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Collaborators: Issues and pull requests

Andreas Gullberg Larsen edited this page Jul 21, 2019 · 4 revisions

Merging pull requests

  1. Fix the PR title, it should be short and use the imperative/commanding form: Add Frequency.BeatPerMinute
  2. Use the Squash and merge option, this keeps the git history tidy
  3. If you have the option to delete the branch afterwards, please do so (branches on angularsen repo).
  4. After merging a PR, or a batch of PRs, you should release a new NuGet

Be nice

If someone put the effort into creating a PR, even if it is way off and will be rejected, please respect the time they put into it and help them know what to do differently the next time.

Help people help themselves

If someone comes asking about a new feature or a bug, don't just go and fix it. Help them do it.

It adds future contributors and project maintainers

Getting a contribution accepted for a project they use in their daily work or hobby is very rewarding and will often keep them coming back for more once they get past the initial hurdle of learning the code base and build systems for a project. For many this will be their first contribution to open source at all and helps the open source community grow.

They often know best

People asking about something may not know the library well or how to technically fit the change the best way. That's where project maintainers come in. They do however know exactly how to they want to consume the said feature or for bugs they have a good way to reproduce. Especially for quantities and conversions in less known domains, this is extremely valuable to get right.

Invite active contributors to become project maintainers

It is very important to grow the list of project maintainers to keep the library alive. Interest in the library will typically wane over time for most people, so to keep the interest up we need to on-board new maintainers. I have had nothing but great experiences in adding people. If they have more than a handful of pull requests with reasonable quality and they keep coming back for a time period of more than a few weeks, that is a strong indicator they will be both interested and capable in helping out for an extended period of time.

I have always been very clear that I expect very little commitment from anyone other than helping out replying to issues and reviewing PRs whenever they feel they have the time. Anything beyond that is just a bonus.