Cpu Virtual Machine
A virtual machine which emulates my WIP CPU
git clone https://github.com/DavidHargat/CVM
cd CVM
./cvm <filename>
Each instruction is made up of two bytes.
The first byte is the instruction, and the second is a value or address.
Add 1
Which might have the binary equivalent:
00000011 00000001
Python script which parses and assembles an instruction file.
For example if you have an instruction file:
ptrv 0
setv 64
ptrv 1
setv 32
ptrv 2
adda 0
adda 1
halt 0
And you want to assemble it, simply run:
python assembler add.instr
and it will output a file add.instr.asm
which contains your assembled file.
You can specify the output filename with -o <filename>