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221 lines (155 loc) · 5.88 KB

File metadata and controls

221 lines (155 loc) · 5.88 KB


author your deck

To start with markdeck, see the tl;dr section.

Every change you make to the file, the various config files, or the assets/ subdir, triggers a rebuild of your deck. The integrated web server then pushes these changes to your browser, so no need to reload your slides manually.

slides config

The config file defines some global settings, ...

Since v0.17, the config resides in the as well, an own section bracketed by ---:

title: the nice title

# first slide...
  • title: the title of your deck surprise

  • controls: should the navigation be rendered in lower right corner? [default: false]

  • pdf: name of the pdf to be rendered (or missing when no pdf needed)

TODO: document theme, transition, pdf_size, pdf_delay, highlight_style

slides in general

web presentation with reveal.js

documentation of reveal.js (see also the promo slidedeck)

pdf rendering with decktape

assets/css/render-pdf.css gets applied when rendering the pdf.

background shortcuts

specify the background of your slide:

  • with a solid color
# your title {bg=COLOR}
  • with an image
# your title {bg=COLOR;PATH_TO_IMAGE}

the text color gets set depending on the COLOR argument (using a dark color results in white text, for example)

  • with css3
# your title {bgcss=CSSCLASSHERE}

put your css definition in slides.css and give it a selector like this: .CSSCLASSHERE .reveal { background: ...} (Note: the ".reveal" part is important here.) If you like to have a white text color, put something like this in slides.css, too:

.CSSCLASSHERE .reveal section > * {
    color: #fff;
    text-shadow: 1px 1px #000;


codeblocks of the class "plantuml", "ditaa", "dot", or "qr" get replaced during conversion by rendered images (in the following examples: plantuml):


The images are cached locally, changes to the codeblock or its parameters result in a re-rendering.

the default commandline parameters for the asciiart renderer are defined in the render-asciiart-filter.config file.

if you want to change these parameters, you can specify them as follows (note: you have to use the slightly longer notation with curly braces):

```{.plantuml args="..."}

asciiart: plantuml

Bob->Alice : hello
Alice->Bob : oh, you again...

asciiart: ditaa

+--------+   +-------+    +-------+
|        +---+ ditaa +--->|       |
|  Text  |   +-------+    |diagram|
|Document|   |!magic!|    |       |
|     {d}|   |       |    |       |
+---+----+   +-------+    +-------+
    :                          ^
    |       Lots of work       |

asciiart: graphviz

digraph G {
    node [style=filled,color=white];

    a -> b -> c;
    a -> c;
    b -> d;

asciiart: qr



asciinema allows you to record a terminal session in a local file, and to replay that session within your slides. For recording, you have to install asciinema locally on your machine, then start recording with asciinema rec assets/YOUR_SESSION_FILE_HERE.json.

embed the player with the following code (and pay attention to the rows attribute):



Under http://localhost:8081 you find some helpfull resources, like extended asciiart characters (• ♥ ♣ € ™ ©), an extensive list of emojis (🙄 🤔), and some background generators.

TODO: more documentation here

for adventurous developers

git clone
cd markdeck
docker run -it -v $PWD:/source:ro -v $PWD/docs:/target --rm -p 8080:8080 arne/markdeck
open http://localhost:8080
# edit, change css, add images, ...

Note: the /source folder could and should be mounted read-only.

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