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React Condition

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React Condition works with React Hooks as part of @leebyron's React Velcro architecture


$ yarn add react-condition
$ npm i react-condition

If conditions

Use the test prop with <If> and <ElseIf> elements to conditionally include certain elements. When an <If> test is truthy it does not render any <ElseIf> or <Else> children. However when it is falsey it only renders <ElseIf> and <Else> children.

<If test={someCondition}>
  This will only be shown if someCondition is truthy.
  <ElseIf test={otherCondition}>
    This will only be shown if someCondition is falsey
    and otherCondition is truthy.
      This will only be shown if both someCondition and
      otherCondition are both falsey.
    This will be shown if someCondition is falsey.
    <If test={finalCondition}>
      This will be shown if someCondition is falsey
      and finalCondition is truthy.

Alternatively, you can provide then and else props.

  then={"This will only be shown if someCondition is truthy."}
  else={"This will be shown if someCondition is falsey."}

Switch conditions

Use the expression prop with <Switch> element to conditionally include certain elements. When an <Switch> compares a value from <Case> and the comparison is truthy it only renders the matching child. However, when the comparison is falsey it continues through the children until it finds a match, or falls back to <Default>.

<Switch expression={"blue"}>
    <Case value={"red"}>
    <Case value={"green"}>
    <Case value={"blue"}>
<Switch expression={"hot fucking pink"}>
    <Case value={"red"}>
    <Case value={"green"}>
    <Case value={"blue"}>
        no color

Alternatively, you can provide then as props to <Case> or <Default>

<Switch expression={"hot fucking pink"}>
    <Case value={"red"} then={"red"} />
    <Case value={"red"} then={"green"} />
    <Case value={"red"} then={"blue"} />
    <Default then={"no color"} />

See also

@leebyron/react-loops - The father (or mother, idfk) of this library