- Add a page size parameter to get_pagination_vars
- Choice get_value is not a classmethod
- django SortedDict deprecated replace by OrderedDict
- use ugettext_lazy
- update function ceil_strdate
- fix common_tags import error
- rename project to django-lets-go
- new template tag
- Capitalizes the first character of each word
- new template tag
- Get percentage value
- new template filter wordcap - Capitalizes the first character of each words.
- Support for Django 1.6
- Add setting to ceil_strdate - hour_min support hours and minutes
- Add constant EXPORT_CHOICE - Define list of format to export
- Add class HorizRadioRenderer - This overrides widget method to put
- radio buttons horizontally instead of vertically.
- new function unset_session_var : Unset session variables
- new function getvar(request, field_name, setsession=False)
- Check field in POST/GET request and return field value if there is value you can also save a session variable
- add percentage function - Get percentage value
- Add export_as_csv_action - Admin custom action which returns an export csv
- Add new AppLabelRenamer - Rename app label and app breadcrumbs in admin
- Decorator only_one for celery can define the key from the calling method
- Add BigIntegerField - Field to provide BigInt for Mysql and PostgreSQL
- PEP Fixes
- Pagination function - get_pagination_vars
- LanguageField - Field to language list
- convert_to_int - New template tag
- get_unique_code - Generate unique code
- add ceil_strdate function - Convert a string date to either a start or end day date
- rename function mongodb_collection_duration_filter to mongodb_int_filter
- rename mongodb_collection_filter to mongodb_str_filter
- Import project to Pypi