When registering a call sign with the Gateway, it is often desirable to also set the symbol that will represent the device on various applications and maps (e.g., APRS.fi.
Each symbol is represented by a 2- or 3-letter code, as outlined in the tables below.
If the symbol is simple, it will use a two letter code, as listed in the first table.
For example, HS
will map to Human
. You can set this symbol when registering
(or re-registering) with the gateway. E.g.,
!register <call sign> <symbol>
!register N0CALL-1 HS
You can also set various composite overlay symbols with a 3-letter code, as per the second table below. In this case, the first two letters define the symbol, and the third letter defines the overlay (must be A-Z or 0-9). For example 'OGM' represents a gateway station (diamond) with the letter M overlaid.
!register <call sign> <symbol_and_overlay>
!register N0CALL-1 OGM
code | description |
A8 | 802.11 WiFi or other network node |
A9 | Gas station |
AB | Blowing snow |
AC | Coast Guard |
AD | Drizzling rain |
AE | Smoke, Chimney |
AF | Freezing rain |
AG | Snow shower |
AH | Haze |
AI | Rain shower |
AJ | Lightning |
AK | Kenwood HT |
AL | Lighthouse |
AN | Navigation buoy |
AO | Rocket |
AP | Parking |
AQ | Earthquake |
AR | Restaurant |
AS | Satellite |
AT | Thunderstorm |
AU | Sunny |
AV | VORTAC, Navigational aid |
AX | Pharmacy |
BB | Police station |
BD | Digipeater |
BE | Telephone |
BF | DX cluster |
BG | HF gateway |
BH | Small aircraft |
BI | Mobile satellite station |
BJ | Wheelchair, handicapped |
BK | Snowmobile |
BL | Red Cross |
BM | Boy Scouts |
BN | House |
BO | Red X |
BP | Red dot |
DS | Wall Cloud |
DX | Rain |
HS | Human |
HT | DF triangle |
HU | Mailbox, post office |
HV | Large aircraft |
HW | Weather station |
HX | Satellite dish antenna |
LA | Ambulance |
LB | Bicycle |
LC | Incident command post |
LD | Fire station |
LE | Horse, equestrian |
LF | Fire truck |
LG | Glider |
LH | Hospital |
LI | IOTA, islands on the air |
LJ | Jeep |
LK | Truck |
LL | Laptop |
LM | Mic-E repeater |
LN | Node, black bulls-eye |
LO | Emergency operations center |
LP | Dog |
LQ | Grid square, 2 by 2 |
LR | Repeater tower |
LS | Ship, power boat |
LT | Truck stop |
LU | Semi-trailer truck, 18-wheeler |
LV | Van |
LW | Water station |
LX | X / Unix |
LY | House, yagi antenna |
LZ | Shelter |
MR | Fire |
MS | Campground, tent |
MT | Motorcycle |
MU | Railroad engine |
MV | Car |
MW | File server |
MX | Hurricane predicted path |
NR | Hail |
NS | Park, picnic area |
NT | Advisory, single red flag |
NW | Info kiosk |
NX | Hurricane, Tropical storm |
OB | Emergency |
OE | Bank or ATM |
OH | Crash / incident site |
OI | Cloudy |
OJ | Firenet MEO, MODIS Earth Observation |
OK | Snow |
OL | Church |
OM | Girl Scouts |
ON | House, HF antenna |
OO | Ambiguous, question mark inside circle |
OP | Waypoint destination |
P0 | Numbered circle: 0 |
P1 | Numbered circle: 1 |
P2 | Numbered circle: 2 |
P3 | Numbered circle: 3 |
P4 | Numbered circle: 4 |
P5 | Numbered circle: 5 |
P6 | Numbered circle: 6 |
P7 | Numbered circle: 7 |
P8 | Numbered circle: 8 |
P9 | Numbered circle: 9 |
PA | Aid station |
PB | BBS |
PC | Canoe |
PE | Eyeball |
PF | Farm vehicle, tractor |
PG | Grid square, 3 by 3 |
PH | Hotel |
PI | TCP/IP network station |
PK | School |
PL | PC user |
PM | Mac apple |
PN | NTS station |
PO | Balloon |
PP | Police car |
PR | Recreational vehicle |
PS | Space Shuttle |
PU | Bus |
PV | ATV, Amateur Television |
PW | Weather service site |
PX | Helicopter |
PY | Sailboat |
PZ | Windows flag |
Q1 | Fog |
SB | Blowing dust, sand |
SD | DX spot |
SE | Sleet |
SF | Funnel cloud |
SG | Gale, two red flags |
SH | Store |
SJ | Work zone, excavating machine |
SM | Value sign, 3 digit display |
SO | Small circle |
SP | Partly cloudy |
SR | Restrooms |
ST | Tornado |
SW | Flooding |
SY | Skywarn |
SZ | Shelter |
Replace the underscore '_' with the desired overlay (must be A-Z, or 0-9).
code | description |
A0_ | Circle, IRLP / Echolink/WIRES |
AA_ | White box |
AW_ | NWS site |
DV_ | Aircraft |
DW_ | Weather site |
NV_ | Red car |
OD_ | Digipeater, green star |
OG_ | Gateway station |
SA_ | Red diamond |
SC_ | CD triangle, RACES, CERTS, SATERN |
SI_ | Black box, point of interest |
SN_ | Red triangle |
SS_ | Ship, boat |
SU_ | Truck |
SV_ | Van |