This work is a raw version, most of the bugs are fixed in the linked repository!
Project work "Mesto" (sprint 10-11).
An interactive page where you can add photos, delete them, put likes. The logic is written in JavaScript (appearance of pop-up windows, form validation, adding cards, etc.). In the 5th sprint we implemented opening/closing and pop-up functionality for adding elements, removing them, as well as pop-up with a lightbox image. In 6th sprint we developed form validation and improved UX when working with pop-ups. Sprint 7 - code refactoring, getting started with OOP and modules (added Card and FormValidator classes). 8 sprint - code rewritten in accordance with OOP, modular code built using Webpack. 9 sprint - the site is connected to api. Improved ux/ui components. This work is a port of the project on React JS (with all functionality except validation) (10-11 sprints).
Applied technologies:
- flexbox;
- grid layout;
- adaptive layout;
- the code is written in accordance with OOP / rewritten in react into functional components.;
- module bundler (Webpack);
- framework ReactJS;
- React-hooks.
- System preferences: HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript, web-browser (dev browser – Opera), module bundler – Webpack, JS framework – React.