- Short url
- Track visit
- Track Dashboard Vision
- responsive UI
- i18n (English and Chinese)
- Dark mode
- time
- ip
- region
- country
- city
- lat lng
- ua string
- browser name
- browser version
- os name
- os version
- cpu
- device model
- device vendor
- engine name
- engin version
Online demo url shorter
- Next.js (full stack framework)
- Vercel (deployment serverless)
- NextAuth (github OAuth)
- Redis (storage kv : short code and long urls)
- Upstash (serverless database redis)
- nanoid (generate short code)
- is-url (judge is valid url)
- chakra-ui (frontend ui lib)
- @icon-park/react (icons)
- next.js edge middleware (track visit info)
- postgres (storage link and visitor info)
- prisma (ORM)
- leaflet (map: show visitor location)
- react-leaflet (leaflet wrapper)
- cobe (show globe)
- @ant-design/plots (charts)