title | description | ms.date | ms.localizationpriority |
Create Azure Functions for SharePoint webhooks using an azd template |
Use Azure Developer cli (azd) to deploy an Azure function app that connects to your SharePoint Online tenant, to register and manage webhooks, and process the notifications from SharePoint. |
03/11/2025 |
low |
Azure Developer CLI (azd) is an open-source tool that accelerates provisioning and deploying app resources in Azure.
This article uses the Azure function app for SharePoint webhooks public template to deploy an Azure function app that connects to your SharePoint Online tenant, to register and manage webhooks, and process the notifications from SharePoint.
- Node.js 20
- Azure Functions Core Tools
- Azure Developer CLI (azd)
- An Azure subscription that trusts the same Microsoft Entra ID directory as the SharePoint tenant
The account running azd must have at least the following roles to successfully provision the resources:
- Azure role Contributor: To create all the resources needed
- Azure role Role Based Access Control Administrator: To assign roles (to access the storage account and Application Insights) to the managed identity of the function app
Run azd init from an empty local (root) folder:
azd init --template azd-functions-sharepoint-webhooks
Enter an environment name, such as spofuncs-quickstart when prompted. In azd, the environment is used to maintain a unique deployment context for your app.
Open the file infra/main.parameters.json, and set the variables
to match your SharePoint tenant.Review the article on Manage environment variables to manage the azd's environment variables.
Finally, run the command azd up to build the app, provision the resources in Azure and deploy the app package.
The authentication to SharePoint is done using DefaultAzureCredential
, so the credential used depends on whether the function app runs locally, or in Azure.
If you never heard about DefaultAzureCredential
, you should familiarize yourself with its concept by referring to the section Use DefaultAzureCredential for flexibility in Credential chains in the Azure Identity client library for JavaScript.
will use a managed identity to authenticate to SharePoint. This may be the existing, system-assigned managed identity of the function app service or a user-assigned managed identity.
This tutorial assumes the system-assigned managed identity is used.
Navigate to your function app in the Azure portal > select Identity and note the Object (principal) ID of the system-assigned managed identity.
In this tutorial, it is d3e8dc41-94f2-4b0f-82ff-ed03c363f0f8.
Then, use one of the scripts below to grant this identity the app-only permission Sites.Selected on the SharePoint API:
The scripts below require at least the delegated permission AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All
(requires admin consent)
Using the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK
# This script requires the modules Microsoft.Graph.Authentication, Microsoft.Graph.Applications, Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns, which can be installed with the cmdlet Install-Module below:
# Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication, Microsoft.Graph.Applications, Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -Force
Connect-MgGraph -Scope "Application.Read.All", "AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All"
$managedIdentityObjectId = "d3e8dc41-94f2-4b0f-82ff-ed03c363f0f8" # 'Object (principal) ID' of the managed identity
$scopeName = "Sites.Selected"
$resourceAppPrincipalObj = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter "displayName eq 'Office 365 SharePoint Online'" # SPO
$targetAppPrincipalAppRole = $resourceAppPrincipalObj.AppRoles | ? Value -eq $scopeName
$appRoleAssignment = @{
"principalId" = $managedIdentityObjectId
"resourceId" = $resourceAppPrincipalObj.Id
"appRoleId" = $targetAppPrincipalAppRole.Id
New-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment -ServicePrincipalId $managedIdentityObjectId -BodyParameter $appRoleAssignment | Format-List
Using az cli in Bash
managedIdentityObjectId="d3e8dc41-94f2-4b0f-82ff-ed03c363f0f8" # 'Object (principal) ID' of the managed identity
resourceServicePrincipalId=$(az ad sp list --query '[].[id]' --filter "displayName eq 'Office 365 SharePoint Online'" -o tsv)
resourceServicePrincipalAppRoleId="$(az ad sp show --id $resourceServicePrincipalId --query "appRoles[?starts_with(value, 'Sites.Selected')].[id]" -o tsv)"
az rest --method POST --uri "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/servicePrincipals/${managedIdentityObjectId}/appRoleAssignments" --headers 'Content-Type=application/json' --body "{ 'principalId': '${managedIdentityObjectId}', 'resourceId': '${resourceServicePrincipalId}', 'appRoleId': '${resourceServicePrincipalAppRoleId}' }"
Navigate to the Enterprise applications > Set the Application type filter to Managed Identities > select your managed identity and note its Application ID.
In this tutorial, it is 3150363e-afbe-421f-9785-9d5404c5ae34.
Then, use one of the scripts below to grant it the app-only permission manage (minimum required to register a webhook) on a specific SharePoint site:
The app registration used to run those scripts must have at least the following permissions:
- Delegated permission Application.ReadWrite.All in the Graph API (requires admin consent)
- Delegated permission AllSites.FullControl in the SharePoint API (requires admin consent)
Using PnP PowerShell
Connect-PnPOnline -Url "https://YOUR_SHAREPOINT_TENANT_PREFIX.sharepoint.com/sites/YOUR_SHAREPOINT_SITE_NAME" -Interactive -ClientId "YOUR_PNP_APP_CLIENT_ID"
Grant-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission -AppId "3150363e-afbe-421f-9785-9d5404c5ae34" -DisplayName "YOUR_FUNC_APP_NAME" -Permissions Manage
Using m365 cli in Bash
m365 spo site apppermission add --appId $targetapp --permission manage --siteUrl $siteUrl
For security reasons, when running in Azure, the function app requires an app key to pass in the query string parameter code. The app keys are found in the function app service's App Keys keys page.
Most HTTP functions take optional parameters TenantPrefix
and siteRelativePath
. If they are not specified, the values in the app's environment variables are used.
Below is a sample script in PowerShell to call the function app:
# Edit those variables to match your environment
$funchost = "YOUR_FUNC_APP_NAME"
$code = "YOUR_HOST_KEY"
$notificationUrl = "https://${funchost}.azurewebsites.net/api/webhooks/service?code=${code}"
# List all the webhooks registered on a list
Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "https://${funchost}.azurewebsites.net/api/webhooks/list?code=${code}&listTitle=${listTitle}"
# Register a webhook in a list
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "https://${funchost}.azurewebsites.net/api/webhooks/register?code=${code}&listTitle=${listTitle}¬ificationUrl=${notificationUrl}"
# Show this webhook registered on a list
Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "https://${funchost}.azurewebsites.net/api/webhooks/show?code=${code}&listTitle=${listTitle}¬ificationUrl=${notificationUrl}"
# Remove the webhook from a list
# Step 1: Call the function /webhooks/show to get the webhook id
$webhookId = $(Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "https://${funchost}.azurewebsites.net/api/webhooks/show?code=${code}&listTitle=${listTitle}¬ificationUrl=${notificationUrl}").Id
# Step 2: Call the function /webhooks/remove and pass the webhook id
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "https://${funchost}.azurewebsites.net/api/webhooks/remove?code=${code}&listTitle=${listTitle}&webhookId=${webhookId}"
You can delete all the resources this project created in Azure, by running the command azd down.
Alternatively, you can delete the resource group, that has the azd environment's name by default.