An Emacs 25 module for accessing PostgreSQL via the libpq client library.
Using libpq for client connections has various advantages over the wire-protocol speaking pure elisp implementations. For example, it has better performance and supports all features of the protocol like full TLS support and new authentication methods like scram-sha-256.
It doesn’t expose many libpq features yet, but what’s there should be crash-safe no matter what you do in the lisp world. I’ve been using it for three years now for reading mail through my custom Gnus backend without incidents. If you make it crash, please report.
ELISP> (setq *pq* (pq:connectdb "dbname=andreas")) #<user-ptr ptr=0x55b466c02780 finalizer=0x7f7d50112236> ELISP> (pq:query *pq* "select version()") ("PostgreSQL 9.6.7 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 6.3.0-18) 6.3.0 20170516, 64-bit") ELISP> (pq:query *pq* "create table local_variables(name text, value text)") nil ELISP> (dolist (el (buffer-local-variables)) (pq:query *pq* "insert into local_variables values ($1, $2)" (car el) (cdr el))) nil ELISP> (pq:query *pq* "select name, length(value) from local_variables where value ~ 'mode'") (["major-mode" 24] ["change-major-mode-hook" 86] ["hi-lock-mode-major-mode" 24] ["eldoc-mode-major-mode" 24] ["font-lock-major-mode" 24] ["font-lock-mode-major-mode" 24])
raises SQL errors as error signal pq:error
. This provides the
SQLSTATE error code in an additional string in the error data list.
For example, you can reliably catch unique violations like this:
(condition-case err (pq:query *pq* "insert into t values (666)") (pq:error (if (string= "23505" (nth 2 err)) (progn (message "Caught a unique violation")) ;; re-throw anything else (signal (car err) (cdr err)))))
converts bigints and numerics your queries return to lisp floats
because they don’t fit into a lisp integer. This looses precision on
big values. If you need the full precision, cast them to text
use, e.g., calc-eval
to do arbitrary precision things with them.
All other data types are returned as utf-8 strings.
Strings and the query text itself is converted to utf-8 by the module
interface. If this conversion fails, the behavior is undefined by the
module interface. If you want to send strings that are not valid
utf-8, you need to work around this. For example, I’m using code like
the following to store raw bytes into a table with a bytea
(pq:query *con* "insert into t (blob) values (decode($1, 'base64'))" (base64-encode-string my-random-bytes))
Any non-string parameter to pq:query is turned into an emacs string
using prin1-to-string
first. This works quite well to store
arbitrary lisp data and read it back with read
. All other aspects
of prin1-to-string
apply too. For example, when print-length
are set to non-nil, these would be applied as well.
After a =LISTEN= statement, PostgreSQL will deliver notifications
asynchronously over the connection. Since the emacs-module interface
does not allow for asynchronous callbacks, you have to check for these
periodically after a LISTEN
statement by calling pq:notifies
Calling it will not cause any traffic on the connection itself.
See the testsuite ./pq-test.el for more implemented features.