Yodo1 Suit SDK is an API wrapper for Yodo1's publishing services/business. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and APIs to effectively integrate Yodo1's services into your game development process. By utilizing Yodo1 Suit SDK, developers can easily implement features such as in-app purchases, ad monetization, analytics, anti-addition(China version COPPA) and more, improving your games and increasing revenue streams.
With Yodo1 Suit SDK, developers can focus on creating the best possible gaming experience for their users, while relying on a robust set of tools and services to quickly and efficiently bring their games to market. Whether you're looking to launch on iOS or Android, Yodo1 Suit SDK is designed to simplify the integration process and help developers achieve their goals effectively and efficiently.
And this page shows you how to download and set up Yodo1 Suit SDK in Unity.
Notes: Below are the enviroments/API level requirements for Yodo1Suit SDK
Enviroments Requirements:
- Unity LTS 2019 or above
- CocoaPods is required for
build, you can install it by following the instructions here- iOS15 requires
13+ or aboveAPI Level Requirements:
- Android API 19 or above
- iOS API 11 or above
You can download the Unity Plugin via the link here.
App Key
: Unique identifier for your game, you can get it from Yodo1 team
Debug Mode
: Enable/Disable debug mode, please turn it off before release your game to stores
Region Code(Optional)
: You can get it from the Yodo1 team, which is optional
: In-app purchase enhancement
: Enable this means you will use Yodo1's iCloud
Thinking AppId(Optional)
: Enable data analytics and using Thinking project to collected user-level data and provide insights
Thinking AppIdNew(Optional)
: Enable data analytics and using new Thinking project to collected user-level data and provide insights
: Enable it to use Adjust
You need to add user_frameworks!
to the podfile to use third-party Unity packages properly. You can find the settings in your Unity editor: Assets -> External Dependency Manager -> iOS Resolver -> Settings
- App Key: Unique identifier for your game in Yodo1, you can get it from the Yodo1 team
- Region Code: You can get it from the Yodo1 team, which is optional
- Publishing Store: Please choice
if your game is published on the Google Play store and uses Yodo's in-app purchase. Please choiceChinaMainLand
if your game is published to the stores in China Mainland and contact the Yodo1 team for build- Thinking Data: Please fill in app id of Thinking Data
- Adjust is optional
- Debug Mode: Enable debug log, please turn it off when you publish your game to stores
Jetifier is required for Android
build, you can enable it by selecting Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Settings > Use Jetifier
GooglePlay channel must be configured this.Don't do this in chineaseMainLand if no have special requirements.
If the Application is not customized for the APP, can skip this step.
There are two ways to implement lifecycle methods of Yodo1Application
Change the
of the application inAndroidManifest.xml
file as below<application android:name="com.yodo1.android.sdk.Yodo1Application">
Or, this can be done in code as below
import com.yodo1.android.sdk.Yodo1Application; public class AppApplication extends Yodo1Application { }
If the LAUNCHER Page is not customized for the APP, can skip this step.
<application >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
Note: You need to change android:screenOrientation
with respect to your app's or game's settings
If the Unity Container Page is not customized for the APP, can skip this step.
<meta-data android:name="unityplayer.SkipPermissionsDialog" android:value="true" />
<meta-data android:name="unityplayer.UnityActivity" android:value="true" />
Initialize the Yodo1 Suit SDK after finishing the configuration. It's recommended to initialize the SDK in the Start
void Start() {
Yodo1U3dSDK.InitWithAppKey("Your App Key");
If your game has multiple environments, you can use RegionCode
to initialize the SDK. You can think of these environments as different regions for your game. Using RegionCode
allows you to set up different server callbacks for your different backends.
void Start() {
Yodo1U3dSDK.InitWithAppKey("Your App Key","RegionCode");