TDD bi4group labday: "Game of Mopes kata" Installation instructions 1. Clone the repo git clone 2. Create virtualenv cd tdd virtualenv tdd_venv source tdd_venv/bin/activate 3. Install requirements pip install -r requirements.txt 4. Create your own branch git branch team_1 Make the features pass! 1. Start by running behave for the first feature: 'create_game' behave features/create_game.feature 2. Implement the steps for the scenarios in vim features/steps/mopes_steps 3. Develop code to fix the steps in vim 4. When first feature is done, continue with 'scores.feature' behave features/scores.feature 5. Finally finish with last feature: 'mopes.feature' behave features/mopes.feature 6. When all your features/scenarios passes, push your branch git push --set-upstream origin team_1 7. Then create a new pull request and check Travis to see it in action! 8. Congrats! You did your first TDD development :)