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Driver Module List

ACPI Fixup (HyperVACPIFixup)

Prevents ACPI0007 device objects from being enumerated by AppleACPIPlatform in macOS 10.6 and older.

Boot argument Description
-hvacpifixdbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds

Core Controller (HyperVController)

Core Hyper-V controller module.

Boot argument Description
-hvctrldbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds

CPU Disabler (HyperVCPU)

Disables additional CPUs under macOS 10.4.

Boot argument Description
-hvcpudbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds

File Copy (HyperVFileCopy)

Provides host to guest file copy support (Guest Services). Requires the hvfilecopyd userspace daemon to be running.

Boot argument Description
-hvfcopydbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds
-hvfcopymsgdbg Enables debug printing of message data in DEBUG builds
-hvfcopyoff Disables this module

Graphics (HyperVGraphics)

Provides graphics support.

Boot argument Description
-hvgfxdbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds
-hvgfxmsgdbg Enables debug printing of message data in DEBUG builds
-hvgfxoff Disables this module

Graphics Bridge (HyperVGraphicsBridge)

Provides basic graphics support for macOS in generation 2 VMs.

Boot argument Description
-hvgfxbdbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds
-hvgfxbmsgdbg Enables debug printing of message data in DEBUG builds
-hvgfxboff Disables this module

Graphics Framebuffer (HyperVGraphicsFramebuffer)

Provides enhanced graphics support (resolution switching and hardware cursor) for macOS. This module is contained in the separate MacHyperVFramebuffer.kext kernel extension.

Boot argument Description
-hvgfxfbdbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds
-hvgfxfboff Disables this module

Heartbeat (HyperVHeartbeat)

Provides heartbeat reporting to Hyper-V.

Boot argument Description
-hvheartdbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds
-hvheartmsgdbg Enables debug printing of message data in DEBUG builds
-hvheartoff Disables this module

Keyboard (HyperVKeyboard)

Provides keyboard support.

Boot argument Description
-hvkbddbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds
-hvkbdmsgdbg Enables debug printing of message data in DEBUG builds
-hvkbdoff Disables this module

Keyboard (PS/2) (HyperVPS2Keyboard)

Provides PS/2 keyboard support in generation 1 VMs.

Boot argument Description
-hvps2kbddbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds
-hvps2kbdoff Disables this module

Mouse (HyperVMouse)

Provides mouse support.

Boot argument Description
-hvmousdbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds
-hvmousmsgdbg Enables debug printing of message data in DEBUG builds
-hvmousoff Disables this module

Network (HyperVNetwork)

Provides networking support.

Boot argument Description
-hvnetdbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds
-hvnetdatadbg Enables debug printing of packet data in DEBUG builds
-hvnetmsgdbg Enables debug printing of message data in DEBUG builds
-hvnetoff Disables this module

PCI Bridge (HyperVPCIBridge)

Provides PCI passthrough support.

Boot argument Description
-hvpcibdbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds
-hvpcibmsgdbg Enables debug printing of message data in DEBUG builds
-hvpciboff Disables this module

PCI Provider (HyperVPCIProvider)

Provides IOACPIPlatformDevice nub on generation 2 VMS for fake PCI root bridge (HyperVPCIRoot).

Boot argument Description
-hvpcipdbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds

PCI Root Bridge (HyperVPCIRoot)

Provides a fake PCI root bridge for proper macOS functionality on generation 2 VMs, and provides support for PCI passthrough.

Boot argument Description
-hvpcirdbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds

Shutdown (HyperVShutdown)

Provides software shutdown through Virtual Machine Connection and PowerShell. Requires the hvshutdownd userspace daemon to be running.

Boot argument Description
-hvshutdbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds
-hvshutmsgdbg Enables debug printing of message data in DEBUG builds
-hvshutoff Disables this module

Storage (HyperVStorage)

Provides SCSI storage support.

Boot argument Description
-hvstordbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds
-hvstordatadbg Enables debug printing of packet data in DEBUG builds
-hvstormsgdbg Enables debug printing of message data in DEBUG builds
-hvstoroff Disables this module

Time Synchronization (HyperVTimeSync)

Provides host to guest time synchronization support. Requires the hvtimesyncd userspace daemon to be running.

Boot argument Description
-hvtimedbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds
-hvtimemsgdbg Enables debug printing of message data in DEBUG builds
-hvtimeoff Disables this module

VMBus Controller (HyperVVMBus)

Provides root of VMBus devices and services.

Boot argument Description
-hvvmbusdbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds

VMBus Device Nub (HyperVVMBusDevice)

Provides connection nub for child VMBus device modules.

Boot argument Description
-hvvmbusdebdbg Enables debug printing in DEBUG builds