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Bug located in ... #3566

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EGreen-22 opened this issue Dec 11, 2024 · 1 comment
2 tasks done

Bug located in ... #3566

EGreen-22 opened this issue Dec 11, 2024 · 1 comment
bug Issue, problem or error in PyFluent


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🐞 Description of the bug


When trying to set state of arguments for adding a boundary layer, I get an issue of an endless " Illegitimate input at /AddBoundaryLayers/FaceScope;". Other things seem to run while this error is being outputted like volume meshing but the outputs get mixed in with the illegitimate inputs error.

For example the terminal looks like below:

Illegitimate input at /AddBoundaryLayers/FaceScope;

Diagnostics Scope : 1 Objects, 8 Face Zones, 0 Cell Zones
Objects : (elbow_volume)

Surface Diagnostics :

Total Number of Faces = 11208
Maximum Skewness = 0.4114
Maximum Aspect Ratio = 1.51
Number of Free Faces = 0
Number of Multi Faces = 384 --> found on 8 face zone(s)
Number of Self Intersections = 0
Number of Self Proximity = 0
Number of Point Contacts = 0
Number of Invalid Normals = 0

Illegitimate input at /AddBoundaryLayers/FaceScope;
Illegitimate input at /AddBoundaryLayers/FaceScope;
Illegitimate input at /AddBoundaryLayers/FaceScope;
Illegitimate input at /AddBoundaryLayers/FaceScope;
Illegitimate input at /AddBoundaryLayers/FaceScope;
Illegitimate input at /AddBoundaryLayers/FaceScope;
Illegitimate input at /AddBoundaryLayers/FaceScope;
Illegitimate input at /AddBoundaryLayers/FaceScope;

📝 Steps to reproduce

                        "add_child": "yes",
                        "offset_method_type": "smooth-transition",
                        "bl_control_name" : fr"smooth_transition_{name}",
                        "region_scope": name,
                        "face_scope": {
                            "regions_type": 'named-regions',

💻 Which operating system are you using?


📀 Which ANSYS version are you using?

Ansys 2023 R2

🐍 Which Python version are you using?


📦 Installed packages

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ansys-geometry-core                   0.6.6
ansys-grantami-bomanalytics           2.1.1
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PyNaCl                                1.5.0
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scipy                                 1.14.1
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Send2Trash                            1.8.3
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@EGreen-22 EGreen-22 added the bug Issue, problem or error in PyFluent label Dec 11, 2024
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We have discovered the issue to be in face_scope and regions_type. They should be camel case instead of snake case. So should be FaceScope and RegionsType.

I will keep the issue open because endless loop of errors still seems to be a bug.


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