- Open your production env file with
amber encrypt
then edit the database URL, and disable or enable logs. Also see Encrypt. - If you have assets and you're using NPM, use
npm install . && npm run release
to compile/minify.css
- Install
commands (See installation guide). You can compilebin/amber
tool usingshards build amber
in your production project to migrate your database. - Then copy your project repository and ensure to setup
in your environments variables. You can get your encryption key from.encryption_key
file in your development machine. Then inside your project's folder, install your shards dependencies withshards install --production
and compile your executable withshards build <your-app> --release
. - Finally run your project executable with
{% hint style="info" %} Also you can try to cross-compile to avoid install these dependencies but this feature is a bit buggy on most OS.
Alpine Linux is great to use crystal build --static
flag, though.
{% endhint %}
{% hint style="warning" %}
Compilation may take a while because --release
enables compiler optimizations. You can avoid --release
if you server is low end (less 256 RAM)
Amber performance is still acceptable on non-release mode {% endhint %}
{% hint style="danger" %} You may need sudo permission if you're using port 80 or ports < 1000 {% endhint %}
You can use iptables
to redirect port 80 to 8080 or whatever port are you using in production.
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
Optionally you can setup a system service to monitor your app very easy, and configure a .git/hook/post-receive
to deploy like Heroku using git push production
. Amber Team is already using a systemd service to manage Amber Framework Website and thepost-receive
hook below to manage deployment using git.
set -e
export AMBER_ENV=production
if [ "$GIT_DIR" = "." ]; then
# The script has been called as a hook; chdir to the working copy
cd ..
unset GIT_DIR
# try to obtain the usual system PATH
if [ -f /etc/profile ]; then
PATH=$(source /etc/profile; echo $PATH)
export PATH
# get the current branch
head="$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)"
# read the STDIN to detect if this push changed the current branch
while read oldrev newrev refname
[ "$refname" = "$head" ] && break
# abort if there's no update, or in case the branch is deleted
if [ -z "${newrev//0}" ]; then
# check out the latest code into the working copy
umask 002
git reset --hard
if [ -z "${oldrev//0}" ]; then
# this is the first push; this branch was just created
mkdir -p log tmp bin
chmod 0775 log tmp bin
touch $logfile
chmod 0664 $logfile
# init submodules
git submodule update --recursive --init 2>&1 | tee -a $logfile
# log timestamp
echo ==== $(date) ==== >> $logfile
#### BEGIN: Amberframework specific Code #####
shards install
if [ -f bin/amber ]; then
echo "amber already installed"
crystal build lib/amber/src/amber/cli.cr -o bin/amber --stats
echo "Migrating..."
./bin/amber db create migrate || true
echo "Building application in release mode"
crystal build src/amberframework.cr -o bin/amberframework --release --stats
systemctl status amberframework
sudo systemctl restart amberframework
systemctl status amberframework
Then add your production repository to your development machine using git remote add
git remote add production <user>@<ip>:/home/<user>/<repository>
is a valid user with your public ssh key inside~/.ssh/authorized_keys
is your production machine IP (you can use a domain as well).<repository>
is your project with your.git
folder inside.