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203 lines (190 loc) · 8.98 KB

APRS Symbols

When registering a call sign with the Gateway, it is often desirable to also set the symbol that will represent the device on various applications and maps (e.g.,

Each symbol is represented by a 2- or 3-letter code, as outlined in the tables below.

If the symbol is simple, it will use a two letter code, as listed in the first table. For example, HS will map to Human. You can set this symbol when registering (or re-registering) with the gateway. E.g.,

!register <call sign> <symbol>
!register N0CALL-1 HS

You can also set various composite overlay symbols with a 3-letter code, as per the second table below. In this case, the first two letters define the symbol, and the third letter defines the overlay (must be A-Z or 0-9). For example 'OGM' represents a gateway station (diamond) with the letter M overlaid.

!register <call sign> <symbol_and_overlay>
!register N0CALL-1 OGM

Simple Symbols

code description
A8 802.11 WiFi or other network node
A9 Gas station
AB Blowing snow
AC Coast Guard
AD Drizzling rain
AE Smoke, Chimney
AF Freezing rain
AG Snow shower
AH Haze
AI Rain shower
AJ Lightning
AK Kenwood HT
AL Lighthouse
AN Navigation buoy
AO Rocket
AP Parking
AQ Earthquake
AR Restaurant
AS Satellite
AT Thunderstorm
AU Sunny
AV VORTAC, Navigational aid
AX Pharmacy
BB Police station
BD Digipeater
BE Telephone
BF DX cluster
BG HF gateway
BH Small aircraft
BI Mobile satellite station
BJ Wheelchair, handicapped
BK Snowmobile
BL Red Cross
BM Boy Scouts
BN House
BO Red X
BP Red dot
DS Wall Cloud
DX Rain
HS Human
HT DF triangle
HU Mailbox, post office
HV Large aircraft
HW Weather station
HX Satellite dish antenna
LA Ambulance
LB Bicycle
LC Incident command post
LD Fire station
LE Horse, equestrian
LF Fire truck
LG Glider
LH Hospital
LI IOTA, islands on the air
LJ Jeep
LK Truck
LL Laptop
LM Mic-E repeater
LN Node, black bulls-eye
LO Emergency operations center
LP Dog
LQ Grid square, 2 by 2
LR Repeater tower
LS Ship, power boat
LT Truck stop
LU Semi-trailer truck, 18-wheeler
LV Van
LW Water station
LX X / Unix
LY House, yagi antenna
LZ Shelter
MR Fire
MS Campground, tent
MT Motorcycle
MU Railroad engine
MV Car
MW File server
MX Hurricane predicted path
NR Hail
NS Park, picnic area
NT Advisory, single red flag
NW Info kiosk
NX Hurricane, Tropical storm
OB Emergency
OE Bank or ATM
OH Crash / incident site
OI Cloudy
OJ Firenet MEO, MODIS Earth Observation
OK Snow
OL Church
OM Girl Scouts
ON House, HF antenna
OO Ambiguous, question mark inside circle
OP Waypoint destination
P0 Numbered circle: 0
P1 Numbered circle: 1
P2 Numbered circle: 2
P3 Numbered circle: 3
P4 Numbered circle: 4
P5 Numbered circle: 5
P6 Numbered circle: 6
P7 Numbered circle: 7
P8 Numbered circle: 8
P9 Numbered circle: 9
PA Aid station
PC Canoe
PE Eyeball
PF Farm vehicle, tractor
PG Grid square, 3 by 3
PH Hotel
PI TCP/IP network station
PK School
PL PC user
PM Mac apple
PN NTS station
PO Balloon
PP Police car
PR Recreational vehicle
PS Space Shuttle
PU Bus
PV ATV, Amateur Television
PW Weather service site
PX Helicopter
PY Sailboat
PZ Windows flag
Q1 Fog
SB Blowing dust, sand
SD DX spot
SE Sleet
SF Funnel cloud
SG Gale, two red flags
SH Store
SJ Work zone, excavating machine
SM Value sign, 3 digit display
SO Small circle
SP Partly cloudy
SR Restrooms
ST Tornado
SW Flooding
SY Skywarn
SZ Shelter

Overlay Symbols

Replace the underscore '_' with the desired overlay (must be A-Z, or 0-9).

code description
A0_ Circle, IRLP / Echolink/WIRES
AA_ White box
AW_ NWS site
DV_ Aircraft
DW_ Weather site
NV_ Red car
OD_ Digipeater, green star
OG_ Gateway station
SA_ Red diamond
SI_ Black box, point of interest
SN_ Red triangle
SS_ Ship, boat
SU_ Truck
SV_ Van