Setting Up System Specs
We have made it as simple as possible to have your system specs. Before running your specs ensure you have installed the chromedriver
and that selenium-server standalone
is in your system path.
Mac OS
You can install the chromedriver and selenium standalone server with brew
brew install selenium-server-standalone
brew install chromedriver
This will install the chrome driver on the system path /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
If you're running in a different OS such as Linux you can specify the chromedriver path as such
module GarnetSpec
DRIVER = :chrome
PATH = "/usr/local/bin/chromedriver"
System tests allows test user interactions with your application, running tests in either a real chrome browser. System tests use the Selenium Standalone Server.
For creating Amber system tests, you use the spec/system directory in your application. Here's how a system test looks like:
class SomeFeature < GarnetSpec::System::Test
scenario "user visits amber framework and sees getting started button" do
visit ""
timeout 1000
click_on(:css, "header a.btn.btn-primary")
wait 2000
element(:tag_name, "body").text.should contain "Introduction"
scenario "user visits amberframwork homepage and sees logo" do
visit ""
wait 2000
element(:class_name, "img-amber-logo").attribute("src").should match(
Run your specs with crystal spec
{% hint style="warning" %} System Test currently only work with the Chrome Browser {% endhint %}