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Setup Guide

DSSTNE requires a GPU to run. This guide covers two different ways that you can setup and run DSSTNE:

Setup on AWS using Docker

The first option is to run DSSTNE on AWS, taking advantage of Docker to containerize your installation. We have provided an AMI and Dockerfile that can be used to build and run DSSTNE on a GPU-based EC2 instance.


A Dockerfile has been provided as part of the DSSTNE source code, and you can build a Docker image out of that. Our Dockerfile is designed to be used with a Docker plugin called nvidia-docker, which facilitates communication between a Docker container and the GPU on the host.

When you build this Docker image, all of the dependencies for building DSSTNE will be fetched from third-party sources. By building this image, you are responsible for reading and accepting the relevant software licenses.

AMI with nvidia-docker

You can launch a GPU-based EC2 instance from ami-fe173884, which has Docker and nvidia-docker installed. This AMI also includes NVIDIA drivers, and is currently available in the us-east-1 region (N.Virginia in AWS Console).

You can create a new EC2 instance by following the instructions in the EC2 Launch Instance Wizard (this link will take you directly to the wizard).

Login to EC2 instance via SSH

Once you have launched your new GPU-based EC2 instance, you will need to log in as the 'ubuntu' user. Once you have successfully logged in, ensure that you can start a Docker container that can access the GPU drivers on the host. You can do this by running nvidia-smi in a new container:

nvidia-docker run --rm nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi

The output should be similar to the following - with no errors or running processes, and indicating that version 367.57 of the NVIDIA GPU Drivers are active:

Wed Nov 16 02:11:42 2016
| NVIDIA-SMI 367.57                 Driver Version: 367.57                    |
| GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|   0  GRID K520           Off  | 0000:00:03.0     Off |                  N/A |
| N/A   26C    P8    17W / 125W |      0MiB /  4036MiB |      0%      Default |

| Processes:                                                       GPU Memory |
|  GPU       PID  Type  Process name                               Usage      |
|  No running processes found                                                 |

If that all works, you can proceed to building a DSSTNE Docker image.

Build the Docker image

To build the latest Docker image, you will need to clone the DSSTNE source code:

git clone

Then build the image locally:

cd amazon-dsstne/
docker build -t amazon-dsstne .

Note that this will take a while, as it will build DSSTNE's dependencies from source. Feel free to get a cup of coffee while you wait.

Test the Docker image

nvidia-docker run --rm -it amazon-dsstne predict

The output should look like the following (the missing argument error is expected):

Error: Missing required argument: -d: dataset_name is not specified.
Predict: Generates predictions from a trained neural network given a signals/input dataset.
Usage: predict -d <dataset_name> -n <network_file> -r <input_text_file> -i <input_feature_index> -o <output_feature_index> -f <filters_json> [-b <batch_size>] [-k <num_recs>] [-l layer] [-s input_signals_index] [-p score_precision]
    -b batch_size: (default = 1024) the number records/input rows to process in a batch.
    -d dataset_name: (required) name for the dataset within the netcdf file.
    -f samples filterFileName .
    -i input_feature_index: (required) path to the feature index file, used to tranform input signals to correct input feature vector.
    -k num_recs: (default = 100) The number of predictions (sorted by score to generate). Ignored if -l flag is used.
    -l layer: (default = Output) the network layer to use for predictions. If specified, the raw scores for each node in the layer is output in order.
    -n network_file: (required) the trained neural network in NetCDF file.
    -o output_feature_index: (required) path to the feature index file, used to tranform the network output feature vector to appropriate features.
    -p score_precision: (default = 4.3f) precision of the scores in output
    -r input_text_file: (required) path to the file with input signal to use to generate predictions (i.e. recommendations).
    -s filename (required) . to put the output recs to.

If this is what you see, you're ready to move on to the [examples]. Note that before running the examples, you should start a shell on a fresh Docker container:

nvidia-docker run -it amazon-dsstne /bin/bash

Setup on your own development machine

Instructions are provided for installation on Ubuntu 16.04 Linux machines. For prior versions of Ubuntu, usage of Docker is recommended.


  • Setup GCC : GCC compiler with C++11 is required.
  • Setup CuBLAS : Blas Libraries
  • Cuda Toolkit >= 7.0 is required
  • Setup OpenMPI : CUDA aware OpenMPI is required.
  • Setup NetCDF : NetCDF is the native format which DSSTNE engine supports
  • Setup JsonCPP : Configurations are parsed through Json
  • Setup CppUnit : Unit testing framework module for C++
  • Setup CUB : Dependent CUDA libraries which is required by DSSTNE

GCC Setup

# Ubuntu/Linux 64-bit
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get install gcc
sudo apt-get install g++

#Fedora 64-bit
sudo dnf check-update
sudo dnf install gcc
sudo dnf install gcc-c++

Cublas Setup

# Ubuntu/Linux 64-bit
sudo apt-get install -y libatlas-base-dev

#Fedora 64-bit
sudo dnf install atlas-devel

OpenMPI Setup

MPI is used across in DSTTNE to allow multi GPU modeling. OpenMPI package is used as the MPI Platform.

# Ubuntu/Linux 64-bit
sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev

NetCDF Setup

NetCDF is the format which is supported inherently from DSSTNE engine. It is required to install:

HDF5 Setup

sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev

Zlib Setup

# Ubuntu/Linux 64-bit
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

Netcdf Setup

# Ubuntu/Linux 64-bit
sudo apt-get install libnetcdf-dev

Netcdfc++ Setup

# Ubuntu/Linux 64-bit
sudo apt-get install libnetcdf-c++4-dev

JsonCPP Setup

# Ubuntu/Linux 64-bit
sudo apt-get install libjsoncpp-dev

CppUnit Setup

# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libcppunit-dev

CUB Setup

# Ubuntu/Linux 64-bit
sudo apt-get install -y unzip
sudo cp -rf cub-1.8.0/cub/ /usr/local/include/


Follow the instructions to intall cuDNN for your version of CUDA Toolkit here.

Build and Install

Build from Source

# Ubuntu/Linux 64-bit
git clone

#Add the mpiCC and nvcc compiler in the path
export PATH=/usr/local/openmpi/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH

cd amazon-dsstne

Once built, you'll notice a build directory at the git repository root with a few subdirectories:

Directory Description
build/include Directory where the headers are copied to
build/lib Directory where static and shared libraries are built into
build/bin Directory that contains executables and command-line tools
build/tmp Directory used internally by the build process to output temporary files (*.o, *.ptx, etc)
build/tst Directory used to output test artifacts


make install

By default the install directory is <git-repository-root>/amazon-dsstne. You can install dsstne into a custom location by setting the PREFIX variable, for example

PREFIX=/usr/local/amazon-dsstne make install

builds dsstne into /usr/local/amazon-dsstne. The contents of the install directory is similar to that of build with the exception of the tmp and tst directories, which are used by the build process and not relevant to the end user.

Using the Executables

DSSTNE ships with a few executables out of the box to enable you to train a neural network model and generate predictions. These tools are found in the bin sub-directory in your install directory. To use them:

  1. (Optional) Set PATH=$PREFIX/bin.
  2. Depending on your setup you may have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CUDA_INSTALL_DIR/lib:$OPEN_MPI_INSTALL_DIR/lib

Using the API

To take a programmatic dependency on DSSTNE:

  1. Headers are located in $PREFIX/include.
  2. Libraries are located in $PREFIX/lib.
    1. Engine static library: libdsstne.a
    2. Utils static library:

For example, to compile your main.cpp file that depends on DSSTNE:

CC = g++
CFLAGS = -std=c++11 -Wall -O3 ...(other flags)...
INCLUDES = -I$PREFIX/include ...(other includes)...
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) main.cpp $PREFIX/lib/libdsstne.a -o my_app

Another example, to compile your main.cpp file that depends on DSSTNE utils:

CC = g++
CFLAGS = -std=c++11 -Wall -O3 ...(other flags)...
INCLUDES = -I$PREFIX/include ...(other includes)...
LIBS = -L$PREFIX/lib ...(other libs)...
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $(LIBS) main.cpp -o my_app -ldsstne_utils

Build Options

The following variables are used to customize the build

Variable Description Default Value
PATH Path to search for CC, NVCC, and MPICC $PATH
BUILD_DIR Build directory /build
PREFIX Install directory /amazon-dsstne
CUDA_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIR CUDA include dir relative to nvcc path. Used to exclude CUDA system headers from gcc auto-generated dependencies (only used to enable incremental builds when source or header changes) /../target/x86_64/include
CU_INCLUDES Include path to CC or NVCC (e.g. -I/usr/local/cuda) (see src/amazon/dsstne/
CU_LIBS Library path option to LD (e.g. -lcuda) (see src/amazon/dsstne/

Try running some examples.