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Corda State Hierarchy Design

This paper describes a new approach to modelling financial things on Corda. There are two key intuitions behind the model:

  1. The notion of "fungibility" can be an attribute of any state type, not just OwnableStates and "assets"
  2. The lifecycle of a financial instrument should be orthogonal to the notion of participating in an agreement involving that instrument type

Modelling financial instruments

TL;DR Money and securities are agreements but we model them as OwnableStates for legacy reasons. The intuition here is that agreements are not ownable.

All "legacy" financial instruments are agreements (or contracts, but here we won't use the term "contract" as it is too heavily overloaded in the DLT world); this includes all forms of fiat money and securities.

Indeed, if you "look" at a financial instrument, you'll most likely be looking at some form of legal document:

  • A £10 note is a legal document "I promise to pay the bearer on demand..."
  • A bond indenture is a large pile of legal documents prepared by a borrower for their investors
  • A loan is a legal document prepared by a lender and probably never read in detail by the borrower
  • A stock certificate or share agreement includes the name of the issuing company and the investor

The following diagram demonstrates fiat currency as agreements between the central bank, banks and individuals:


The diagram depicts two forms of fiat currency:

  • Central bank reserves are a liability of central banks. In the past, central bank reserves were backed by physical assets and redeemable on demand but these days this usually is not the case; the central bank will mostly hold government bonds, repos and other types of debt on their debt on the asset side of their balance sheet.
  • A commercial bank deposit, or "cash" as it is known to most people, is a liability of your bank to deliver a liability of the central bank.

In summary: fiat currency, in whatever form, is just an accounting entry. This is despite the fact that cash feels like an "ownable" thing. Indeed, in Corda to date, cash is modelled as an ownable thing (OwnableState / FungibleAsset). However, really, it is an agreement between an obligor (the bank), and a beneficiary (the holder of the cash).

When sending a cash state to another party with Corda, the receiving party must traverse the chain of provenance to assure themselves that what they are receiving really is a valid claim on an issuer (obligor).

What's happening here is that the action of traversing the chain of provenance collapses down all the movements of the cash state into — what amounts to — an agreement between the issuer and the current holder.


The same principle applies for equity and debt, which are agreements between companies and investors.

What is an agreement in Corda?

Any state object which contains two or more distinct Party (or AbstractParty) objects in the state definition. Examples:

  • issuer and owner in the cash state
  • two participants in a LinearState representing an interest rate swap
  • issuer and holder in the FungibleToken

Although they usually are, the parties don't have to be listed in the participants property, there just needs to be two or more parties specified in the state object. With Corda, the participants property is used to:

  • help ascertain whether the signing parties for a transaction are authorised to sign, as ususally the signing parties should be participants
  • determine which parties store this state in their vaults—this is the notion of Relevancy in Corda

In the case of Cash, the only participant should typically be the current owner as the expectation is that that cash states should move around without the issuer's knowledge.

So what is not an agreement?

TL;DR The only non-agreements on ledger are ledger native crypto tokens.

Things in the physical World which are "ownable" (not in the OwnableState sense) and have no counter-party are not agreements. These types of things do not have issuers. In the digital World, there can exist things which have issuers but are not agreements. Some examples include:

Thing Comments Has Issuer Has owner
Physical commodities Commodities are dug out of the ground. No Yes
Freehold real- estate Freehold real-estate can be thought of as being owned out-right. Technically speaking, the Crown is the only absolute owner of land in England and Wales. When land/property is bought/sold, titles to the land change hands rather than the land, itself. This is why ownership is ultimately determined by the land registry and not based on a sales contract. No Yes
Chattels Stuff in your house which is owned out-right. Also, antiques. No Yes
Cryptocurrency Permissionless, pseudo-anonymous crypto-currencies like Bitcoin which have unidentifiable issuers. There is no-one to sue if you lose your coins! Unidentifiable Yes
Utility tokens Utility tokens which confer no rights to owners Yes but has no obligation Yes

To complicate things more, it is worth noting that physical commodities, freehold real-estate and chattels, etc. cannot exist on Corda in material form, hence the need for "tokenization"— tokens are created by an issuer to represent claims on themselves to deliver a specific amount of the off-ledger "thing" in return for redemption of the token. In other words, the token is an agreement!

The nature of the issuer, whether they are a custodian or bank, for example, is out of scope for the purposes of this paper.

There are some forms of non-agreements which can exist on ledger: crypto-currencies and utility tokens which confer no rights. These are new-World digital assets and the Corda state model should be flexible enough to support them. In the proposed tokens model, these non-agreements would either be assigned an issuer which is a well known public key which represents a set of miners or a NULL public key.

Lastly, it goes without saying that any state object which contains only a single participant clearly cannot be an agreement.

Required additions to the core data model

The current versions of ContractState , OwnableState and LinearState in Corda Core are used as they exist today. As a refresher:

  • ContractState is the base state definition in Corda. It requires implementations to define a participants list, which is a list of parties for which the state is relevant. I.e. only these parties will store this version of the state in their vault unless StatesToRecord.ALL_VISIBLE is used.
  • OwnableState adds the concept of an owner to a state object. the owner is typically the only participant in an OwnableState. The token SDK doesn't use OwnableState.
  • LinearStates add the concept of a linearId , this is useful for keeping track of states which represent a workflow, or non-fungible things. The linearId represents a particular lineage of LinearStates.


In addition to the above, a new FungibleState has been added for the following reasons:

  • The old FungibleAsset state clearly assumes that the "thing" in question is a financial instrument but this is not always the case. Also, referring to states as "assets" is confusing, as one Party's asset is another Party's liability. Furthermore, fungible derivative contracts such as standardised exchange traded furtures contracts can flip from being a balance sheet asset or liability depending on the price of the underlying instrument. As such, the term "asset" and related nomenclature will be avoided. Instead, we will refer to tokens—which are agreements between issuers and owners.
  • FungibleAsset implements OwnableState , as such there is an assumption that all fungible things are ownable. This is not always true, as fungible derivative contracts exist, for example.

The new FungibleState is simply defined as:

interface FungibleState<T : Any> : ContractState {
    val amount: Amount<T>

Where T is some type of token or a reference to a type of token defined elsewhere. T deliberately has no upper-bound to maintain flexibility going forward. Note that Issuer is omitted and the interface implements ContractState as opposed to OwnableState, again, this is to provide flexibility.

Note: This has already been added to Corda core. See here.


This paper proposes to add a new type called StatePointer . StatePointers formalise a pattern whereby CorDapp developers refer to a state from inside another state. For example:

data class FooState(val ref: StateRef) : ContractState

StatePointers come in two variants:

  • StaticPointers which refer to a specific StateRef, or;
  • LinearPointers which allow a ContractState to "point" to the most up-to-date version of a LinearState. Instead of linking to a specific StateRef, using a StaticPointer a, LinearPointer contains the linearId of the lineage of LinearState to point to. It goes without saying that LinearPointers can only be used with LinearStates

State pointing is a useful pattern when one state depends on the contained data within another state and there is an expectation that the state being depended upon will evolve independently to the depending state. This might be to divide responsibility for updates or to compartmentalise data for privacy reasons.

class LinearPointer<T : LinearState>(
    override val pointer: UniqueIdentifier, 
    override val type: Class<T>
) : StatePointer<T>() {
    override fun resolve(services: ServiceHub): StateAndRef<T> {
		// Omitted code.

    override fun resolve(ltx: LedgerTransaction): StateAndRef<T> {
        return ltx.referenceInputRefsOfType(type).single { 
            pointer == 

    // Omitted code.

The LinearPointer contains the linearId of the LinearState being pointed to and two resolve methods. Resolving a LinearPointer returns a StateAndRef containing the latest version of the LinearState that the node calling resolve is aware of. There are two issues to note with LinearPointers:

  1. If the node calling resolve has not seen any transactions containing a LinearState with the specified linearId then resolve will return null .
  2. Even if the node calling resolve has seen and stored transactions containing a LinearState with the specified linearId , there is no guarantee the StateAndRef returned is the most recent version of the LinearState. This might be because the node in question doesn't have the most up-to-date transaction, and/or does have the most up-to-date transaction but the LinearState with the specified linearId was not stored in the vault.

Both of the above problems can be resolved by adding the pointed-to LinearState as a reference state to the transaction containing the state with the LinearPointer . This way, the pointed-to state travels around with the pointer, such that the LinearPointer can always be resolved. Furthermore, the reference states feature will ensure that the pointed-to state remains current. It's worth noting that embedding the pointed-to state may not always be preferable, especially if it is quite large but in the majority of cases, this won't be a problem.

From Corda 4 onwards, the TransactionBuilder automatically resolves StatePointers to StateAndRefs and includes those StateAndRefs as reference states in the transaction.

For a more detailed design document on StatePointers please see here. See the implementation here.

The foundational state types

With the key concepts defined above, here's a proposal for a series of types which should be able to fulfil all use-cases involving agreements, tokens, assets (liabilities), etc.


To aid understanding of the (rather complex looking) diagram, it can be split into three parts:

  1. A light grey area which corresponds to types defined in corda-core
  2. A darker grey area which corresponds to new types defined in the token SDK
  3. A even darker area which contains types that will be defined by CorDapp developers in their own apps

Token SDK types


A TokenType is an overarching interface for all things related to types of tokens.

As it suggests, TokenType refers to a "type of thing" as opposed to the vehicle which is used to assign units of a token to a particular owner. For that we use the NonFungibleToken state for assigning non-fungible tokens to a holder and the FungibleToken state for assigning amounts of some fungible token to a holder.

The interface implements TokenizableAssetInfo because in almost all cases, the TokenType must define the nominal display unit of a single TokenType. For example, JYP has zero fraction digits, whereas most currencies have two fraction digits. Therefore, to be able to reason about amounts of tokens arithmetically, we must define the fraction digits.

TokenType also defines a class and identifier which are used for serialisation.

interface TokenType : TokenizableAssetInfo {
    val tokenIdentifier: String
    val tokenClass: String

TokenTypes can be composed into a NonFungibleToken or a FungibleToken and they are almost always wrapped with an IssuedTokenType class.


A type to wrap a TokenType with an issuing Party. The TokenType might be a ledger native asset such as an equity which is issued directly on to the ledger, in which case the issuing Party IS the securities issuer. In other cases, the TokenType would represent a depository receipt. In this case the issuing Party would be the custodian or securities firm which has issued the TokenType on the ledger and holds the underlying security as an asset on their balance sheet. The Amount of a IssuedTokenType they had issued would be the corresponding liability. The issuer of the underlying security held in custody would be implied via some of information contained within the token type state. E.g. a stock symbol or ISIN.

data class IssuedTokenType<out T : TokenType>(
    val issuer: Party, 
    val tokenType: T
) : TokenType by tokenType {
	// Omitted code.


A FixedTokenType is where the definition of a token is inlined into the NonFungibleToken or FungibleToken class. This is for tokens which you don't expect to evolve over time. Note that FixedTokenTypes are not states! They don't need to be because the definition of the token never changes or hardly ever changes. You are certainly likely to use this when testing or creating tokens for currencies (which don't typically evolve). If you do need to make changes to a FixedTokenType then they need to be made by either:

  1. Upgrading your state and contract (see implicit and explicit upgrades in the Corda docs), or;
  2. By specifying a new version of the token and then redeeming and re-issuing the NonFungibleToken or FungibleToken with the new token.

However, if your TokenType is likely to need updating often, then use the EvolvableTokenType type.

abstract class FixedTokenType : TokenType {
    override fun toString(): String = "$tokenClass($tokenIdentifier)"


EvolvableTokens are state objects because the expectation is that they will evolve over time. Of course in-lining a LinearState directly into the NonFungibleToken or FungibleToken state doesn't make much sense, as you would have to perform a state update to change the token type. Instead, it makes more sense to include a pointer to the token type. That's what TokenPointer is for (see below). This way, the token can evolve independently to which party currently holds (some amount of) the token type.

abstract class EvolvableToken : LinearState, TokenizableAssetInfo {
    abstract val maintainers: List<Party>

    /** Defaults to the maintainer but can be overridden if necessary. */
    override val participants: List<AbstractParty> get() = maintainers

    /** For obtaining a pointer to this [EvolveableToken]. */
    inline fun <reified T : EvolvableToken> toPointer(): TokenPointer<T> {
        val linearPointer = LinearPointer(linearId,
        return TokenPointer(linearPointer, displayTokenSize)

It is expected that a specific set of Partys create and maintain EvolvableTokenTypes. Note, that these Partys don't necessarily have to be the issuer of the EvolvableTokenType. One of them probably is the issuer of the token but may not necessarily be. For example, a reference data maintainer may create an EvolvableTokenType for some stock, keep all the details up-to-date, and distribute the updates. This EvolvableTokenType, can then be used by many issuers to create FungibleTokens (depository receipts) for the stock in question. Also the actual stock issuer (if they had a Corda node on the network) could use the same stock token to issue ledger native stock.



To harness the power of EvolvableTokenTypes, they cannot be directly embedded in NonFungibleToken or FungibleTokens. Instead, a TokenPointer is embedded. The pointer can be resolved inside the verify function and inside flows, to obtain the data within the EvolvableTokenType. This way, the TokenType can evolve independently from which party holds (some amount of) it, as the data is held in a separate state object.

data class TokenPointer<T : EvolvableToken>(
        val pointer: LinearPointer<T>,
        override val displayTokenSize: BigDecimal
) : TokenType {
    override fun toString(): String = "Pointer(${}, ${pointer.type.canonicalName})"


The FungibleToken class is for handling the issuer and holder relationship for fungible token types. This state object implements FungibleState as the expectation is that it contains Amounts of an IssuedTokenType which can be split and merged. All TokenTypes are wrapped with an IssuedTokenType class to add the issuer party, this is necessary so that the FungibleToken represents an agreement between an issuer of the IssuedTokenType and a holder of the IssuedTokenType. In effect, the FungibleToken conveys a right for the holder to make a claim on the issuer for whatever the TokenType represents.

open class FungibleToken<T : TokenType>(
        override val amount: Amount<IssuedTokenType<T>>,
        override val holder: AbstractParty
) : FungibleState<IssuedTokenType<T>>, AbstractToken(), QueryableState {
	// Methods omitted.

FungibleToken is something that can be split and merged. It contains the following properties:

  • An amount of a specified IssuedTokenType . The TokenType can be an in-lined TokenType or a pointer to an EvolvableTokenType
  • An owner property of type AbstractParty , so the holder can be anonymous
  • All ContractStates contain a participants property

It is easy to see that the FungibleToken is only concerned with which party holds a specified amount of some TokenType, which is defined elsewhere. As such FungibleTokens support three simple behaviours: issue , move , redeem . The tokens SDK will contain flows to create FungibleTokens of some TokenType then issue, move and redeem those tokens.

The FungibleToken class is defined as open so developers can create their own sub-classes, e.g. one which incorporates owner whitelists, for example.

FungibleToken coupled with TokenType is the Corda version of ERC-20. The other part of the standard which is out of scope for this document are the flows to issue, move and redeem tokens.


This class is for handling the issuer and holder relationship for non-fungible token types. Non-fungible tokens cannot be split and merged, as they are considered unique at the ledger level. If the TokenType is a TokenPointer, then the token can evolve independently of who holds it. Otherwise, if a FixedTokenType is used then the TokenType is in-lined into the NonFungibleToken and it cannot change. There is no Amount property in this class, as the assumption is there is only ever ONE of the IssuedTokenType provided. It is up to issuers to ensure that only ONE of a non-fungible token ever issued. All TokenTypes are wrapped with an IssuedTokenType class to add the issuer Party. This is necessary so that the NonFungibleToken represents an agreement between the issuer and holder. In effect, the NonFungibleToken conveys a right for the holder to make a claim on the issuer for whatever the TokenType represents. This is the equivalent of ERC-721.

open class NonFungibleToken<T : TokenType>(
        val token: IssuedTokenType<T>,
        override val holder: AbstractParty
) : AbstractToken(), QueryableState {
	// Methods omitted.

Representing other types of agreements

Frequently, we need to model other types of agreements, which are not "ownable" or "holdable" in the Corda sense—it does not make sense to implement the OwnableState . This is the case for financial instruments such as obligations, OTC derivatives and invoices, for example. These types of interfaces can be implemented by using the LinearState interface.

Although not included in the type hierarchy diagram above, it would be trivial to create a bunch of helper interfaces which implement LinearState for these types of financial instruments.

An example would be integrating the ISDA common domain model ("CDM") with this proposal. All the CDM types would be encapsulated within a LinearState which manages the workflow of the derivative contract.



We can define an example of a FixedtokenType, in this case FiatCurrency—which is already included in the money module of the token SDK.

// Abstract type for Money-like things.
abstract class Money : FixedTokenType() {
    abstract val description: String

// A simple definition of FiatCurrency using java.util.Currency.
class FiatCurrency(private val currency: Currency) : Money() {
    override val tokenIdentifier: String get() = currency.currencyCode
    override val tokenClass: String get() = javaClass.canonicalName
    override val description: String get() = currency.displayName
    override fun toString(): String = tokenIdentifier
    override val displayTokenSize: BigDecimal get() {
        return BigDecimal.ONE.scaleByPowerOfTen(-currency.defaultFractionDigits)

    companion object {
        fun getInstance(currencyCode: String) { 
            return FiatCurrency(Currency.getInstance(currencyCode))
	// Other methods omitted.

We can now use the above definition to create some FungibleTokens:

// TokenType for GBP.
val gbp: FiatCurrency = GBP
// £10.
val tenPounds: Amount<FiatCurrency> = 10.GBP
// £10 issued by Alice, where ALICE is a Party object.
val issuedTenPounds = Amount<IssuedTokenType<FiatCurrency>> = tenPounds issuedBy ALICE
// £10 issued by Alice and owned by Bob.
val ownedTenPounds: FungibleToken<FiatCurrency> = issuedTenPounds ownedBy BOB
// Or all together with type inference.
val tenQuid = 10.GBP issuedBy ALICE ownedBy BOB
val oneMillionDollars = 1_000_000.USD issuedBy ZOE ownedBy RICH

The fungible tokens can be used to create transactions:

// Couple the dollars with an issuer, in this case ZOE.
val zoeDollar: IssuedTokenType<FiatCurrency> = USD issuedBy ZOE
// Use "X of Y" syntax to create amounts of some IssuedTokenType.
val millionDollars = 1_000_000 of zoeDollar ownedBy BOB
// A transaction to issue a million Zoe Dollars.
val builder = TransactionBuilder(honestNotary).apply {
    // New output of a million dollars issued by JPM and owned by Bob.
    // Link the command to the token type.
    val zoeKey: PublicKey = zoeDollar.issuer.owningKey
    // Zoe is the signer to issue Zoe Dollars.
    addCommand(IssueTokenCommand(zoeDollar), listOf(zoeKey))


Take a stock issued by MEGA CORP. It can be initially issued by MEGA CORP, they may then announce a dividend, pay a dividend, perform a share split, etc. This should all be managed inside an EvolvableTokenType state. MEGA CORP is at liberty to define whichever properties and methods they deem necessary on the EvolvableTokenType. Only MEGA CORP has the capability of updating the EvolvableTokenType.

Other parties on the Corda Network that hold MEGA CORP stock, use the EvolvableTokenType as reference data. It is likely that MEGA CORP would distribute the EvolvableTokenType updates via data distribution groups. Holders of MEGA CORP stock would subscribe to updates to ensure they have the most up-to-date version of the EvolvableTokenType which reflects all recent lifecycle events.

The MEGA CORP example in code would be as follows:

// Example stock token. This could be used for any stock type.
data class Stock(
      override val symbol: String,
      override val name: String,
      override val displayTokenSize: BigDecimal,
      override val maintainers: List<Party>,
      override val linearId: UniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier()
) : EvolvableTokenType() {
  // Things one can do with stock.
  fun dividend(amount: TokenType): Stock

// Define MEGA CORP Stock reference data then issue it on the ledger (not shown).
val megaCorpStock = Stock(
    symbol = "MEGA",
    name = "MEGA CORP",
    displayTokenSize = BigDecimal.ONE,
    maintainers = listOf(REF_DATA_MAINTAINER)

// Create a pointer to the MEGA CORP stock.
val stockPointer: TokenPointer<Stock> = megaCorpStock.toPointer()
// Create an issued token type for the MEGA CORP stock.
val issuedMegaCorpStock = stockPointer issuedBy CUSTODIAN
// Create a FungibleToken for some amount of MEGA CORP stock.
val stockTokensForAlice = 1_000 of issuedMegaCorpStock ownedBy ALICE

// MEGA CORP announces a dividend and commits the updated token type definition to ledger.

// MEGA CORP distributes the updated token type definition to those who require it.

// Resolving the pointer gives us the updated token type definition.
val resolved = stockPointer.resolve(services)

Here, the EvolvableTokenType is linked to the FungibleToken via the TokenPointer. The pointer includes the linearId of the EvolvableTokenType and implements a resolve method.

We cannot link the EvolvableTokenType by StateRef as the FungibleState would require updating each time the EvolvableTokenType is updated! Instead, we link by linearId where resolve allows developers to resolve the linearId to most recent EvolvableTokenType state inside a flow. Conceptually, this is similar to the process where a StateRef is resolved to a StateAndRef.


  • Farzad Pezeshkpour for his detailed review of this proposal. See his review here.
  • Jose Col
  • Matthew Nesbit
  • Mike Hearn
  • Richard Brown


Financial instrument taxonomy

These tables explain how common financial instruments and things map to the state types defined above; FungibleToken, NonFungibleToken and LinearState.


Composing TokenDescriptions

TokenDescriptions can be composed within each other to model more complex relationships. For example, we can implement the central bank and commercial bank example which was given in the first section of this paper:

// TODO: Add types for this.
// TODO: Show how mortgage securitisation would work.

val gbp = FiatCurrency(GBP)
val gbpReserves = CentralBankReserves(gbp, BANK_OF_ENGLAND)
val gbpBankDeposit = CommercialBankDeposit(gbpReserves, BARCLAYS)
val gbpElectronicMoney = ElectronicMoney(gbpBankDeposit, E_MONEY_ISSUER)

When used in FungibleTokens, TokenDescriptions are composed into TokenType.Definitions.


  • Introduce the concept of obligations and how it fits in with Token types. "An obligation to deliver 10 of X token type".