your custom settings rely on this variable, you should now use %sharedPath% to maintain compatibility with the updated system.

Please see the 1.15.1 milestone in GitHub for all issues addressed in this release:

Archivematica 1.15.0 and Storage Service 0.21.0

Original release notes

Release date: October 12, 2023

Environments for 1.15.0

Please see the installation instructions.

Archivematica 1.15.0 and Storage Service 0.21.0 have been tested in the following environments:

  • Ubuntu 22.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • Rocky Linux 9 x86_64

For development purposes, most of our developers prefer to use Docker containers. These and all above environments are linked from the installation instructions above.

Changed for 1.15.0

Support for Ubuntu 22.04 and Rocky Linux 9

Archivematica 1.15 dropped support for Ubuntu 18.04 and CentOS 7.

MySQL 8.0

Archivematica 1.15 dropped support for MySQL 5.x.

Python 3.9

Archivematica 1.15 dropped support for Python 3.6.

Django 3.2

Archivematica 1.15 dropped support for Django 1.11.

Fixed for 1.15.0

METS schema validation when URLs are unreachable

Archivematica uses a local XML catalog to avoid contacting the URLs.

Storage Service LDAP configuration

Please see the 1.15.0 milestone in GitHub for all issues addressed in this release:

Archivematica 1.14.1 and Storage Service 0.20.1

Original release notes.

Release date: July 19, 2023

Environments for 1.14.1

Please see the installation instructions.

Archivematica 1.14.1 and Storage Service 0.20.1 have been tested in the following environments:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • CentOS 7 64-bit

Support for Ubuntu 22.04 and Rocky Linux 9 will be coming in the 1.15 release.

For development purposes, most of our developers prefer to use Docker containers. These and all above environments are linked from the installation instructions above.

Fixed for 1.14.1

Please see the 1.14.1 milestone in GitHub for all issues addressed in this release:

Archivematica 1.14.0 and Storage Service 0.20.0

Original release notes

Release date: June 15, 2023

Environments for 1.14.0

Please see the installation instructions.

Archivematica 1.14.0 and Storage Service 0.20.0 have been tested in the following environments:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • CentOS 7 64-bit

Support for Ubuntu 22.04 and Rocky Linux 9 will be coming in the 1.15 release.

For development purposes, most of our developers prefer to use Docker containers. These and all above environments are linked from the installation instructions above.

Added for 1.14.0

Metadata import, reingest and validation in XML

This is a new set of features that allows users to include metadata files in XML and have them parsed into the AIP METS file. Optionally, the metadata files can also be validated against an external or local schema. It also has improved the handling of updating or deleting metadata on reingest.

GitHub issue 1531

GitHub issue 1537


This feature was sponsored by the Saxon State and University Library Dresden. Thank you!

Rclone spaces in the Storage Service

The Rclone space allows for use of over 40 cloud providers with Archivematica as Transfer Source, AIP Store, DIP Store, and Replicator locations.

Github issue 1567


Changed for 1.14.0

PRONOM v.109

As of this Archivematica release, we are up to date to PRONOM v. 109.

GitHub issue 1592

Other changes

Fixed for 1.14.0

Please see the 1.14 milestone in GitHub for all issues addressed in this release:

Storage Service 0.19 release notes

Original release notes

  • Release date: 25 Feb 2022

This release adds a new feature to the Storage Service

Environments for Storage Service 0.19

Please see the installation instructions.

Storage Service 0.19.0 has been tested in the following environments:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • CentOS 7 64-bit

Please note that we've dropped support for Ubuntu Linux 16.04 since it reached the end of its five-year LTS window on April 30th 2021. We're planning to add support for Ubuntu 20.04 in the near future.

For development purposes, most of our developers prefer to use Docker containers. These and all above environments are linked from the installation instructions above.

Upgrading for Storage Service 0.19

  • With the new permission module (see pull request #625 for more), existing users defined in the application database will automatically become administrators when the Django migrations are executed. If your Storage Service is configured with an external authentication backend, you can use SS_AUTH_DEFAULT_USER_ROLE to establish a new default user role for authenticated users or tweak the authentication backend settings to map the user roles according to your needs.

Added for Storage Service 0.19

User roles

The Storage Service now includes four different user roles: administrators, managers, reviewers and readers. Previously, users were either administrators or not administrators, the only difference being that administrators can create, edit, and delete other users. All existing users will automatically become administrators on upgrade. You may wish to review your users and adjust their permissions as needed.

Supported authentication backends like LDAP, Shibboleth or CAS include new configuration attributes to promote authenticated users.

See Users in the Storage Service documentation for more information.

Fixed for Storage Service 0.19

Archivematica 1.13.2

Original release notes.

Release date: 13 Dec 2021

This release fixes a critical security issue found in the Archivematica dashboard that allows unauthorized users to access some parts of the Administration tab.

This issue was discovered as a result of a security audit by Scholars Portal. It was not discovered as a result of a breach. Scholars Portal reported the issue to Artefactual privately via email. Once we became aware of the issue, we began to develop the fix. Artefactual has also implemented security reporting process documentation across Archivematica-related GitHub repositories and changed issue templates to reflect a more secure process. You can review Archivematica's security reporting process here:

Upgrading for 1.13.2

The fix can be easily installed since this issue only affects the dashboard.

CentOS users relying on Archivematica packages should run:

sudo yum -y update archivematica-dashboard
sudo systemctl restart archivematica-dashboard

Automated installations using Ansible should deploy from the stable branch: stable/1.13.x.

Alternately, a fix can be applied to the web server. The following configuration snippet shows an updated Nginx server block with the additional rule added.

server {
   listen 80;
   client_max_body_size 256M;
   server_name _;
   location / {
       set $upstream_endpoint http://archivematica-dashboard:8000;
       proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
       proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
       proxy_redirect off;
       proxy_buffering off;
       proxy_read_timeout 172800s;
       proxy_pass $upstream_endpoint;

   # Directive to block access to admin pages in
   # Archivematica v1.11.0 or older.
   location ~ ^/administration/accounts/login/.+$ {
       return 404;

After the fix has been applied, please be sure to update passwords and API keys:

  • Change the password and API key for the Storage Service user: -- In the Storage Service, change the password for the Storage Service user that the Archivematica dashboard uses. This will also regenerate the API key for the Storage Service user. -- In the Archivematica dashboard, under Administration > General, update the Storage Service user password and the API key to reflect the new password/key.
  • Change the password for AtoM/Binder DIP upload.
  • Review the PREMIS agent information to ensure that it is correct.

Archivematica 1.13.1 and Storage Service 0.18.1

Original release notes.

Release date: October 19, 2021

Environments for 1.13.1

Please see the installation instructions.

Archivematica 1.13.1 and Storage Service 0.18.1 have been tested in the following environments:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • CentOS 7 64-bit

Please note that we've dropped support for Ubuntu Linux 16.04 since it reached the end of its five-year LTS window on April 30th 2021. We're planning to add support for Ubuntu 20.04 in the short term.

For development purposes, most of our developers prefer to use Docker containers. These and all above environments are linked from the installation instructions above.

Fixed for 1.13.1

Please see the 1.13.1 milestone in GitHub for all issues addressed in this release:

Archivematica 1.13.0 and Storage Service 0.18.0

Original release notes.

Release date: July 12, 2021

Environments for 1.13.0

Please see the installation instructions.

Archivematica 1.13.0 and Storage Service 0.18.0 have been tested in the following environments:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • CentOS 7 64-bit

Please note that we've dropped support for Ubuntu Linux 16.04 since it reached the end of its five-year LTS window on April 30th 2021. We're planning to add support for Ubuntu 20.04 in the short term.

For development purposes, most of our developers prefer to use Docker containers. These and all above environments are linked from the installation instructions above.

Added for 1.13.0

Disableable virus scanning

Virus scanning can now be disabled from the processing configuration.

This change was contributed by Bodleian Library. Thank you!

Purge management command

A new management command has been added to provide a mechanism to remove old processing data from the system filling up the application database and search indices.

Strong password validation

Archivematica and the Storage Service can now require strong passwords for user accounts. Prompts are given when creating a new user if the password doesn't meet the requirements.

This feature was sponsored by the City of Winnipeg Archives. Thank you!

Audit logging capability

This addition allows audit logs to be written to third party applications- Artefactual Systems' implementation of this is in a new application called Auditmatica. The change in Archivematica and the Storage Service is only to facilitate the capture of audit logging information in other applications.

This addition was sponsored by the City of Winnipeg Archives. Thank you!

Customized workflow file

This feature allows the user to indicate the location/existence of a customized workflow document, in json. This would allow institutions to add to the Archivematica workflow (e.g. custom micro-services) in a way that is easier to maintain through upgrades. Developer documentation is pending.

Changed for 1.13.0

Python 3 for 1.13.0

All Archivematica components are now running on Python 3.6.

Archivematica Storage Service now uses MySQL by default

MySQL is now the default database in Archivematica Storage Service. SQLite is still supported but we encourage users to migrate. We have documented the process: Migrating data from SQLite to MySQL.

Allow replicated AIPs to be packaged in a different format

By using an offline replica storage space it is now possible to replicate AIPs in a different packaging format than the original AIP (helpful in use cases such as offline tape storage, etc).

This change was sponsored by Norwegian Health Archives. Thank you!

Tasks will open in one tab only

Now instead of opening multiple tabs every time a user clicks on a task gear, they will all open in one new tab.

This change was contributed by Bodleian Library. Thank you!

Dev tools deprecated / Hiding active packages

Issue: archivematica/Issues#68

Issue: archivematica/Issues#1446

Due to maintainability issues, we have removed the devtools repo. The most commonly used dev tool was used for resolving hidden transfers, which should no longer be relevant since resolving Issue 1446- active transfers or SIPs can no longer be hidden. However as a precaution, we have made that command available within Archivematica (

DIP storage locations now allowed in S3 spaces

This is a contribution by Fashion Institute of Technology NYC. Thank you!

Other changes for 1.13.0

Fixed for 1.13.0

Please see the 1.13 milestone in GitHub for all issues addressed in this release:

Archivematica 1.12.2

Original release notes.

Release date: 13 Dic 2021

This release fixes a critical security issue found in the Archivematica dashboard that allows unauthorized users to access some parts of the Administration tab.

This issue was discovered as a result of a security audit by Scholars Portal. It was not discovered as a result of a breach. Scholars Portal reported the issue to Artefactual privately via email. Once we became aware of the issue, we began to develop the fix. Artefactual has also implemented security reporting process documentation across Archivematica-related GitHub repositories and changed issue templates to reflect a more secure process. You can review Archivematica's security reporting process here:


The fix can be easily installed since this issue only affects the dashboard.

CentOS users relying on Archivematica packages should run:

sudo yum -y update archivematica-dashboard
sudo systemctl restart archivematica-dashboard

Automated installations using Ansible should deploy from the stable branch: stable/1.12.x.

Alternately, a fix can be applied to the web server. The following configuration snippet shows an updated Nginx server block with the additional rule added.

server {
   listen 80;
   client_max_body_size 256M;
   server_name _;
   location / {
       set $upstream_endpoint http://archivematica-dashboard:8000;
       proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
       proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
       proxy_redirect off;
       proxy_buffering off;
       proxy_read_timeout 172800s;
       proxy_pass $upstream_endpoint;

   # Directive to block access to admin pages in
   # Archivematica v1.11.0 or older.
   location ~ ^/administration/accounts/login/.+$ {
       return 404;

After the fix has been applied, please be sure to update passwords and API keys:

  • Change the password and API key for the Storage Service user: -- In the Storage Service, change the password for the Storage Service user that the Archivematica dashboard uses. This will also regenerate the API key for the Storage Service user. -- In the Archivematica dashboard, under Administration > General, update the Storage Service user password and the API key to reflect the new password/key.
  • Change the password for AtoM/Binder DIP upload.
  • Review the PREMIS agent information to ensure that it is correct.

Archivematica 1.12.1 and Storage Service 0.17.1

Original release notes.

Release date: January 7, 2021

This minor release primarily addresses a defect related to Duracloud AIP storage integration as well as some installation/upgrade issues experienced after the 1.12.0 release.

Supported environments for 1.12.1

Installation instructions:

Upgrade instructions:

Guidance on how to update mapping and reindex Elasticsearch indices:

Fixed for 1.12.1

List bugfixes with a link to the Github issue.

Archivematica 1.12.0 and Storage Service 0.17.0

Original release notes.

Release date: October 7, 2020

Environments for 1.12.0

Please see the installation instructions.

Archivematica 1.12.0 and Storage Service 0.17.0 have been tested in the following environments:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • CentOS 7 64-bit

For development purposes, most of our developers prefer to use Docker containers. These and all above environments are linked from the installation instructions above.

Upgrading note for 1.12.0

If you are upgrading from Archivematica 1.10.x or earlier, please be sure to clean up the completed transfers watched directory before upgrading. Instructions can be found on the Upgrading page in the documentation.

Added for 1.12.0

Processing configuration selector

This feature allows the user to choose a processing configuration at the time of transfer by way of a drop down in the "Start transfer" button.

This feature has been sponsored by Simon Fraser University Archives. Thank you!

Column selectors for the Backlog and Archival Storage tab

Users can now choose the columns displayed while browsing the Backlog and Archival Storage tabs so they can see the information most relevant to them.

These features have been sponsored by Simon Fraser University Archives. Thank you!

AIP location column on Archival Storage tab

This feature has been sponsored by Picturae. Thank you!

Downloadable CSV from Archival Storage search

Users can now download a CSV containing all entries in Archival Storage, containing these columns: AIP name, Size, UUID, Number of files, Date stored, Status, Encrypted, and Storage Location

This feature has been sponsored by Picturae. Thank you!

Central Authentication Service (CAS) for Archivematica and Storage Service

This feature has been sponsored by Simon Fraser University Archives. Thank you!

OpenID Connect (OIDC) support for Archivematica and Storage Service

Experimental! Please share your feedback.

OIDC support is a community contribution by Wellcome Collection. Thank you!

Changed for 1.12.0

Django 1.12 support

Archivematica has been upgraded to Django 1.12 LTS. Our next target is Django 2.2 LTS!

There are a couple of things to be aware of during the Archivematica upgrade in this respect:

  • For a seamless experience for your users make sure that all active user sessions are deleted. We explain how here: Maintenance > Clear user sessions.
  • Django's User model now comes with a character limit of 150 characters. In Archivematica v1.11.x or older we had that limit set to 250 characters via a third-party app that we have now deleted. During the database migration (i.e. when running migrate), users may be required to fix the problem manually. See the migration module documentation for more details. We expect this to be highly unlikely to happen since the exception is only triggered when the 150 character limit in the username field is exceeded.

Replace whitelist with allowlist

We have changed "whitelist" to "allowlist" in an effort to use more inclusive language throughout Archivematica's code.

Fixed for 1.12.0

And more! Please see the 1.12 milestone in Github for all issues addressed in this release:

Archivematica 1.11.2 and Storage Service 0.16.1

Original release notes.

Release date: June 12, 2020

This release introduces two bug fixes and one minor security fix. For installation instructions, please see the Installation documentation.

Note: Ugprading for 1.11.2

If you are upgrading from Archivematica 1.10.x or earlier, please be sure to clean up the completed transfers watched directory before upgrading. Instructions can be found on the Upgrading page in the documentation.

Fixed for 1.11.2

List bugfixes with a link to the Github issue.

  • Compressed AIPs break replication: Issue 1149
  • Responsive top menu on dashboard blocks view of content: Issue 1034
  • AM Dashboard does not implement Cross Site Request Forgery protection: Issue 1235

Archivematica 1.11.1

Original release notes.

Release date: 20 May 2020

This release fixes a critical security issue found in the Archivematica dashboard that allows unauthorized users to access some parts of the Administration tab.

This issue was discovered as a result of a security audit by Scholars Portal. It was not discovered as a result of a breach. Scholars Portal reported the issue to Artefactual privately via email. Once we became aware of the issue, we began to develop the fix. Artefactual has also implemented security reporting process documentation across Archivematica-related GitHub repositories and changed issue templates to reflect a more secure process. You can review Archivematica's security reporting process here:

Upgrading for 1.11.1

The fix can be easily installed since this issue only affects the dashboard.

CentOS users relying on Archivematica packages should run:

sudo yum -y update archivematica-dashboard
sudo systemctl restart archivematica-dashboard

Automated installations using Ansible should deploy from our stable branches: stable/1.9.x, stable/1.10.x or stable/1.11.x.

Alternately, a fix can be applied to the web server. The following configuration snippet shows an updated Nginx server block with the additional rule added.

server {
   listen 80;
   client_max_body_size 256M;
   server_name _;
   location / {
       set $upstream_endpoint http://archivematica-dashboard:8000;
       proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
       proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
       proxy_redirect off;
       proxy_buffering off;
       proxy_read_timeout 172800s;
       proxy_pass $upstream_endpoint;

   # Directive to block access to admin pages in
   # Archivematica v1.11.0 or older.
   location ~ ^/administration/accounts/login/.+$ {
       return 404;

After the fix has been applied, please be sure to update passwords and API keys:

  • Change the password and API key for the Storage Service user: -- In the Storage Service, change the password for the Storage Service user that the Archivematica dashboard uses. This will also regenerate the API key for the Storage Service user. -- In the Archivematica dashboard, under Administration > General, update the Storage Service user password and the API key to reflect the new password/key.
  • Change the password for AtoM/Binder DIP upload.
  • Review the PREMIS agent information to ensure that it is correct.

Note for 1.11.1

If you are upgrading from Archivematica 1.10.x or earlier, please be sure to clean up the completed transfers watched directory before upgrading. Instructions can be found on the Upgrading page in the documentation.

Fixed for 1.11.1

Archivematica 1.11 and Storage Service 0.16

Original release notes.

Release date: April 1, 2020

Environments for 1.11

Please see the installation instructions.

Archivematica 1.11 and Storage Service 0.16 have been tested in the following environments:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • CentOS 7 64-bit

For development purposes, most of our developers prefer to use Docker containers. These and all above environments are linked from the installation instructions above.

Note for 1.11

If you are upgrading from Archivematica 1.10.x or earlier, please be sure to clean up the completed transfers watched directory before upgrading. Instructions can be found on the Upgrading page in the documentation.

Added for 1.11

PREMIS Event import

This feature allows the import of PREMIS events which took place prior to processing in Archivematica. The PREMIS events are written in an xml format (see sample data) and placed in the metadata folder of a transfer. The PREMIS events are then written to the AIP METS file.

This work was sponsored by Piql and the Norwegian Health Archives. Thank you!

S3 as a transfer source

This allows an Amazon S3 space to be used as a transfer source location. This feature is a community PR from Wellcome Collection. Thank you!

Easier access to AIP METS

This feature add a "View METS" button in the user interface when viewing an AIP in Archival Storage. The METS file is then downloaded to your desktop for your viewing pleasure.

Zipped transfers

This is a new transfer type that enables a zipped (non-bagged) package to be a transfer. Similar to the zipped bag transfer, the name of the package is used as the transfer name. This is a community contribution by Wellcome Collection. Thank you!

Add package name as configurable value to call backs

When using AIP, AIC, and DIP store callbacks, the package_name is now a configurable value. This is a community contribution from Concordia University Libraries, who developed this to facilitate an EPrints to Archivematica workflow. Thank you!

Changed for 1.11

Performance and monitoring improvements

This is a collection of issues fixed that improve performance for processing at scale, and also enable performance monitoring through external applications such as Prometheus and Grafana.

These updates have been sponsored by Piql and the Norwegian Health Archives. Thank you!

Improvements for full disks

Managing workflows when various spaces on the disk fill up is a recognized pain point for Archivematica users. This project makes three overall changes to storage space reporting in Archivematica and the Storage Service in an effort to mitigate these issues:

  • Change the processing storage usage page to clarify storage paths/locations and improve usability
  • Improve the transfer source location and AIP storage location pages to clarify storage paths/locations and improve usability
  • Change Storage Service functionality to support the above changes.
  • Documentation: pending
  • Issues

Changes to default normalization for videos/images

Archivematica's default FPR normalization rules were creating in some cases very large video files for arguably no sound preservation reason. After discussion and community consultation, we have removed default video normalization rules. Users can still "opt in" to the rules but they are not enabled by default in new or upgraded installations. Any custom changes you have made to your own FPR will still be maintained after upgrade. We also removed default rules for preservation for PNG, JPG, GIF and DNG still images. For full details and affected formats, see this comment in the issue ticket.

Allow users to choose whether to receive fail report emails

Users can now be configured to either receive fail report emails or not (previously all users received the emails). This is a community contribution from Hillel Arnold at Rockefeller Archive Center- thank you!

Change name of sanitize names micro-service

Following reading a paper by Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez we decided to change the name of this micro-service and align it more with the Library of Congress events vocabulary. The micro-service now displays as "Change transfer filenames" and "Change SIP filenames" in the Transfer and Ingest tabs respectively.

Drop-down menu orders

In short, the order of options in drop down menus were all over the place and it was driving us nuts so we finally tried to put them in more logical orders.

Removed for 1.11


As discussed on the community forum the quarantine micro-service has been removed from Archivematica in this release.

"Add next" disk image transfer button

This button seemed redundant to the workflow so it's been removed.

Fixed for 1.11

And more! See for full list of issues addresses in the 1.11 release.

Upgraded tools and dependencies

Known issues

Please note that due to Issue 1149 the package replication functionality in the Storage Service does not work in this release. We anticipate fixing in the near future in a point release.

End of life dependencies

Python 2 has reached end of life. The Archivematica delivery team and a number of community contributors have been working on upgrading this dependency. This release merges all Python 3 code that was ready in advance of the release, while still supporting Python 2. Components which have been upgraded and/or tested using Python 3 include:

We will continue to work toward full Python 3 use in upcoming releases.

Archivematica 1.10.2

Original release notes.

Release date: 20 May 2020

This release fixes a critical security issue found in the Archivematica dashboard that allows unauthorized users to access some parts of the Administration tab.

This issue was discovered as a result of a security audit by Scholars Portal. It was not discovered as a result of a breach. Scholars Portal reported the issue to Artefactual privately via email. Once we became aware of the issue, we began to develop the fix. Artefactual has also implemented security reporting process documentation across Archivematica-related GitHub repositories and changed issue templates to reflect a more secure process. You can review Archivematica's security reporting process here:

Upgrading for 1.10.2

The fix can be easily installed since this issue only affects the dashboard.

CentOS users relying on Archivematica packages should run:

sudo yum -y update archivematica-dashboard
sudo systemctl restart archivematica-dashboard

Automated installations using Ansible should deploy from our stable branches: stable/1.9.x, stable/1.10.x or stable/1.11.x.

Alternately, a fix can be applied to the web server. The following configuration snippet shows an updated Nginx server block with the additional rule added.

server {
   listen 80;
   client_max_body_size 256M;
   server_name _;
   location / {
       set $upstream_endpoint http://archivematica-dashboard:8000;
       proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
       proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
       proxy_redirect off;
       proxy_buffering off;
       proxy_read_timeout 172800s;
       proxy_pass $upstream_endpoint;

   # Directive to block access to admin pages in
   # Archivematica v1.11.0 or older.
   location ~ ^/administration/accounts/login/.+$ {
       return 404;

After the fix has been applied, please be sure to update passwords and API keys:

  • Change the password and API key for the Storage Service user: -- In the Storage Service, change the password for the Storage Service user that the Archivematica dashboard uses. This will also regenerate the API key for the Storage Service user. -- In the Archivematica dashboard, under Administration > General, update the Storage Service user password and the API key to reflect the new password/key.
  • Change the password for AtoM/Binder DIP upload.
  • Review the PREMIS agent information to ensure that it is correct.

Fixed for 1.10.2

Archivematica 1.10.1 and Storage Service 0.15.1 release notes

Original release notes.

'''Release date: Oct 22 2019 '''

Fixed for 1.10.1

  • Job output isn't captured when task errors : Issue 873
  • EventIdentifier isn't written for Event: Name cleanup: Issue 890
  • Partial (and full) reingest removes mets:sourceMD from METS file: Issue 914
  • Refine storage service user configuration: Issue 948

Archivematica 1.10 and Storage Service 0.15

Original release notes.

Release date September 5, 2019

Supported environments for 1.10

Please see the installation instructions.

Archivematica 1.10 and Storage Service 0.15 are supported for production use in the following environments:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • CentOS 7 64-bit

For development purposes, most of our developers prefer to use Docker containers. These and all above supported environments are linked from the installation instructions above.

Added for 1.10

Information Packaging (Backlog) Workflow Enhancements

Simon Fraser University has sponsored a development project to improve the ability to store Transfers for a long period of time. The goal is to improve the metadata quality of Transfers to reduce the risk of storing them for a long period of time in a backlog. As a result of this project:

"Vintage" AIP handling

AIPS created in Archivematica prior to version 1.0 can't currently be re-ingested in more recent versions (due to namespace collisions with the use of PREMIS 2.1).

This change will make it possible to reingest these older AIPS into Archivematica. This work is sponsored by the City of Vancouver Archives.

LDAP support for Storage Service

The Archivematica Storage Service now supports LDAP integration. This was sponsored by Piql for the Norwegian Health Archives.

External PID declaration

This feature, sponsored by the International Institute of Social History, allows users to include identifiers minted outside of Archivematica in their transfer and written to the premis:object metadata in the AIP METS file. This is done via an identifiers.json file included in the transfer.

Avalon Integration

Archivematica 1.10 has added the ability to integrate with Avalon Media System through the automation tools. This was sponsored by Northwestern University and Indiana University through IMLS funding. The feature allows users to prepare and store a DIP appropriate for upload the Avalon, and then have the automation tools send it to Avalon for ingest into that system.

Include AIP UUID in bag-info.txt

This change adds the UUID of the AIP to the External-Identifier field of the bag-info.txt file. This change is a community contribution by Helen Sherwood-Taylor (Wellcome Collection)- thank you!

Allow designation of ArchivesSpace repository using DSpace REST location

This feature allows designation of more than one ArchivesSpace repository by enabling it via the DSpace REST location rather than through the configuration in the Storage Service. This was a community contribution by Hrafn Malmquist (University of Edinburgh)- thank you!

Changed for 1.10


As a result of the vintage AIP work described above, we have upgraded the AIP METS file to use PREMIS 3 exclusively. In previous versions it had a mix of versions 2 and 3.

API endpoint for manifest validation (beta)

As part of the Avalon integration described above, we added an endpoint that can be called to validate a manifest. While this is currently only implemented for the Avalon manifest, it could for example be extended in the future for metadata.csv validation and similar.

Extended service callbacks

This change allows the creation of callbacks for AIP, AIC, and DIP storage events. This was done in service to integration with SCOPE, a DIP access platform in use by the Canadian Centre for Architecture, but is widely applicable to other use cases.

Storage Service packages tab tidy-up

This change was the result of a reported bug for the Storage Service packages tab timing out- we addressed that issue but also tidied up the tab to make it more generally usable. See the issue for discussion of changes.

Code formatting to be handled by black

The developer team has decided to use a code formatting tool (black) to make formatting more consistent. Pull requests to Archivematica are now checked with a linter to ensure consistency with black.

Additions and improvements to the AMAUATs

The AMAUATs are the Archivematica Automated User Acceptance Tests. Thanks to sponsorship by Wellcome Collection we have greatly expanded the number of automated tests that run and made most of them "black box" tests that run via the API- this means they are more robust than tests that rely on the user interface, which can break anytime the user interface changes in some way. In addition to these improvements, to aid in the release process we have made the AMAUATs have versions that go along with the Archivematica version being released. Please see the AMAUAT repo for more information:

Fixed for 1.10

And more! For a complete list of fixes and changes please see:

Upgraded tools and dependencies for 1.10

Deprecated for 1.10

Issue 174 As of Archivematica 1.10, Archivist's Toolkit integration has been removed. Please see this announcement for more details.

Archivematica 1.9.3

Original release notes.

Release date: 20 May 2020

This release fixes a critical security issue found in the Archivematica dashboard that allows unauthorized users to access some parts of the Administration tab.

This issue was discovered as a result of a security audit by Scholars Portal. It was not discovered as a result of a breach. Scholars Portal reported the issue to Artefactual privately via email. Once we became aware of the issue, we began to develop the fix. Artefactual has also implemented security reporting process documentation across Archivematica-related GitHub repositories and changed issue templates to reflect a more secure process. You can review Archivematica's security reporting process here:

Upgrading for 1.9.3

The fix can be easily installed since this issue only affects the dashboard.

CentOS users relying on Archivematica packages should run:

sudo yum -y update archivematica-dashboard
sudo systemctl restart archivematica-dashboard

Automated installations using Ansible should deploy from our stable branches: stable/1.9.x, stable/1.10.x or stable/1.11.x.

Alternately, a fix can be applied to the web server. The following configuration snippet shows an updated Nginx server block with the additional rule added.

server {
   listen 80;
   client_max_body_size 256M;
   server_name _;
   location / {
       set $upstream_endpoint http://archivematica-dashboard:8000;
       proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
       proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
       proxy_redirect off;
       proxy_buffering off;
       proxy_read_timeout 172800s;
       proxy_pass $upstream_endpoint;

   # Directive to block access to admin pages in
   # Archivematica v1.11.0 or older.
   location ~ ^/administration/accounts/login/.+$ {
       return 404;

After the fix has been applied, please be sure to update passwords and API keys:

  • Change the password and API key for the Storage Service user: -- In the Storage Service, change the password for the Storage Service user that the Archivematica dashboard uses. This will also regenerate the API key for the Storage Service user. -- In the Archivematica dashboard, under Administration > General, update the Storage Service user password and the API key to reflect the new password/key.
  • Change the password for AtoM/Binder DIP upload.
  • Review the PREMIS agent information to ensure that it is correct.

Fixed for 1.9.3

Archivematica 1.9.2 release notes

Original release notes.

'''Release date: Friday June 28, 2019 '''

For more information about Archivematica 1.9.x, please see the release notes for Archivematica 1.9.0.

Upgrading for 1.9.2

If you are upgrading from 1.9.0 to 1.9.2, please ensure that you run the following command:

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/aips,aipfiles,transfers,transferfiles/_settings' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"index.mapping.total_fields.limit": 10000, "index.mapping.depth.limit": 1000 }'

This is not required for upgrading from 1.8.x to 1.9.2.

For more information on upgrading, see Upgrading Archivematica in the documentation.

Fixed for 1.9.2

  • Index AIP errors due to asynchronous processing: Issue 425
  • Error trying to connect to MCP server: Issue 624

Archivematica 1.9.1 and Storage Service 0.14.1 release notes

Original release notes.

Release date: April 11, 2019

For more information about Archivematica 1.9.x, please see the release notes for Archivematica 1.9.0.

Upgrading for 1.9.1

If you are upgrading from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1, please ensure that you run the following command:

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/aips,aipfiles,transfers,transferfiles/_settings' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"index.mapping.total_fields.limit": 10000, "index.mapping.depth.limit": 1000 }'

This is not required for upgrading from 1.8.x to 1.9.1.

For more information on upgrading, see Upgrading Archivematica in the documentation.

Fixed for 1.9.1

  • Error in rebuilding elasticsearch AIP index: Issue 595
  • AIP index error: Limit of total fields [1000] in index [aips] has been exceeded: Issue 608
  • Cannot approve DSpace file-only transfers: Issue 468
  • Can't build Docker files: Issue 617
  • Pointer files are not being saved when Storage Service is on a different VM: Issue 599
  • indexAIP task fails when using S3 aipstore: Issue 559. -- Note: this issue was also found to occur when the Storage Service and dashboard were deployed on different VMs. The fix addresses both situations.
  • Reingest failing on 1.9.1: Issue 594

Archivematica 1.9 and Storage Service 0.14 release notes

Original release notes.

Release date: March 6, 2019

Supported environments for 1.9

Please see the installation instructions.

Archivematica 1.9 and Storage Service 0.14 are supported for production use in the following environments:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • CentOS 7 64-bit

For development purposes, most of our developers prefer to use Docker containers. These and all above supported environments are linked from the installation instructions above.

Added for 1.9

AIP Migration

This feature creates a new endpoint for the storage service API. It will allow a client to make a request to the API to move an AIP from one storage location to another storage location (of the same type). The storage service is aware of the move so there is no need to re-index (compared to moving AIPs manually).

The primary issue for this change is archivematica/Issues: Issue #71

This work was sponsored by the Museum of Modern Art. Thank you!

Stored DIP deletion

This enhancement adds a new option to delete a DIP to the storage service user interface.

This change is described by artefactual/archivematica-storage-service: Issue #319

For documentation, see Packages in the Storage Service docs.

This work was sponsored by Simon Fraser University Archives. Thank you!

Changed for 1.9

Increased internationalization

Archivematica 1.7 included user interface translation support (see PR 506). This work covered a majority of the user interface but did not include the text describing jobs executed as part of the microservices. Those text descriptions are held in the application database making it difficult to maintain multiple translations.

This change moves these text descriptions out of the database and into JSON files. This makes it much easier to add new translations and maintain them over time.

Please note that while we transition to a new platform for translation we are currently not accepting any newly translated strings for Archivematica. For more info please see the notification on the Archivematica Google Group.

This enhancement is described by artefactual/archivematica Issue 1101.

This work was sponsored in part by the Canadian Council of Archives. Thank you!

Backend FPR changes

The Django app for the FPR was difficult to maintain so it has been moved to the dashboard.

Issues: Issue #181 and Issue #213

File identification changes

To address an issue with file identification we have implemented a change in how file identification tools are chosen in this release. Users now enable their chosen command (Fido, Siegfried or file extension) in Preservation Planning, and the processing configuration decision in the dashboard is now a simple Yes/No on whether or not to identify the files. This brings file identification more in line with other FPR rules and processing configuration decisions.

Instructions on how to change the identification command in the FPR are available in the Identification section of the Preservation Planning documentation.

Please note - if you have the file identification decision point set in your processing configuration, you need to reset it to "Yes" or "No" as it will default to "None" after upgrade.

Fixed for 1.9

  • Dataverse- Can't answer 'yes' to 'Delete Packages After Extraction': Issue 269
  • Dataverse- Multiple authors not captured in Dataverse METS: Issue 278
  • Logged-in user not being captured as PREMIS agent Issue 529
  • html lang attribute always reads 'en' (English): Issue 297
  • Dashboard API returns 500 error when unit status cannot be determined: Issue 216
  • Errors in start_transfer API request do not return useful JSON responses Issue 354 -community contribution by Hillel Arnold- thank you!
  • Pressing "Return" keyboard button in Archival Storage search sends previously used term as search input Issue 271
  • AIP store fails if PREMIS agent name has accented characters Issue 260
  • pip problems when deploying SS with ansible Issue 455
  • Dashboard can't connect to MCPServer after a period of inactivity Issue 464
  • Manually normalized preservation derivatives cannot be validated Issue 331
  • AIC number added via form in Transfer tab does not get saved Issue 311
  • Restructure DIP for CONTENTdm fails Issue 333
  • AIP storage locations not correctly shown in "Job: Store AIP location" Issue 456
  • Dashboard status API can return status 'PROCESSING' for completed SIPs Issue 262
  • Cannot connect to ArchivesSpace with non-standard connection details Issue 409

And more! Please see the 1.9 milestone in Github for a complete list of fixes in this release.

Upgraded tools and dependencies for 1.9

  • Elasticsearch has been upgraded from version 1.x to version 6.x. This should improve performance and ease security concerns with the previous version of Elasticsearch. If you are upgrading Archivematica from a previous version, please be sure to follow the upgrade instructions in the documentation.

Archivematica 1.8.1 release notes

Original release notes.

Release date: January 10th 2019

This point release addresses a couple of bugs in the 1.8 release. Note that these fixes are only relevant under one of two circumstances: if you have upgraded from 1.7.x or earlier to 1.8, or if your installation uses RPMs.

Supported environments for 1.8.1

There are no changes to supported environments in this release.

Please continue to follow the installation instructions here.

Fixed for 1.8.1

Archivematica 1.8 and Storage Service 0.13

Original release notes.

Release date: Nov 20th 2018

Supported environments for 1.8

Please see installation instructions link here.

Archivematica 1.8 and Storage Service 0.13 are supported for production use in the following environments:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit Server Edition
  • CentOS 7 64-bit

For development purposes, most of our developers prefer to use Docker containers. These and all above supported environments are linked from the installation instructions above.

Added for 1.8

Dataverse integration

Archivematica can now be configured to use a Dataverse research data repository as a transfer source location. Dataverse transfer source locations can be configured to display all available datasets or a subset of them. Datasets are retrieved directly using the Dataverse API and processed using a new "Dataverse" transfer type. New Dataverse specific processing includes:

  • fixity checking using checksums generated by dataverse
  • retrieval of derivative and metadata files associated with tabular data files
  • creation of a Dataverse METS file describing the dataset as retrieved from Dataverse
  • Dataverse metadata included in the AIP METS

Some advanced or more complex use cases are not fully supported, such as handling of datasets with restricted files, versioning of datasets and reingest of datasets. For a full list of known issues and enhancement ideas, refer to the Archivematica issues repository using Dataverse label and the Archivematica-Dataverse Integration Project Wiki.

This work was sponsored by Scholars Portal, a service of the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL). Thank you!

Public URL

Archivematica now has a concept of a public URL in the general configuration. Archivematica usually registers itself with the Storage Service, but if you have deployed Archivematica in an environment where the URL or IP address changes frequently (i.e. in some Docker environments) this can cause issues. In these types of environments, users can now declare a stable public URL that Archivematica can use to register with the Storage Service.

This work was sponsored by Jisc. Thank you!

Package storage in DSpace via its REST API

Since Archivematica 1.6 it's been possible to store AIPs in DSpace, but they have been stored via SWORD. Some users have the need/desire to store packages in DSpace via the REST API. This is now possible in Storage Service 0.13.

This work was undertaken by Hrafn Malmquist at University of Edinburgh, with assistance from developers at Artefactual Systems. Thank you!

Changed for 1.8

Enhancements or major fixes.

Automatic approval of transfers

It is no longer necessary to approve transfers started in the user interface. By default, a checkbox is ticked for the transfer to automatically be approved- users may uncheck the box and approve their transfers manually if desired.

This enhancement was sponsored by Jisc. Thank you!

Streamline checksum verification

This enhancement de-duplicates checksum verification in Archivematica, which helps to improve the performance of Archivematica in processing large transfers (many files and/or large files). This enhancement includes three changes:

  • Remove the "Verify checksums generated on ingest" micro-service
  • Enhance the "Verify AIP" micro-service to bulk query the database for transfer-generated checksums and then verify that they match what is documented in the bag-generated manifest-.txt.
  • Have "Verify AIP" create an AIP-level "fixity check" PREMIS:EVENT that it can pass to the Storage Service, which will document this verification in the pointer file.

This should not impact regular workflows, but it is worth noting that there is no AIP-level fixity check PREMIS event for uncompressed AIPs, which don't have pointer files. For uncompressed AIPs, there are still object-level fixity events in place. Note that there is an issue in the Archivematica Issues repository regarding this note - Problem: uncompressed AIPs need pointer files #32

This work was sponsored by Columbia University Library. Thank you!

Indexing can be enabled/disabled for Transfers and/or Archival Storage

Previously, the ElasticSearch index feature could be disabled globally as a scalability measure since indexing consumes a lot of resources. However, this also disabled Backlog and Appraisal features (which also uses indexing) and which some users still wanted to access. As of release 1.8, Archivematica can be deployed to run with indexing enabled just for Transfers (Backlog and Appraisal enabled), just for Archival Storage (Backlog and Appraisal disabled), for both indexes, or for none.

Configure email settings

This change improves the ways that the email client in Archivematica can be configured, including allowing an administrator to set the sender email address for emails sent by Archivematica (i.e. normalization reports, failure reports) to comply with local IT requirements.

This work was sponsored by Jisc. Thank you!

Download processing configuration and reset to default

Previous versions of Archivematica introduced the ability to add custom processing configurations, but users had to retrieve the custom configuration file via the command line to use it. There is now a download button on Administration > Processing configuration so that you can download the processing config from the user interface.

You can also reset a processing configuration to the installation pre-set by clicking on the new reset button on Administration > Processing configuration.

The documentation for using a custom processing configuration has also been updated.

This work was sponsored by Jisc. Thank you!

MCP batching for scalability & performance

This feature refactors how tasks are scheduled, executed & managed within Archivematica, by grouping tasks into batches. It introduces processing efficiencies that significantly decrease the processing power and time required to complete Transfer and Ingest. It includes new configuration options to further optimize processing efficiency for particular types of Transfers (e.g. few large files vs. many small files) and for different deployment patterns (e.g. installing components across multiple machines).

This work was sponsored by Jisc. Thank you!

Binder integration improvements

Archivematica has had an integration with Binder for several years. Binder is an open-source web application for managing time-based media and born-digital artworks. Binder depends on integration with both Archivematica and TMS (The Museum System).

Since Binder is built off of AtoM, much of the integration configuration was repurposed from the AtoM integration. Archivematica 1.8 makes it explicit, for example, that the job "DIP Upload to AtoM" is actually "DIP Upload to AtoM/Binder". In the Administration tab, the configuration section for AtoM has also been renamed to include Binder.

Enhancing the Binder integration itself, Archivematica's transfer tab now includes an "Access system ID" box. This allows users to pre-populate an access system ID for AtoM or Binder, so that DIPs can be automatically uploaded without having to stop at the Upload DIP microservice. Users can still use the Upload DIP popup if desired.

Finally, we've added documentation on using Binder with Archivematica.

This work was sponsored by Tate. Thank you!


First added in 1.7, translations in Archivematica are growing! In this release, we've pulled in translations for, the documentation, the FPR, the Storage Service, and the Archivematica interface. The biggest part that is still missing is the Archivematica's workflow engine - that is, all of the microservice and job names in the interface. We are planning to include workflow translations in 1.9.

Thanks to our wonderful community of translators on Transifex, Archivematica resources can now be translated from English into French, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Swedish. Note that the completeness of each language for each resource depends on volunteer contributions in Transifex.

This work was originally sponsored by the Canadian Council on Archives through a DHCP (Documentary Heritage Community Programs) grant. Thank you!

File format identification updates

Archivematica 1.8 is now up to date with PRONOM v.94! For more information on new data added to PRONOM, check the PRONOM release notes.

This work was sponsored by the Denver Art Museum. Thank you!

Thumbnail normalization changes

It is now easier to configure whether or not, and how, thumbnails are created. In the processing configuration, users can choose between yes, normalize for thumbnails, no, do not normalize for thumbnails, or yes, do so but only if there is a default rule in place. For users who do not need thumbnails this could make their processing faster.

This work was sponsored by Columbia University Library. Thank you!

Fixed for 1.8

Upgraded tools and dependencies for 1.8

  • Fido has been upgraded to version 1.3.12
  • Siegfried has been upgraded to version 1.7.10
  • FITS has been upgraded to version 1.1.0
  • gunicorn has been upgraded to version 19.9.0

End of life dependencies for 1.8

Archivists' Toolkit integration

Archivists' Toolkit has been deprecated since 2013. The Archivists' Toolkit DIP upload feature has not had active development or testing since then. There are no plans to start testing or to fix any problems with the feature. As a result, there is a proposal deprecate this feature in Archivematica 1.9. Community response is welcome via a comment on the issue in GitHub.

Known issues for 1.8

  • There is a bug preventing the CONTENTdm workflow in this release. There will be a patch available with a fix.

Archivematica 1.7.2 release notes

Original release notes

Released: September 12, 2018.

New in 1.7.2

Support for Ubuntu 18.04 - Issue 119

Note: Ubuntu 18.04 is considered experimental for this release. We anticipate it being fully supported in version 1.8.

Archivematica 1.7.2 will be the last release supported on Ubuntu 14.04.

Fixed for 1.7.2

Storage Service 0.12 release notes

Original release notes

Released September 12, 2018.

New in 0.12

Asynchronous processing

Sponsored by Jisc

This is a performance enhancement that decreases the possibility of timeouts by moving packages asynchronously.

Support for S3 Storage

Sponsored by Jisc

Amazon S3 storage is now supported for AIP storage location.

Changed for 0.12

Move files directly

Sponsored by Columbia University Library

This is an efficiency enhancement: files are now moved in one step instead of two if both locations are local. Previously, the Storage Service always moved files in two moves.

Fixed for 0.12

  • Cannot store compressed AIP in non-local file systems Issue 145
  • Implement new style of Python classes Issue 332
  • Allow lower case input in aip reingest API Issue 325
  • Pointer file creation causes unnecessary move operation Issue 365
  • Locations can't be created via the API Issue 367
  • SWORD API points can't be called in certain configurations Issue 312

Archivematica 1.7.1 release notes

Original release notes

Changes for 1.7.1

This point release incorporates performance improvement development work sponsored by Columbia University Library.

Changes to MCPClient and MCPServer

In order to improve Archivematica's performance (processing time), MCPClient can now be configured to stop sending tool output through the job scheduler and MCPServer can now be configured to require only the return code from client tasks

This work was sponsored by Columbia University Library. Thank you!

Storage Servivce 0.11.1 Release Notes

Original release notes

Fixed for 1.7.1

Archivematica 1.7 and Storage Service 0.11 Release Notes

Original release notes

Released May 1, 2018.

Archivematica 1.7/Storage Service 0.11 has several new features, as well as enhancements to existing features, bug fixes and updated tools. Below you'll find a short description of each feature as well as links to the relevant documentation and code changes. Thank you to everyone who has sponsored the work that is included in this release - your dedication to making Archivematica better is appreciated by the whole community!

This release also includes several bugfixes, especially related to packaging. We've also been concentrating on improving the overall Archivematica documentation.

Supported environments for 1.7

Installation instructions are available here.

Archivematica can be installed using packages or Ansible scripts in either CentOS/Red Hat or Ubuntu environments. It can also be installed using Docker. At this time, installation instructions are provided for officially tested and supported installation environments:

Manual install of OS packages on Ubuntu (14.04 and 16.04) is documented but not officially supported.

Installing Archivematica using Docker is not officially supported for production deployments. However, it is the preferred development environment for those who work on Archivematica's code.

If you are upgrading from a previous version of Archivematica, please see the upgrading instructions.

Added for 1.7


Translation hooks have been added to the Archivematica user interface, the Storage Service, the documentation, and the Archivematica website. This work will support the translation of those resources into many languages through Artefactual's current localization platform, Transifex. Note that translation hooks for Archivematica workflow components (microservice names, job names, and drop-down options) will be added in Archivematica 1.8.

This work was sponsored by the Canadian Council of Archives. Thank you!

NOTE: this work prepares Archivematica for localization; however, minimal translation has been completed. The interface will default to English at the present time, but can be changed to another language in the Settings menu.

AIP encryption

This feature allows users to connect their Archivematica pipeline to GPG-encrypted AIP Storage and Transfer Backlog spaces. AIPs and transfers in backlog can also be encrypted. An AIP or transfer stored in an encrypted location is encrypted at rest; when downloaded, an encrypted AIP is decrypted for use.

This work was sponsored by the Simon Fraser University Archives. Thank you!

Note that there is an open issue with storing uncompressed AIPs encrypted.

Shibboleth and LDAP integration

Archivematica and the Storage Service can now be deployed to use LDAP or Shibboleth authentication.

This work was sponsored by Jisc, MoMA, and the International Institute of Social History - a truly international effort. Thank you!

MediaConch integration

This integration allows users to use MediaConch to check the conformance of .mkv files (originals and derivatives) against the Matroska specification. It also checks the validity of media files against user-provided policies.

This work was sponsored by the PREFORMA Project. Thank you!

Handle Server integration

Using this feature, Archivematica can be configured to make requests to a Handle System HTTP API so that files, directories and entire AIPs can be assigned persistent identifiers (PIDs) and derived persistent URLs (PURLs) in the METS file. This work was sponsored by the International Institute of Social History. Thank you!

Assign UUIDs to directories and empty directories

Related to Handle Server Integration, above, this feature gives users the options of assigning UUIDs to directories and/or empty directories within the AIP METS file. This adds two new microservices: Assign UUIDs to directories and Document Empty directories. You may assign UUIDs to directories and document empty directories even if you do not have a handle server configured and are not binding PIDs. This work was sponsored by the International Institute of Social History. Thank you!

Indexless Archivematica

This feature supports deployment of Archivematica in indexless mode, disabling ElasticSearch. This means that users that don't require Archivematica's indexing features can save the compute resources required for what can be an intensive task. Note that disabling the Elasticsearch index means you cannot make use of the Backlog, Appraisal, or Archival Storage tabs.

This work was sponsored by the Columbia University Libraries. Thank you!


A README file in html format has been added to the AIP containing a brief explanation of what the AIP is, how it was created and how it is structured. See the contents of the README here. This feature was sponsored by the Denver Art Museum. Thank you!

File modification dates

This feature adds a Store file modification job to the Characterize and Extract metadata microservice and adds the metadata to the Elasticsearch index. This allows users to view the last modified date of the files in the Appraisal tab. This feature was sponsored by the Bentley Historical Library at University of Michigan. Thank you!

Changed for 1.7

Anti-virus changes

What has changed:

Antivirus (AV) scanning using ClamAV can now be configured up to its maximum thresholds (previously Archivematica was limited to ClamAV's default limits, around 25MB). It was discovered that installing with the default limit would result in false-positive PREMIS events indicating that files over 25 MB had been scanned. In these instances, there is still a possibility that a malicious payload existed, albeit a small chance because viruses are typically attached to smaller files which are intended to be sent via email. Archivematica will no longer record a PREMIS event where either a file cannot be scanned due to the antivirus limits, or some other reason that might suggest that AV scanning has not completed successfully. Please see the Archivematica 1.7 documentation on the effects of different configuration settings. Currently ClamAV has an upward limit of 2 GB per file which in the Archivematica 1.7 release is configured as the default.

What does this mean?

If you are concerned about AIPs created pre-Archivematica 1.7 containing viruses, you can use AIP reingest to re-run antivirus. However, in the majority of cases this will not be necessary. Factors to consider include:

  • what is the source of the material? Do you have reason to mistrust this source?
  • what were the transfer protocols before the material was ingested by Archivematica? Did anitvirus scanning occur with another tool during that process?
  • does your current storage system include periodic enterprise-wide virus scanning?

Archivematica decoupled from the FPR server

The FPR was originally created to manage preservation plans, i.e. business rules and tool commands for format-based preservation events. The FPR server's purpose has been to house the default rules and commands while allowing institutions to make local alterations as desired.

Going forward, we have made the decision to remove Archivematica's dependency on the FPR server for the following reasons:

  • The FPR rules on the FPR server are out of date. When new rules are added to the Preservation Planning tab in Archivematica, they aren't always being copied back to the FPR server.
  • Currently, new Archivematica installations ping the FPR server, which records the IP address of the remote server. This data capture isn't useful and it isn't necessary.

Removing the FPR server as a dependency should not impact how Archivematica is being used previous to 1.7.

The longer-term goal is to build a new FPR server, one that is completely decoupled from Archivematica, which would serve up format policy data to other applications using an open API. We would propose that this future registry should not rely on a single vendor for maintenance.

Pull requests: PR 971

DIP upload and storage workflow improvements

This work clarifies the sequence of the Upload DIP and Store DIP jobs on the Ingest tab. The processing configuration settings have also been updated so that almost every decision point can be automated (the exception is Upload DIP, which requires data entry).

This work was sponsored by MoMA, the MIT Libraries, and the University of York. Thank you!

Dashboard API whitelist mechanism

Two changes have been made to the API whitelist functionality:

  • The default API whitelist setting is now empty.
  • If the API whitelist setting is empty the user can still authenticate against the API using the key. The whitelist is only activated when at least one IP address is listed.

Default processing configuration

As a result of several features in this release, the processing configuration options have changed substantially, growing from 19 configurable decision points to 27. The new decision points include:

  • Assign UUIDs to directories (related to Handle Server integration)
  • Perform policy checks on originals (related to MediaConch integration)
  • Perform policy checks on preservation derivatives (related to MediaConch integration)
  • Perform policy checks on access derivatives (related to MediaConch integration)
  • Bind PIDs (related to Handle Server integration)
  • Document empty directories (related to Handle Server integration)
  • Upload DIP (related to DIP upload and storage workflow improvements)
  • Store DIP (related to DIP upload and storage workflow improvements)

We've also changed the default configuration, leaving more decision points set at "None", which will prompt the user to make a manual decision as a transfer is being moved through the Archivematica workflow. The purpose of these changes is to enable better testing - we think it's important that users see as many decision points in real time as possible while they are testing the system

We've also set the compression level to 1 - fastest mode, which also facilitates testing as it wraps up AIP and DIP storage more quickly; however, it does mean that packages will not be as compressed as they could be. If you have limited space on your test machine, we recommend either deleting packages on a regular basis or changing the compression level to a higher number so that packages are smaller.

Note that changes to the default configuration should not override your local configuration during an upgrade or migration.

Miscellaneous changes

Fixed for 1.7

Upgraded tools and dependencies for 1.7

  • PRONOM updated to version 92
  • METS updated to version 1.11
  • Fido updated to 1.3.7
  • METS reader-writer updated to 0.2.0
  • AgentArchives updated to 0.3.0
  • Siegfried updated to 1.6.7

End of life dependencies for 1.7

Several dependencies in Archivematica have reached end of life and resources did not allow for updates in 1.7. In future releases we will address these dependencies:

  • Django 1.8
  • Elasticsearch 1.7
  • Percona 5.5

To mitigate risks related with using these dependencies you might consider:

  • Installing Archivematica behind a firewall
  • Using Archivematica without Elasticsearch (turn indexing off)

Archivematica 1.6.1 release notes

Original release notes.

Primarily a bugfix release - August 1st, 2017.

This is the first Archivematica release to provide packages for Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial). Support for xenial is considered beta. Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) and CentOS 7.x are also supported.

Tool Updates

  • Support for PRONOM 90
  • siegfried updated to version 1.7.3
  • FIDO updated to version 1.3.6
  • ffmpeg updated to version 3.3.2 (Ubuntu only)

Archivematica 1.6.1

  • Sponsored (Rockefeller Archive Center) Object Level Premis Rights Import -PR575 Docs

  • Sponsored (Canadian Centre for Architecture) Update METS to encode in UTF-8 instead of ASCII - Issue #11163 PR541

  • Sponsored (Canadian Centre for Architecture) Increase Elasticsearch timeout limit - Issue #11294 PR556

  • Sponsored (University of Saskatchewan Library) Allow UTF8-encoded transfer directory names - Issue #10712 PR520

  • Contributed (Dallas Pillen) Use display_title instead of title for sip_name in Appraisal tab -PR158

  • Contributed (Dallas Pillen) Use display_string instead of title for digital object title with ArchivesSpace integration -PR41

  • Support for PRONOM 89 and 90

    - Issue #10982 PR660

  • Fix upgrades when FPR Rules have been customised - FPR Admin Issue #46 PR609

  • ArchivesSpace: Don't special case first note when editing a record -PR40

  • Set filepath for zip files correctly when starting transfer -#11224 PR626

  • Change date format in -PR629

Archivematica Storage Service 0.10.1

  • Sponsored (University of British Columbia Library) Improvements to editing pipelines -PR194
  • Sponsored (City of Vancouver Archives) Correctly update pointer files when reingesting uncompressed AIP's PR203 PR214
  • Update Bagit-python to version 1.5.4 PR207

Archivematica 1.6 release notes

Original release notes.

We are dedicating the Archivematica 1.6 release to the memory of Nancy Deromedi. Many of our users will know that a major defining feature of this release is the new Appraisal and Arrangement tab. This idea was conceived and sponsored by the Bentley Historical Library at the University of Michigan, under the leadership of Nancy Deromedi. Sadly, her life was cut short by cancer before the project was completed. From Michael Shallcross, Bentley Historical Library:

"Nancy Deromedi was a leader in the field of digital preservation at the University of Michigan's Bentley Historical Library from 1997 until her untimely passing in 2014. Always eager to explore new ideas and strategies, she inspired her colleagues to innovate, take risks, and embrace emerging technologies. The success of the Bentley's "ArchivesSpace-Archivematica-DSpace Workflow Integration" project (funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation) is very much a tribute to her vision, generosity of spirit, and constant drive to find better and more efficient solutions to preserve and provide access to digital archives."

Archivematica 1.6

New features/enhancements

  • Sponsored (Bentley Historical Library University of Michigan) Appraisal/Arrangement tab -- | #10555] -- New tab to facilitate analysis of transfer contents and arrangement of SIPs. Includes: --- Visualization of transfer contents (number/size of files, file types, extensions) --- Bulk Extractor report analysis (in tabular format) --- Tagging content as an "aide memoire" during processing
  • Sponsored (Bentley Historical Library University of Michigan) ArchivesSpace integration in Appraisal tab -- | #10556] --- This integration with ArchivesSpace will include pulling accession record and rights information from ArchivesSpace to facilitate arrangement of SIPs, as well as sending SIP metadata from Archivematica to ArchivesSpace to update or create digital objects and digital object components.
  • Sponsored (Simon Fraser University Archives) Improvements to transfer backlog management -- | #10551] --- Ability to search transfers from archival storage tab --- Ability to download copies of transfers or selected files from archival storage tab --- Ability to perform transfer deletion requests from archival storage tab
  • Sponsored (Zuse Institute Berlin) Full AIP re-ingest and AIP re-ingest improvements -- | #10563] --- Able to send an AIP back to the beginning of the transfer tab to re-run all major preservation micro-services --- Re-normalize for the purpose of preservation and update the AIP and version the METS file --- Improved handling of updated metadata --- Ability to define a different processing configuration for re-ingest
  • Sponsored (Simon Fraser University Archives) DIP upload to AtoM improvements - -- | #9752] --- Add AtoM REST API endpoints to GET archival hierarchy and PUT archival description --- Add Archivematica REST API calls to AtoM endpoints to GET archival hierarchy and PUT archival description ---- Use the above to upload AIP metadata to AtoM descriptions, without creating DIP objects
  • Sponsored (University of York/University of Hull) Support for multiple checksum algorithms -- | #10052]
  • Sponsored (City of Vancouver Archives) Emailed normalization error report - -- | #10146]
  • Sponsored (Simon Fraser University Archives) AIP view page that incorporates AIP download, reingest, deletion requests and metadata-upload to AtoM

New and upgraded tools/dependencies

  • Sponsored (Bentley Historical Library) Bootstrap upgrade which has changed the transfer browser and SIP arrange interfaces

Storage Service 0.10.0

  • Sponsored (Simon Fraser University Archives) Fixity checking and reporting -- Modify Storage Service to record time and results of fixity checks
  • Sponsored (University of York/University of Hull) Support for re-ingesting uncompressed AIPs
  • Sponsored (Museum of Modern Art New York) Support for fixity check result "None"
  • Add version page to the Storage Service

New and upgraded tools/dependencies in 1.6

  • Siegfried: updated to 1.6.7
  • Fido: updated to 1.3.5
  • Django: updated to 1.8
  • Django-tastypie to 0.13.2
  • agentarchives 0.3.0
  • gearman 2.0.2
  • METS reader-writer 0.1.0
  • mysqlclient 1.3.7 (Dashboard only)
  • Python-dateutil 2.4.2
  • lxml 3.5.0
  • Bootstrap 3.0.0
  • Bagit 1.5.2
  • unidecode 0.04.19
  • Django-mysqlpool 0.1-9
  • PRONOM v.88

Bug fixes for 1.6

Please see bug fixes here

Archivematica 1.5.1 Release Notes

Original release notes.

Packaging and bug fix release - September 6, 2016

Archivematica 1.5.1

  • Archivematica and Storage Service packaged for CentOS #10129
  • Fixed error caused by files with diacritics #10155
  • Fixed incorrect file count caused by AIP reingest #10022
  • Fixed AtoM integration error (fetching levels of description) #10126

Storage Service 0.9.0

  • Sponsored (MoMA) Changes to support Arkivum integration -- Enhanced download from Arkivum #9840
  • Sponsored (JISC) Automated DIP generation -- Relate packages to one another #10081
  • Fixed metadata-only AIP reingest error that caused AIP size to be recorded incorrectly #10030
  • Backend support for Dataverse, for a future release of Archivematica

Archivematica 1.5.0

Original release notes.

  • Sponsored (Rockefeller Archive Center) ArchivesSpace integration -- Send DIP object metadata to ArchivesSpace
  • Sponsored (Zuse Institute) AIP DC and Rights MD Re-ingest Full AIP re-ingest requirements -- Sponsored supports AIP versioning (METS file updates) #1564 -- Sponsored generate DIP from AIP after processing is complete -Issue #1843 -- does not support re-normalization -- note that this work is only part of the entire AIP re-ingest feature, the rest is not yet sponsored
  • Sponsored (National Library of Wales) #8678 -- Sponsored Add levels of description to Submission Information Packages using AtoM REST endpoint to enforce controlled vocabulary -- Sponsored Generate hierarchical structMap in Archival Information Package METS file -- This development is concurrent with AtoM development including the following: generate hierarchical arrangement based on METS structMap, map levels of description in hierarchical METS structMap to Level of description element in AtoM information object, and display hierarchical arrangement in AtoM treeview
  • Sponsored (MIT Libraries) Revision to DIP storage procedures -- This revision to the DIP storage feature will allow users to store a DIP after it (or its metadata) has been sent to the Access system. See DIP storage to designated location#Revision for version 1.5
  • Backend - Not user-facing -- Update Django to 1.7

Storage Service 0.8.0

  • Sponsored (Zuse Institut) Changes to support AIP re-ingest
  • Unicode/METS fix Pull Request 38
  • Update Django to version 1.8

Archivematica 1.4.1 Release Notes

Original release notes.

Bug fix release, June 24, 2015

Archivematica 1.4.1

  • Requesting AIP deletion causes 500 error (#8533)
  • Show Archivematica active template instead of Apache error page for 500 errors (#8600)

Storage Service 0.7.1

  • Permissions error copying to start of transfer (#8540)
  • Cannot browse CIFS transfer source (#8514)

Archivematica 1.4 Release Notes

Original release notes.

Archivematica 1.4

Released May 27, 2015

This release improves and facilitates integration with a number of access/deposit systems, including CONTENTdm, Islandora and DSpace, as well as bug fixes and other small usability improvements.

New features in 1.4

  • Sponsored (University of Saskatchewan Library) Fedora/Islandora Integration
  • Sponsored (GE Aviation) Bag ingest improvements (#8309, PR191)
  • Sponsored (University of British Columbia Library) DSpace Ingest improvements (#6273, #5889, PR154)
  • Sponsored (University of British Columbia) CONTENTdm dip upload enhancements (#8039, PR148)
  • Transfer/SIP Creation feedback (#7853, PR171)
  • SIP Arrange enhancements (improved transfer METS) (#7714, PR145)
  • Review/Download DIP objects (See CONTENTdm DIP upload enhancements, #8039)
  • Processing location cleanup via dashboard (#7921, PR199)
  • Improved logging (backend only, no user-facing functionality) (#6647, PR34, PR201)
  • Sponsored (Columbia University) Extract Packages Recursively (#8438, PR164)

Bug fixes for 1.4

  • Manual normalization fixes (#6870, PR97, PR186)
  • Improvements to metadata.csv handling (#7901, #8007, PR210)
  • Accession ID's now working (#7442, PR175, PR134)
  • Sanitize Transfer Names (#7937, PR170)
  • Fix Remove Transfer Components (#7482, PR172)
  • Timestamps not updating fix (#7859, PR162)
  • Remove events for sanitize directory names (#8033, PR177)
  • AIC fixes (#8258, #7155, PR194, PR168)
  • Verify checksum fail causes SIP failure (#8225, PR190)
  • Various Archival Storage search fixes (PR213, PR215, PR216, PR217, PR221, PR222, PR223)
  • DIP Store location preconfiguration (#7321, PR209)

New and upgraded tools in 1.4

  • Elasticsearch Updated to version 1.3
  • FITS Updated to version 0.8.4
  • FFMPEG Updated to version 2.6
  • Automation tools: DSpace fixes (AT PR 2)
  • New Support for Siegfried 1.0 for file identification (PR202)

Storage Service 0.7

New features in Storage Service 0.7

  • Sponsored (Museum of Modern Art) AIP Recovery (SS PR 47)
  • Sponsored (University of Saskatchewan Library) Fedora/Islandora Integration (#7918)

Bug fixes for Storage Service 0.7

  • SIP Arrange results handling (#7714)
  • Default Location Handling (#7416, SS PR40)
  • Encoding bugfixes (#7583)
  • Duracloud related fixes (#7643, #7554, #7549, #7481, #7583,)
  • Misc. Testing Improvements (back-end) (SS PR47, SS PR69)

Archivematica 1.3.2 Release Notes

Original release notes.

Archivematica 1.3.2

Security and bug fix release for 1.3.2

Released March 18, 2015

  • Security fixes related to DIP upload in AtoM and CONTENTdm
  • METS file fix #8034

Storage Service 0.6.1

Security and bug fix release for 0.6.1

Released March 18, 2015

  • Security fixes related to installation environments where the Storage Service is installed on a different server than the Archivematica pipeline(s)
  • Fixity checks for uncompressed AIPs #7777
  • Original timestamps retained when transfer started #8024

Archivematica 1.3.1 Release Notes

Original release notes.

Archivematica 1.3.1

Released February 5, 2015

  • Bug fixes discovered during Pilot testing with hosted DuraCloud partners
  • Spaces allowed in Archivist's Toolkit terms: #7606
  • Accession ID fix: #7442
  • New Archivematica documentation website launch

Storage Service 0.6.0

Released February 5, 2015

New features for 0.6.0

  • Improve logging #7683
  • Add exception handling, duplicate locations #7416
  • DuraCloud: Ability to fetch more than 1000 files from a space Pull Request 45
  • Allow storage of AIPs over 2GB Pull Request 53 #7311 (requires simple configuration change that can be customized)

Bug fixes for 0.6.0

Archivematica 1.3 Release Notes

Original release notes

Released October 24, 2014

Important note: this is not a required upgrade from 1.2.x. Only new users, those wanting to try out 14.04, or DuraCloud account holders need this release.

New features for 1.3

  • DuraCloud integration with the SS 0.5.0 release -- Ability to store Archival Information Packages (AIPs) in DuraCloud -- Ability to store Dissemination Information Packages (DIPs) in DuraCloud -- Ability to synchronize a local copy with a remote copy in DuraCloud
  • Bug fixes from 1.2.2 release
  • Packaged with ffmpeg 2.4 #7243
  • Ubuntu 14.04 packages available for testing purposes, but not verified for production use

Storage Service 0.5.0

Released October 24, 2014

  • DuraCloud integration #7133
  • Ubuntu 14.04 packages available for testing purposes, but not verified for production use

New: Archivematica Dev Tools 0.0.1

Released October 24, 2014

  • Archivematica 1.3.0 is packaged with Archivematica Dev Tools, version 0.0.1. Dev Tools had already been available through GitHub but are now packaged with the release.

Archivematica 1.2.0

Original releas notes.

Released September 2014

New features for 1.2.0

  • Sponsored (Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries) For COPPUL hosting functionality at Bronze level, ability to process through to Transfer backlog only
  • Sponsored (SFU Archives) SIP Arrangement - Create one or more SIPs from one or more transfers in the Ingest tab Transfer and SIP creation - #1726, #1571, #1713, #1035, #6022 -- does not support taking content out of a SIP once it's been moved to the SIP arrangement panel
  • Sponsored (Harvard Business School Library) Directory printer -See requirements Directory printer for recording original order
  • Sponsored (Harvard Business School Library) OCR - See requirements OCR text in DIP
  • Sponsored (Harvard Business School Library) Store DIP - See requirements Store DIP
  • Sponsored (Yale University Libraries) Forensic disk image ingest #5037, #5356, #5900
  • Sponsored includes identification and flagging of personal information in transfers, as well as other bulk extractor reporting functions
  • Add ability to configure Characterization commands via FPR #6
  • Add verification command micro-service (verify frame-level fixity and lossless compression) #6501
  • Improvements to transfer start #6220Scalability: Add nailgun (improve performance of java tools like FITS)
  • View pointer files from Archival Storage and Storage Service
  • Improvements to file identification metadata in METS #
  • Include TIKA #5027 and DROID in packages so FPR can be configured to use them as identification tools
  • Include MediaInfo, Exiftool and framemd5 (maybe ffprobe) for characterization and metadata extraction instead of FITS #5034
  • Support Dublin Core metadata in JSON (as well as csv, which was already supported) #14
  • Updated FIDO with the most recent PRONOM IDs (Version 77) released July 18th, 2014

Archivematica 1.2.0 runs with a new version of the Storage Service, 0.4.0.

New and Updated Tools for 1.2.0



Storage Service 0.4.0

This release allows integration with LOCKSS storage, adds a fixity checking app to the backend, and includes several developer features as well as features required for future releases of the Archivematica dashboard.

New features for 0.4.0

  • Sponsored (SFU Library) LOCKSS available as an AIP storage location using PLN Manager "LOCKSS-o-MATIC" (AIP storage / API plugin) #5425 PR15
  • Sponsored (SFU) Ability to configure transfer backlog locations via the Storage Service #6131 PR#9
  • Sponsored (Harvard Business School Library) Manage DIP storage PR11
  • Sponsored (Museum of Modern Art) Fixity checking app #6597 , 1109 PR13
  • View pointer files from Archival Storage and SS #5716 PR5

Enhancements for 0.4.0

  • Optimizations in moving files between Locations #6248 PR4
  • Streamlined creation of new endpoints with decorators PR14
  • New dependency added unar (and lsar) used to add support for AIP's with multiple Extensions (e.g., aip.tar.gz) #6764 PR15

Bugfixes for 0.4.0

  • Setting Location path from the user interface #5608 PR10
  • Allow email address to be used as username #6674 PR12
  • Ability to change internal processing space #6819
  • Editing users no longer results in server error #6717

Storage Service 0.3.0

Released April 10th, 2014

Includes backend enhancements and API-level changes only, with no direct user facing changes

Archivematica 1.1

Original releas notes.

Released May 2, 2014

New features for 1.1

  • Sponsored (University of Alberta) Dataset preservation -- Sponsored creation and management of AICs #5802 -- Sponsored AIP pointer file #5159 -- Sponsored pointer file tracks multi-AIP relationships -- Sponsored pointer file includes compression information and other metadata required to find and process (e.g. open) AIP
  • Sponsored (University of Alberta) Enhancements to manual normalization workflow -- Sponsored ability to add PREMIS event detail information for manually normalized files via the dashboard #5216 User Manual -Adding PREMIS eventDetail for manual normalization
  • Backend/Not user-facing: -- Improved unicode support #17 -- Better handling of preconfigured choices (processingMCP.xml) -- More choices in processing archive file formats (extra preconfigured choices) -- Improved handling of unit variables (passing parameters between micro-services) -- Update to FITS 0.8.0 (or newer if available) -- Update to ElasticSearch 0.90.13 -- Security fix (avoid invoking subshell when running micro-services) #16 -- File identification in mets is now from file id tool and not FITS #15

Bug fixes and enhancements 1.1

Archivematica 1.0 Release Notes

Archivematica 1.0

Release for public testing: September 2013

Package release: January 2014

New features for 1.0

  • Format Policy Registry (FPR) improvements including -- Ability to add/change format policies in the dashboard -- Ability to update the local FPR from -- Upload and report performance stats to FPR -- For detailed information about the FPR, see Administrator manual--FPR
  • Generation of "fail" reports in the administrative tab of the dashboard
  • Eliminate unused interface options (e.g. DSpace transfer, CONTENTdm upload, ICA-AtoM upload) via the administrative tab of the dashboard
  • DIP upload to Archivist Toolkit Archivists Toolkit integration with a metadata entry gui in the dashboard and actionable PREMIS rights
  • AIP pointer file
  • Storage service with API
  • Ability to request to delete an AIP via the dashboard
  • Upgraded to FITS 0.62
  • Ability for multiple pipelines to write to a shared ElasticSearch index and to the same AIP store(s) (i.e. multiple dept's -> one institution)
  • Further scalability testing/prototyping and improved documentation

Bug fixes and enhancements for 1.0

Archivematica 0.10 Release Notes

Original release notes.

Release: April 29, 2013 | Download | Screencast | Roadmap|

New features in 0.10

  • Format Policy Registry (FPR)Format Policy Registry (FPR) including ability to edit format policies from the preservation planning tab
  • Choose between FITS output from DROID, JHOVE, exiftool or file extension as the file identification basis for normalization
  • Use PRONOM ID as basis for unique identifier for all source formats (incl. format versions);
  • Manual normalization workflow
  • Email handling improvements
  • Advanced search screens for searching AIP contents with AIP retrieval (whole or part) and delivery
  • Administrative setting of PREMIS agent and capture logged-in user as PREMIS agent
  • Transfer backlog functionality including adding an accession number, sending indexed transfers to backlog in Archival storage, and search and retrieval of transfers from backlog for Ingest via dashboard interface
  • User-friendly template to configure workflow processing settings in dashboard
  • Emailing of "fail" reports
  • Ability to (re)build ES index from AIP store (for pre 1.0 installs & in event of data corruption/loss)
  • Enhancements to CONTENTdm Metadata import
  • Bulk metadata import using csv files
  • Further scalability testing/prototyping and improved documentation

Bug fixes and enhancements for 0.10

  • #585 Eliminate dialogs, open task reports in seperate tab
  • #1593 Upload original filename to ICA-AtoM instead of cleaned up filename
  • #1866 DIP Upload shows failed in Dashboard when no intermediate level selected for AtoM
  • #1867 DIP metadata not indexed in AtoM
  • #1868 Non ascii chars in transfer name cause error
  • #1871 Add unidecode as package
  • #1877 Dashboard unable to browse directory if any filename includes non-standard character
  • #1886 Path to SIP sometimes shows in normalization report title
  • #1890 Non-standard characters cause dashboard transfer copy to fail
  • #1943 Database error at Preservation Planning tab of dashboard
  • #1944 Template syntax error at Administration tab of dashboard - AtoM DIP Upload
  • #4545 Unicode/utf-8 python subprocess
  • #4679 AIP file download broken
  • #4680 AIP download broken
  • #4681 Fix AIP search metadata viewer
  • #4690 Archival Storage page dies the first time it's loaded if the aips ElasticSearch index isn't yet created
  • #4706 Submission documentation is not in preservation format in AIP

Archivematica 0.9 Release Notes

Original release notes.

Release: August 29, 2012 | Download | Screencast | Roadmap|

New features in 0.9

  • Update to ubuntu 12.04 LTS as the base operating system
  • Web browser dashboard interface replacing most of the file browser functionality
  • DIP upload to CONTENTdm
  • Indexing and search of all AIP metadata using ElasticSearch
  • Rights module update to PREMIS 2.2
  • Email handling improvements and prototype ingest of maildir
  • Ability to create user accounts
  • Automatic restructuring of transfer for compliance
  • In dashboard, grouped jobs into micro-services
  • Ability to ingest Library of Congress Bagit format
  • Nightly backup of MCP MySQL database
  • Scalability ehnancements: see Scalability testing.

Bug fixes and enhancements in 0.9

  • Issue 185 Merge multiple layers in image files into single jpeg access copies
  • Issue 304 Transcoding with Open Office fails periodically
  • Issue 575 Client can configure their timezone to offset the date/time in the dashboard.
  • Issue 673 during reinstall archivematica-mcp-client fails
  • Issue 694 The archivematica VM's should include a timesync mechanism
  • Issue 980: Check tasks, microservices and dropdown menus for naming clarity and consistency
  • Issue 722 Add Administration tab to configure workflows
  • Issue 777 Browser periodically fails to refresh when running a micro-service
  • Issue 860 Rights granted restriction is a repeatable field.
  • Issue 865 Archivematica freezes if transfer directory name has apostrophe
  • Issue 869 Omitting termOfGrant startDate in rights causes generate METS.xml micro-service to fail
  • Issue 872 In rights list page for SIP, column on right hand side is confusing
  • Issue 875 Inconsistent normalization failure on pdf in submissionDocumentation
  • Issue 885 Three locations of apache.default
  • Issue 886 Make overiding the default assigned threads by core count configurable.
  • Issue 887 Make Approval steps different colour
  • Issue 892 Uploaded objects should have filename as title
  • Issue 894 Microservices failing to connect to the mysql database.
  • Issue 897 Integrate Transcoder into MCP
  • Issue 902 Remove mac icon files automatically on ingest
  • Issue 903 Ensure latest version of tutorial is included in demo/Docs
  • Issue 906 When access normalization fails, a copy of the original file should be placed in the DIP
  • Issue 910 Remove hidden files during transfer
  • Issue 913 Description doesn't match command.
  • Issue 918 Choosing "No normalization" results in failure at Prepare AIP
  • Issue 927 Make compression a processing decision option
  • Issue 932 Make DIP upload destination a selectable or configurable option
  • Issue 934 When micro-service fails but transfer or SIP continues processing, icon shows fail at the end instead of success
  • Issue 935 Rejected transfers or SIPs have icon showing that processing was completed
  • Issue 937 Order structMap contents alphabetically as default
  • Issue 939 Enclose fptr elements in divs in METS structMap
  • Issue 943 Mysql connection issues.
  • Issue 944 Give option to restructure for compliance when failing compliance.
  • Issue 950 Make action items larger
  • Issue 955 Generate thumbnails
  • Issue 958 Improve user manual instructions for error handling
  • Issue 962 Ingest maildir backups and convert to mbox for access
  • Issue 969 Dashboard search functionality
  • Issue 972 Replace isPartOf with Relation in DC template
  • Issue 976 Replace pyinotify watched directories, with something that compares list of files.
  • Issue 977 Add user-supplied structMap to AIP METS file
  • Issue 978 During DSpace transfer processing user asked to approve load of non-existent file_labels.csv
  • Issue 980 Check tasks, microservices and dropdown menus for naming clarity and consistency
  • Issue 983 Replace -vpre normal in mp4 normalization command with new preset
  • Issue 984 Access normalization fails in digitization workflow when filenames have periods in them
  • Issue 985 Use version of ffmpeg instead of avconv
  • Issue 986 Consolidate technical documentation into an administrator's manual
  • Issue 991 Make sure blank value doesn't generate NaN in task popup data fields
  • Issue 992 Add View METS and View AIP option at Store AIP task
  • Issue 993 Add View normalization report and View normalized files option at Approve normalization task
  • Issue 995 Swap click behavior of SIP row and magnifying glass icon
  • Issue 998 Log MCP normalization output
  • Issue 1001 Make user selectable replacement dic append, not replace.
  • Issue 1004 Eliminate side info panels from dashboard andhome page
  • Issue 1009 Include empty directories in BAG.
  • Issue 1010 Resolve: two "CREATE TABLE StandardTasksConfigs"
  • Issue 1011 Add default Archivematica structMap label to distinguish from user-supplied structMap
  • Issue 1021 Make Archival Storage Tab load from db
  • [STRIKEOUT:Issue 1025] Test date fields with dates before 1970
  • Issue 1026 Make defaultProcessingMCP.xml configurable in the administration tab.
  • Issue 1035 Line up micro-service names
  • Issue 1036 Change Dspace transfer folder name and micro-service
  • Issue 1040 When ingested file is already in an access format, the file is not added to the DIP
  • Issue 1042 Remove default normalization to .odt for .rtf files
  • Issue 1044 Remove "None microservice"s
  • Issue 1046 Office doc normalization failing on x32 installs
  • Issue 1057 DC file not added to METS
  • Issue 1081 Fix numerical indicators on the dashboard so they are on proper tab.
  • Issue 1082 Verify file id classifications of preservation or access formats.

Archivematica 0.8 Release Notes

Original release notes.

Released: February 3, 2012 (Download)

New features in 0.8

  • Complete standards-compliant PREMIS in METS implementation
  • Transfer functionality: -- Some former ingest processes moved to transfer: eg identifier assignment, fixity check, checksum generation, unpacking, format characterization and metadata extraction -- Ability to create one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many and many-to-one relationships between transfers and SIPs -- Transfer METS file to capture original order of transfer before it is re-arranged into SIPs -- All transfer documentation, including submissionDocumentation, copied to all SIPs created from a transfer
  • Multiple normalization options
  • Configurable workflows
  • Metadata templates for adding Dublin Core and PREMIS rights metadata
  • DIP upload to Qubit using SWORD API
  • Ability to ingest DSpace exports
  • Digitization output workflows
  • Enhancements to the dashboard: -- New theme and homepage -- Transfer tab -- Access tab linking AIPs to uploaded DIPs -- Administration tab

Bug fixes and enhancements for 0.8

  • Issue 249 Verify Namespaces in the mets xml document are correct
  • Issue 305 Add functional tests to Archivematica wiki
  • Issue 453 Create ability to opt out of micro-services
  • Issue 472 Add edit template for DC metadata to dashboard
  • Issue 477 Clean shutdown
  • Issue 481 Change PREMIS eventType values to conform to standards
  • Issue 485 Failure at 'Prepare AIP'
  • Issue 520 Multi-track audo fails to normalize correctly
  • Issue 528 SIP ALERT normalization when file is not in preservation/access format, and has no rule to generate one
  • Issue 571 Test conversion of ffv1/mkv to derivative formats
  • Issue 659 Normalization report doesn't show directory structure
  • Issue 664 RemoveTranscoderConfig.conf file from transcoder etc
  • Issue 667 Extract 0 byte file test fails at Store AIP
  • Issue 671 All SIP directories are being placed in Failed directory, even if there were no failed micro-services
  • Issue 672 Include GCC and kernel source to allow building VMware kernel module
  • Issue 674 Consider mvoing extraction to the transfer area
  • Issue 683 Quarantine and unquarantine events
  • Issue 684 MCP crashes if left alone
  • Issue 685 Add Dublin Core to METS could be part of generate mets
  • Issue 686 Sanitize name event needs work
  • Issue 687 Date needs to be implemented in the replacement dic
  • Issue 688 Check for whitespace in output before logging to file
  • Issue 691 Remove default normalization paths for office documents
  • Issue 692 Get the xml rpc not to "SPEW" every time something connects
  • Issue 700 Move activeTransfers and SIPCreation up to watchedDirectories
  • Issue 702 Bell icon missing from dashboard approval steps
  • Issue 703 SIP can be ordered completed, before file UUID's from transfer have completed inclusion in the SIP
  • Issue 704 Add rights entities to PREMIS files
  • Issue 705 Create workflow with: No normalization
  • Issue 708 Remove appraisal steps from ingest
  • Issue 709 Move to the uploadedDIPs directory failed
  • Issue 710 Submission documentation from transfer should end up in objects/submissionDocumentation in the AIP
  • Issue 711 Add transfer and SIP names to dashboard
  • Issue 712 Normalization report not appearing in dashboard
  • Issue 713 Create workflow for ingesting output of digitization projects
  • Issue 714 Re-organize test files
  • Issue 715 Micro-services with workflow decisions not showing as being completed
  • Issue 716 Characterize and extract metadata for submission documentation *rename* -> Characterize and extract metadata
  • Issue 718 Change Actions in Create DIP? micro-service
  • Issue 719 Change Actions in Approve normalization micro-service
  • Issue 721 Remove quarantine from default workflow?
  • Issue 723 Do not create empty Dublin Core template
  • Issue 724 Remove METSGeneration.log?
  • Issue 728 Ingest exports from DSpace
  • Issue 729 Controlled vocabulary for METs fileSec USE attribute values
  • Issue 731 Move to rejected directory moves to Client lib %rejectedDirectory%
  • Issue 732 Unquarantine isn't working
  • Issue 733 Finalize METS structure
  • Issue 734 Error in dragging files from transfer to SIP causes lost server connection
  • Issue 735 Characterize and extract metadata for submission documentation micro-service appears twice with two different names
  • Issue 736 Changes to dmdSec of METS file
  • Issue 738 Approval steps show "Executing command(s)" before the step has been approved and after the commands have been completed
  • Issue 739 Rename submission documentation.log
  • Issue 743 Backup and restore
  • Issue 746 METS to capture transfer structure needs qa review
  • Issue 748 Remove artefacts between normalizations
  • Issue 751 Set transfer type showing as failed in the dashboard
  • Issue 753 Normalization report empty when normalizing to access copies only
  • Issue 754 Update file browser right-click menu options
  • Issue 755 Normalization report - office documents
  • Issue 756 One-step SIP creation when one transfer = 1 SIP
  • Issue 758 Create fileGrp submissionDocumentation
  • Issue 760 Need to update location of database interface settings file
  • Issue 762 Add workflow and fileGrp for service copies
  • Issue 763 No mdRef to descriptive metadata in METS file for DSpace exports
  • Issue 764 Capitalization consistency in METS file
  • Issue 765 Add fileGrp text/ocr to METS file for DSpace exports
  • Issue 766 Break out PREMIS entities across mets sections
  • Issue 768 Dublin Core metadata being added to wrong section of METS file
  • Issue 771 Change column headers in transfers tab
  • Issue 773 Ingest tab shows wrong number of SIPs
  • Issue 778 Review and update micro-services help text
  • Issue 782 Unicode charactors cause Failure
  • Issue 785 Bagit size limit
  • Issue 786 Thumbs.db files failing to properly remove
  • Issue 790 If submission documenation is only in sub directories, it doesn't detect the files
  • Issue 791 Duplicated job "Approve transfer", same SIPUUID
  • Issue 792 Clicking on delete icon in transfer/SIP tab takes user to panel
  • Issue 793 Can't delete transfer or SIP
  • Issue 794 Remove "Submission Information Package" from panel or create separate panel for transfers
  • Issue 797 Manual SIP creation fails
  • Issue 799 In PREMIS file, format information appearing in the wrong fields
  • Issue 800 Errors in object entity of PREMIS metadata
  • Issue 801 Remove "file size calculation" from PREMIS events
  • Issue 802 EventOutcomeDetailNote for ingestion event should not be name of file
  • Issue 803 Dspace failing compliance moves to standard transfer
  • Issue 805 No link to dmdSec in fileGrp or structMap in AIP generated by DSpace transfer
  • Issue 810 Remove unneeded divs from structMap in transfer METS file
  • Issue 811 Changes to directory div in structMap of transfer METS file
  • Issue 814 Normalization event and normalized object being assigned the same UUID
  • Issue 815 Remove empty directories from the AIP prior to generating the METS file
  • Issue 816 Two xmlns needed for the DC metadata: and
  • Issue 817 PREMIS xmlns should be premis 2.1
  • Issue 820 METS file failing validation due to invalid PREMIS eventDateTime
  • Issue 821 In mdRef, capitalize LOCYTPE and OTHERLOCTYPE
  • Issue 822 Add MDTYPE="OTHER" to mdRef
  • Issue 824 Unable to verify checksums that come with SIPs
  • Issue 825 DC edit template won't accept date range
  • Issue 827 METS.xml should be named METS.%sipUUID%.xml
  • Issue 828 Make transfer backup a configurable option
  • Issue 829 AIP compression is too slow
  • Issue 830 Update license statement
  • Issue 831 Add underscore to file IDs in in fileGrp and structMap if filename starts with a number
  • Issue 832 Changes to submissionDocumentation workflow
  • Issue 834 Virus check fails when filename contains accented characters
  • Issue 835 Generate METS fails when non-ascii characters included in metadata
  • Issue 842 AIP UUID and object UUID are required in ICA-ATOM
  • Issue 849 Add rightsMD sections to METS file for DSpace exports
  • Issue 851 DSpace checksum verification not reporting failures
  • Issue 852 In Archival storage tab, filesizes are sorted alphabetically rather than numerically
  • Issue 855 Add date format information to date fields in rights template
  • Issue 856 Behaviour of rights edit form should be same as DC edit form
  • Issue 857 Error deleting from Transfer/SIP panel
  • Issue 858 Can't delete DC metadata or rights
  • Issue 861 Rights dates fields are not edtfSimpleType
  • Issue 862 ADMID in structMap should be DMDID (DSpace export)
  • Issue 865 Archivematica freezes if transfer directory name has apostrophe
  • Issue 867 Add help text to DIP upload section of Administration tab
  • Issue 868 Rights entered during transfer not appearing in rights list for SIP
  • Issue 873 Rights added during transfer do not appear in METS file if another right is added during SIP processing
  • Issue 876 Decapitalizing strings and other string glitches
  • Issue 878 Remove rights holder field from rights template
  • Issue 879 DC metadata not uploaded to Qubit
  • Issue 880 Add sample data to Qubit so users can test DIP upload
  • Issue 883 Normalization report showing each file twice
  • Issue 884 VM can't support ffmpeg version capable of converting video files to h264

Archivematica 0.7.1 Release Notes

Original release notes.

Released: June 24, 2011 (Download)

New features in 0.7.1

  • Enhancements to the dashboard: -- Archival storage tab with sortable table showing links to stored AIP, AIP size and total AIP storage -- Preservation planning tab showing preservation planning policies and normalization statistics
  • Automatic SIP processing when SIP is dropped into receiveSIP directory
  • Submission documentation folder that allows the user to save SIP documentation to the AIP
  • Automatic deletion of packaged (eg zipped) files once contents have been extracted
  • Normalization reporting
  • Optional manual normalization
  • Support for verifying sha1 and sha256 checksums on ingest
  • Ability to ingest bags (SIPs packaged in accordance with Bagit specification)
  • Enhanced PST file handling
  • Integrity checking (verification of checksums generated on ingest) prior to AIP packaging
  • Automatic SIP deletion from SIP backups once ingest processing is completed
  • UUID quad storage for stored AIPs
  • Improved error reporting (server and client debug log capture)
  • Streamlined Archivematica shutdown and restart

Bug fixes and enhancements for 0.7.1

  • Issue 63 - During ingest run script to remove Thumbs.db files
  • Issue 175 - Bagit fails to create zip file when out of disk space
  • Issue 209 - Normalization - Allow spaces in file names -
  • Issue 215 - MCP - Handle clients disconnected while processing
  • Issue 265 - Log Job approved
  • Issue 276 - Adding file outputs a line to standard out.
  • Issue 286 - Threading locks on client threads
  • Issue 292 - ClamAV engine version out of date
  • Issue 301 - Add eventDetail program="easyextract"; version="0.1.0"
  • Issue 331 - Set permissions on DB password file so only Archivematica user can read it.
  • Issue 368 - Normalization failed for .wav files
  • Issue 370 - Install Curator's Workbench on Virtual Appliance desktop
  • Issue 371 - Install Fiwalk (and tool dependencies) on Virtual Appliance desktop
  • Issue 379 - Access copies overwritten when original files have the same name
  • Issue 382 - Assign File UUIDs and Checksums fails when filenames have accented characters
  • Issue 393 - Normalization of .ac3 files failed
  • Issue 400 - AC3 files failed to normalize - possible codec problem
  • Issue 408 - Add externals dev repo
  • Issue 410 - SIP stuck in Normalization when normalizing .mp3 files
  • Issue 412 - Make date in unzipped folder extension human-readable
  • Issue 438 - Update copyright statement for packaging
  • Issue 443 - Include readpst in transcoder depenencies
  • Issue 444 - Rename transcoder to archivematica-transcoder
  • Issue 446 - Compile METS micro-service fails if video normalization fails
  • Issue 457 - In dashboard, change flashing "refresh" text to greyed-out spinning progress wheel
  • Issue 446 - Move UUID to end of filename for normalized files
  • Issue 466 - Make Currently processing directory a non-hidden folder
  • Issue 469 - Normalization log missing "already in preservation format" events
  • Issue 471 - Archivematica freezes when processing files with apostrophe in filename
  • Issue 476 - Use python config parser to load config files
  • Issue 481 - Change PREMIS eventType values to conform to standards
  • Issue 486 - Sanitized Directory names of extracted directories cause problems with finding the file UUID
  • Issue 489 - Include date in extracted directory name
  • Issue 491 - Update copyright statement in the db for transcoder
  • Issue 492 - Change default verifcation command to identify 0 byte output files and error
  • Issue 493 - Change default directory verifcation command
  • Issue 494 - Create library for common archivematica functions
  • Issue 498 - Include transcoder DB in creation of enviroment
  • Issue 499 - Transcoder - connect to database config file
  • Issue 502 - Compile METS fails when normalized PDF file is damaged
  • Issue 503 - Remove generation of svg preservation copy from AI normalization policy
  • Issue 504 - Create access copies for raw camera images
  • Issue 505 - Starting 00 daemon - not working on LUCID
  • Issue 506 - Change default permission on stored AIPs
  • Issue 509 - Change capitalization in micro-service name
  • Issue 510 - "Remove files without PREMIS" micro-service should not fail if files are successfully removed
  • Issue 511 - Surround sound files don't normalize to mp3
  • Issue 513 - WAV files being normalized
  • Issue 514 - Change default permission on DIPbackups
  • Issue 515 - PDF to PDFA normalization failure
  • Issue 517 - Create Archivematica common package
  • Issue 519 - Viruses aren't being detected
  • Issue 520 - Multi-track audio fails to normalize correctly
  • Issue 522 - Can't normalize PDF files
  • Issue 523 - FITS error log being generated for each file in a SIP
  • Issue 524 - Files with no access copy normalization path not added to DIP
  • Issue 526 - Can't view normalization log after normalization fails
  • Issue 527 - Updated FITS causes characterize and extract metadata micro-service to fail
  • Issue 529 - Change dashboard tab names to match OAIS functions
  • Issue 530 - Have list of micro-services open if user clicks on the SIP name
  • Issue 531 - Need to update the fits config file on install
  • Issue 532 - Inkscape failing on sample 'Vector.NET-Free-Vector-Art-Pack-28-Freedom-Flight.eps' file
  • Issue 533 - Audio files being converted to preservation format using video preservation command
  • Issue 534 - Transcoder - normalize - change outputFileUUID to task uuid on first run
  • Issue 536 - Reset default permissions on SIPbackups directory
  • Issue 537 - Assign File UUIDs and checksums fails when filenames have quotation marks in them
  • Issue 538 - Can't extract packages
  • Issue 539 - Scan for viruses doesn't complete
  • Issue 541 - In dashboard, use different colours for micro-services requiring approval and micro-services that have failed
  • Issue 542 - Convert init.d scripts to upstart
  • Issue 543 - Build django 1.3 for externals repo
  • Issue 545 - Can't normalize objects
  • Issue 547 - Can't normalize Open Office documents
  • Issue 549 - Normalizing FLV files causes the MCP client/server to disconnect
  • Issue 550 - Correct spelling in vm installer script
  • Issue 551 - Add approval step after normalization to allow for manual normalization of files
  • Issue 552 - Updated twisted python required by MCP
  • Issue 555 - SIP Do All progress bar /status message
  • Issue 557 - Bell icon missing from dashboard approval steps
  • Issue 560 - Icon does not show failed or completed successfully when SIP processing is finished
  • Issue 563 - PREMIS format container not present when format can't be identified by FITS
  • Issue 566 - Access normalization copy fails on files without extension
  • Issue 567 - Failure at scan for viruses. Problem related to not being able to find the proper UUID of a file
  • Issue 569 - Transcoder extract packages fails on zipped files with quotation marks and asterisks in filenames
  • Issue 570 - Asterisk*.zip encounters error at transcoder extract packages
  • Issue 577 - Failure at add dc to mets
  • Issue 580 - Fail verifySIPCompliance if files exist in the top-level directory
  • Issue 582 - Make organization load from central config file. -requires documentation
  • Issue 589 - Used bagit options to determin an AIP has been successfully stored
  • Issue 590 - Make Bagit's selectable checksum work with archivematica
  • Issue 595 - Update local dev enviroment to use upstart daemons for the MCP client and server, and openofficed
  • Issue 598 - Normalization failing for ffmpeg
  • Issue 599 - AIP - Should contain SIP UUID and Name
  • Issue 602 - Rename AIPs in index.html to SIPNAME-SIPUUID and order by SIPName
  • Issue 604 - When restructuring bag - /metadata/bag rename /metadata/bagit
  • Issue 605 - Changes for database groups for 0.7.1
  • Issue 607 - Upload DIP micro-service fails
  • Issue 608 - Document how to modify workflow to not generate a DIP
  • Issue 609 - Rename normalize to preservation in transcoder database
  • Issue 611 - 'Sanitize file and directory names' is taking a long time
  • Issue 612 - Add web service to download archival storage links
  • Issue 616 - Warning message in normalization
  • Issue 624 - Remove pdf as access format for docx files
  • Issue 640 - Document how to add/remove extensions from inPreservationFormat/inAccessFormat()
  • Issue 644 - Logs/fileMeta not being deleted after METS is compiled
  • Issue 655 - Document how to add a user to the archivematica group

Archivematica 0.7 Release Notes

Original release notes.

Released: February 18, 2011 (Download)

New features in 0.7

  • A web-based dashboard to track the processing of SIPs
  • A fully redesigned architecture (MCP) for distributed multithreaded processing
  • New normalization paths, including PST to MBOX
  • A complete PREMIS metadata set for each ingested object, including event entities generated by Archivematica's micro-services

Bug fixes for 0.7

  • Issue 292 - ClamAV engine version out of date
  • Issue 294 - Status when approving a job - Should be processing, not completed.
  • Issue 295 - Add ability to remove completed/failed SIPs from dashboard
  • Issue 296 - In dashboard, add ability to sort SIPs
  • Issue 298 - Move Dashboard sources out from /var/www
  • Issue 299 - Make "Cleanup AIP post bagit" part of the "Bagit" micro-service
  • Issue 300 - In dashboard, rename "Assign UUID" "Assign file UUIDs and checksums"
  • Issue 302 - Dashboard polling
  • Issue 303 - In dashboard, sort micro-services in order of completion
  • Issue 307 - In PREMIS "receive SIP" event, move name of received file to eventOutcomeDetailNote
  • Issue 308 - Add Dublin Core metadata template to SIP at earlier stage in workflow
  • Issue 309 - Add name of SIP folder to SIPS table in dashboard
  • Issue 310 - When errors occur, all the tasks are highlighted even if some tasks were completed successfully
  • Issue 311 - In file directory, change acquireSIP to receiveSIP
  • Issue 312 - Create copy of DIP with all files and list of files that were removed from uploaded DIP
  • Issue 313 - Determine standard formatting for checksum.md5 file
  • Issue 314 - Log files can be edited
  • Issue 315 - Add option to allow SIP to continue processing if files fail normalization
  • Issue 316 - No fixity check event in PREMIS file
  • Issue 317 - DIP is locked when it is placed in the uploadDIP directory
  • Issue 318 - Failed SIPs go to two different folders
  • Issue 319 - Re-name FITS and Bagit micro-services in dashboard
  • Issue 321 - Files are empty when accessed through Browse dir
  • Issue 322 - Backed up SIP folders are empty
  • Issue 324 - Task table column headers missing
  • Issue 325 - MCP Looking for file UUID's of files outside of the objects directory.
  • Issue 326 - ClamAV scanning files slowly
  • Issue 328 - Normalization fails if filename has no file extension
  • Issue 330 - Create preservation plan for Microsoft Word Backup (.wbk) files
  • Issue 335 - Can't upload DIP
  • Issue 337 - Add test SIPS with subdirectories
  • Issue 338 - Consolodate the different database scripts for the MCP.
  • Issue 339 - Create FFMPEG backport to Ubuntu 10.04
  • Issue 340 - Remove uploadedDIPs directory
  • Issue 341 - Detox removes last character from folder name
  • Issue 343 - Remove some logs from SIP before bagging
  • Issue 346 - create archivematicaCreateDublinCore library package
  • Issue 347 - Replace md5 with sha
  • Issue 351 - remove unoconv from dependencies.
  • Issue 352 - rename in transcoder.
  • Issue 356 - Make Checksum not recursive - Compiling SIP
  • Issue 361 - Create AIP checksum is disabled.
  • Issue 363 - Update FITS to 0.4.3.
  • Issue 369 - Include sha256deep in dependencies
  • Issue 375 - Change permissions so user can delete SIP backups, failed SIPs, and stored AIPs
  • Issue 378 - No file details for SIPs failing normalization
  • Issue 381 - Remove exclamation mark from "Requires approval" in dashboard
  • Issue 384 - Help text missing from dashboard approve steps
  • Issue 385 - Can't compile METS file for SIP containing multi-page Adobe Illustrator files
  • Issue 386 - Add access format to format policy for Adobe Illustrator files
  • Issue 389 - In dashboard, change Show jobs and Hide jobs to Show Micro-services and Hide Micro-services
  • Issue 390 - In dashboard, change column header from Directory to Submission Information Package
  • Issue 391 - In dashboard, remove strikethroughs from AIPs and DIPs tabs
  • Issue 392 - In dashboard, change current timestamp to ingest start time
  • Issue 397 - Use xubuntuGuiScriptsEditor, to create thunar scripts, as part of install.
  • Issue 399 - Update Local Dev Script with new PPA for archivematica.
  • Issue 401 - MCP - Database connection drops after long periods of innactivity.
  • Issue 403 - Column headers mis-aligned in dashboard
  • Issue 404 - In Micro-services list in dashboard, micro-services are not appearing in chronological order
  • Issue 405 - Add help text to "Normalization failed" approval step
  • Issue 406 - Remove "SIP description" from help text box
  • Issue 407 - In PREMIS creation event, move name of normalized file from eventDetail to eventOutcomeDetailNote
  • Issue 411 - FITS fails after upgrade to FITS 0.4.3
  • Issue 413 - Tooltip boxes remain visible until user manually refreshes dashboard.
  • Issue 415 - Incorrect date/time appearing in dashboard
  • Issue 416 - Add icon to rejected SIPs
  • Issue 417 - In dashboard, change Delete icon text and confirmation box text
  • Issue 418 - Create AIP checksum fails when SIP includes a checksum.md5 file
  • Issue 419 - Rename BLAM! script
  • Issue 420 - Remove Create DC script
  • Issue 421 - Job created time Dec missing decimal
  • Issue 423 - Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "archivematica-dashboard"
  • Issue 425 - Thunar shortcuts are not created by packages.
  • Issue 426 - Thunar script needs to create uca.xml if it doesn't exist.
  • Issue 428 - No such file or directory - error
  • Issue 432 - Include updated sample data in packages
  • Issue 433 - In packaged Archivematica, can't upload DIP
  • Issue 435 - In packaged Archivematica, no flash/javascript support in browser
  • Issue 437 - Update copyright statement for dashboard source files.

Archivematica 0.6 Release Notes

Original release notes.

Release 0.6.2-alpha

Changes overview in 0.6.2-alpha

  • Distributed system MCP which manages multiple tasks as discrete micro-services
  • Multi-node, distributed SIP processing
  • Complete PREMIS implementation for files in the AIP
  • Web-based dashboard to track micro-services and approve jobs
  • More normalization paths, including PDF to PDF/A and support for vector images

Release 0.6-alpha

Release date: May 2010

Changes overview in 0.6-alpha

  • Added