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File metadata and controls

88 lines (64 loc) · 3.17 KB


• Souq 3okaz is an E-commerce website for buying and selling products.
• It has the main functions of an E-commerce platform.
• It is composed of two subsystems Admin subsystem and the Customer subsystem.
• It is built Using: PHP/Laravel, Mysql, fastkart frontend templet, and Filament admin panel.

* This project is still under development and all the information below may change.


▪ PHP 8.1
▪ Mysql 10.11.4
▪ Laravel 9.19
▪ Filament 3

How to run

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Copy .en.example file and rename it to .env and fill the necessary data.
  3. Run composer install.
  4. Run php artisan migrate --seed.
  5. Run php artisan key:generate.
  6. Run php artisan storage:link.
  7. Run php artisan serve.

Product Functions

Enlisted below are all the major functions and features supported by the online shopping system till now along with the user classes.

Customer Side

▪ Register
▪ Login
▪ Logout
▪ Email verification
▪ Password Rest
▪ Prevent too many fiald login attempts
▪ Authentication with google
▪ Supports multi-languages
▪ Product description page
    ▪ Product review and ratings
    ▪ Product attributes
    ▪ Product short description
    ▪ Product long description
    ▪ Related products in PDP
    ▪ Product special price if exist

Admin Side

▪ Website settings managment
▪ Website translation managment
▪ Can perform CRUD operation for the product categoey 
▪ Can perform CRUD operation for the product 
▪ Can attach and de-attach product to/from categoey
▪ Can perform CRUD operation for the product Attributes
▪ Supports multi-languages
▪ Can add a special price to a product
▪ Can add related products to a product

Some implementation details

▪ I used spatie media library to handel files.
▪ I used spatie permissions to handel roles and permissions.
▪ For the login, registration, password reset and email verification I did not use any package.
▪ Spatie Laravel translatable is used to handel model translations.
▪ Laravel socialite is used to authenticate with OAuth providers .
▪ RealRashid\SweetAlert is used to handel alerts
▪ Spatie Laravel translation loader and its Filament plugins is used handel static text translation 

Some information about product category

▪ You can add many categories , sub categories , sub sub categories and so on (unlimited levels of categories)
▪ Each categoey can have many chiledren and only one parent (one to many)
▪ Laravel-adjacency-listt package is used to handel the category hierarchy using recursive sql queries
▪ You can see the direct parent of the category and it's level in the hierarchy starting form level 0 as a root category
▪ I put some trigers on the product_categories table to detect and prevent cycels in the category tree to aviod infinite sql queries

Next steps

▪ Short list of attributs