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47 lines (36 loc) · 1.87 KB


The name of the branch matches the Spark version

In order to use it on a Spark cluster the following steps are required:

  • checkout the source code
  • build it using sbt package optionally you can also build the test jar by using sbt test:package. The test jar is required to run the org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.FuzzyCMeansClusterSuite test cases.
  • the build process will result in the creation of the following jar files:
  • ./target/scala-2.10/fuzzycmeans_2.10-<version>.jar
  • ./target/scala-2.10/fuzzycmeans_2.10-<version>-tests.jar
  • The built jars can be added to the Spark cluster using --jars argument, for example, ./spark-shell --jars /pathTo/fuzzyCMeans/target/scala-2.10/fuzzycmeans_2.10-<version>.jar, pathTo/fuzzyCMeans/target/scala-2.10/fuzzycmeans_2.10-<version>-tests.jar

###Usage example in Scala

    val points = Seq(
      Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0),
      Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.1),
      Vectors.dense(0.1, 0.0),
      Vectors.dense(9.0, 0.0),
      Vectors.dense(9.0, 0.2),
      Vectors.dense(9.2, 0.0)
    val rdd = sc.parallelize(points, 3).cache()

    for (initMode <- Seq(RANDOM, K_MEANS_PARALLEL)) {

      (1 to 4).map(_ * 2) foreach { fuzzifier =>

        val model = FuzzyCMeans.train(rdd, k = 2, maxIterations = 10, runs = 10, initMode,
          seed = 26031979L, m = fuzzifier)

        val fuzzyPredicts = model.fuzzyPredict(rdd).collect()
        rdd.collect() zip fuzzyPredicts foreach { fuzzyPredict =>
          println(s" Point ${fuzzyPredict._1}")
          fuzzyPredict._2 foreach{clusterAndProbability =>
            println(s"Probability to belong to cluster ${clusterAndProbability._1} " +
              s"is ${"%.2f".format(clusterAndProbability._2)}")