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Vue.js component to select the time intervals of the day.

Try it:

Npm-module page:

Built with SVG and pointer events.

npm install vue-time-ranges-picker


    <div class="time-picker-wrapper">

import VueTimeRangesPicker from 'vue-time-ranges-picker';

export default {
  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      ranges: [
          startTime: '00:00',
          endTime: '03:00',
          scaleColor: 'violet',
          startTime: '03:00',
          endTime: '06:00',
          scaleColor: 'yellow',
          startTime: '06:00',
          endTime: '00:00',
          scaleColor: 'aquamarine',

.time-picker-wrapper {
  width: 300px;

If you want to use this component in browser which doesn't support pointer events, then enable polyfill. For example,you can add this script in the header of your html page


value :arrayOf(object)

The array which contains default intervals of time with scale color for each of them.

isTwelfthMode :boolean, default: false

Set this value to true if you want to work with picker in twelfth format. If it is true, data should be in twelfth format too.

stepOfMoving :number, default: 0.5

This param controls the minimum hours step for moving.

extraPointerRadius :number, default: 70

The user can't always get directly to the pointer to start the movement. The parameter is used to indicate an additional, invisible radius for the pointer, which, when hit, begins the movement.

viewOptions :object, default:

  isShowChosenTime: true,
  isShowQuartersText: true,
  isShowHoursMarks: true,
  chosenTimeColor: 'grey',
  pointerColor: 'white',
  activePointerColor: 'rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.9)',
  pointerRadius: 6,
  activePointerRadius: 5.5,
  circleStrokeWidth: 8,
  hoursMarksColor: 'grey',
  quarterTextColor: 'grey',

Different options for controlling the view of component. You can play with it in demo.

Project setup

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your tests

npm run test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

How to build this module for npm