Sometimes we don't want a request to continue executing; maybe an error has occurred or perhaps an operation is taking too long and we would like to abort the execution of the request. Amber provides a halt!
method to controllers.
When you want a request to cease and return a particular message rather then rendering a page, you use Amber halt!
to stop the request from continue execution.
class UserController < ApplicationController
def index
halt!(403, "Forbidden") if params[:user_id].nil?
render "index.slang"
A status code of 403
was returned, and the content in render
will not be delivered to the client.
The next time you’re building an Amber application, consider using halt to simplify error handling.
Unlike other frameworks Amber redirect_to
stops the current execution of the request and performs the redirection at that given time.
For example, in other frameworks you will have to do something similar to:
class UserController < ApplicationController
def index
if some_condition
if some_condition
redirect_to(path_one) and return
# Or another approach
return redirect_to(path_one)
As you probably noticed there is an explicit return, this explicit return is something that is not needed with Amber. Since redirect_to
uses the halt!
method in the background.