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Releases: angular/angularfire


22 May 17:10
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Bug Fixes

  • firestore: the type passed to AngularFirestoreCollection from a document's sub-collection will now default to DocumentData, rather than any, if no type is specified (#1662) (2c2fe02)

Breaking change

  • core: AngularFire now depends only on the firebase NPM library, rather than @firebase/* and @firebase/*-types; this should simplify issues around keeping types in-sync and conflicts between package versions (#1677) (2c2fe02)


16 May 16:22
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Bug Fixes

  • core: allow initializeApp to be used with AOT (#1654) (513565a)
  • core: Allow name + config deps to be optional (#1641) (a6af604)
  • firestore: Fixed a bug where Firestore sub-collections were inheriting the type of the doc by default (#1644) (dff8ddf)


  • auth: Adding user and idTokenResult Observables to AngularFireAuth (#1642) (31045a9)
  • functions: Adding AngularFireFunctions with httpCallable (#1532) (26f3f5f)
  • firestore: types for collection, audit trail, state, and snapshot changes (#1644) (dff8ddf)
  • rtdb: types for collection, audit trail, snapshot, and state changes (#1643) (2c2fe02)

Breaking change

  • To deal with the initializeApp not being able to be used in AOT (#1635) we removed FirebaseAppConfigToken and FirebaseAppNameToken and replaced them with a new FirebaseNameOrConfigToken which accepts either an app name string or a FirebaseAppConfig object. (#1654) (513565a)
  • firestore: If you do not specify a type to Document or Collection the default is now DocumentData (#1644) (dff8ddf)


14 May 16:26
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Bug Fixes


  • Supporting Angular and rxjs 6 (dd4a36c)
  • Support Firebase JS SDK 5.0 (#1628) (b99bfa3)
  • Support FirebaseAppConfig, clean up injection tokens (#1627) (57906bd)
  • firestore: Support Firestore Settings, timestampsInSnapshots default to true (#1629) (570c0a7)
  • auth: Update to rxjs pipeable operators (#1621) (0c3b215)
  • core: Update to rxjs pipeable operators (#1620) (3fbbb7d)
  • database: Update to rxjs pipeable operators (#1622) (5c3681d)
  • firestore: Update to rxjs pipeable operators (#1623) (97b26e3)
  • storage: Update to rxjs pipeable operators (#1624) (014be21)

Breaking changes

  • Due to the addition of a conflicting FirebaseAppConfig interface in Firebase 4.13 we've now changed our FirebaseAppConfig Injection Token to be FirebaseOptionsToken
  • For consistency the FirebaseAppName Injection Token is now FirebaseAppNameToken
  • rxjs 5 is no longer supported, upgrade to 6 (see the rxjs migration guide for more information)
  • Firebase JS SDK 4.x is no longer supported, upgrade to 5 (see the changelog for more information)
  • To mirror a change in Firebase 5.x, downloadURL was removed from AngularFireUploadTask

Known issues

  • Some users may experience failures compiling AOT while using AngularFireModule.initializeApp(...), a work-around is available (see #1635)


04 May 21:26
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Bug Fixes

  • afs: workarounds for bugs in the Firebase JS SDK #605 and #608 (#1540) (14e78ec)
  • app: add automaticDataCollectionEnabled for compatability with Firebase JS SDK v4.13+ (#1572) (f2cf159)


  • firestore: allow collection and doc from ref (#1487) (136f1e5), closes #1337
  • runOutsideAngular for Universal / service worker compatability and allow advanced configuration with DI (#1454) (e343f13)


26 Jan 14:59
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Bug Fixes

  • Migrate imports to new Typings from 4.8.1 to resolve #1385 (7ec51b2)
  • Removing errant old import. Updating build with latest namespace. Fixing import for main @firebase/app. This resolves failing tests. (a13bf9b)
  • afs: fix di warning (#1401) (23ab383)
  • afs/typings: valueChanges should return Observable<T|null> (#1321) (aadc71a)


  • storage: Add Cloud Storage support (e2283b1)


17 Nov 23:14
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Bug Fixes


14 Oct 00:40
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Bug Fixes

  • afs: change doc.update() parameter type to Partial (#1247) (297cabb), closes #1245 #1215
  • rtdb: Fixed null set handling, ordering, and cleaned up types (#1264) (eda1c41)


05 Oct 23:15
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Bug Fixes

  • afs: Allow multiple subscribers by using share, closes #1191 (#1192) (21522ab)
  • afs: Don't filter empty changes (allow for null set) (eb71edc)
  • afs: remove debugger statement from collection/changes.ts (#1190) (88a25e7)
  • auth: Clean up the authentication module (8ab3803)


16 Aug 12:53
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chore(release): bump versions. verify package versions.


02 Jun 21:31
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Merge pull request #1018 from jamesdaniels/rc1

chore(release): Changelog