The following command-line arguments are supported:
Shows argument help
Shows argument help, in Markdown
A relative or absolute path to a C/C++ file to scan.
You can specify multiple of these!
May contain *
in file name for simple wildcard matches (test/lib_*.cpp
Scans the file for typedefs/usings, but will not mirror structs from it.
A path to a file where auto-generated C++ functions will be.
Usually this is a file in your C++ project.
A path to a file where auto-generated GML functions will be.
Usually this is a file in your GM extension.
If you are using constructor+method comment tags, this is where the generated GML constructor functions will reside.
Sets the prefix for GML helper functions (default: ext)
Changes the macro-tag for unmangled functions (default: dllg)
The tool will only generate wrappers for functions prepended with this tag.
Changes the macro-tag for mangled/YYRunnerInterface functions (default: dllgm)
Changes the tag/macro for generated unmangled functions (default: dllx)
Changes the tag/macro for generated mangled functions (default: dllm)
Adds a line of code at the beginning of the auto-generated C++ file.
Adds a line of code at the end of the auto-generated C++ file.
Adds an #include "<path>"
to the auto-generated C++ file.
Changes how C++ structs are converted to/from GML:
- 1: always uses GML structs for C++ structs
- 0: always uses arrays for C++ structs
- auto: generates GmxGen-specific wrapper, like:
// GMS >= 2.3 struct-based code /*/ array-based code //*/
- Other values: uses the value as a condition, like:
// GMS >= 2.3 if (value) { struct-based code } else //*/ { array-based code }
Prefer ds_maps and ds_lists over arrays in GM versions without structs.
Enables WebAssembly-specific tweaks to code generation.
A path to a file where GM8.1 scripts will be.
These will follow 8.1 constraints (such as using lists instead of arrays)
and will generate additional code to make up for lacking API.