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Platform & Infrastructure

Anil Kumar edited this page Dec 26, 2022 · 2 revisions

Stevey's Google Platforms Rant. I’ve read many times since and I love it - it applies to so many company’s tech stacks going through hyper-growth mode. To quote Steve Yegge:  "A product is useless without a platform, or more precisely and accurately, a platform-less product will always be replaced by an equivalent platform-ized product.”

Imagine this for an Enterprise's Cloud Infra:

Products: Boring + Novel (co) evolution & ecosystems + Developer experience: [Open-ended], [Opinionated, Prescriptive, Paved etc.]

The ideal state of visual application logic.

  • What if complex application logic were easier to understand? What if undesirable states and transitions were made impossible, and entire classes of bugs eliminated? And what if it could be visualized, and even visually edited?

  • That's the power of visual modeling – from visualization, simulation, analysis, autogeneration of tests, documentation, and diagrams, to collaboration with designers and others, make your code do more.

Our mission is to make app logic accessible to the entire team, including developers, designers, and stakeholders. Using state machines and statecharts as a common visual language, the software development cycle becomes more collaborative, eliminating handoff and tightening the feedback loop.

New – AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio – A Low-Code Visual Tool for Building State Machines

Nouns & Verbs:

Noun & Verb enables describing a system as a set of

  • nouns (database tables) &
  • verbs (the API calls)

and getting a functioning API in return.

It eliminates close to 100% of the grunt work involved in getting an API working The product delivers a code-base that can be both created and managed over time with a best-in-class developer experience.


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