Below you can find a list of all the available cmdlets. Many commands provide built-in help and examples. Retrieve the detailed help with
Get-Help Connect-PnPOnline -Detailed
Cmdlet | Description |
Get‑PnPAppInstance | Returns a SharePoint AddIn Instance in the site |
Uninstall‑PnPAppInstance | Removes an app from a site |
Import‑PnPAppPackage | Adds a SharePoint Addin to a site |
Cmdlet | Description |
Get‑PnPAuthenticationRealm | Gets the authentication realm for the current web |
Get‑PnPAzureADManifestKeyCredentials | Creates the JSON snippet that is required for the manifest JSON file for Azure WebApplication / WebAPI apps |
Get‑PnPContext | Returns a Client Side Object Model context |
Set‑PnPContext | Sets the Client Context to use by the cmdlets |
Get‑PnPHealthScore | Retrieves the current health score value of the server |
Connect‑PnPOnline | Connects to a SharePoint site and creates a context that is required for the other PnP Cmdlets |
Disconnect‑PnPOnline | Disconnects the context |
Get‑PnPProperty | Will populate properties of an object and optionally, if needed, load the value from the server. If one property is specified its value will be returned to the output. |
Execute‑PnPQuery | Executes any queued actions / changes on the SharePoint Client Side Object Model Context |
Get‑PnPStoredCredential | Returns a stored credential from the Windows Credential Manager |
Set‑PnPTraceLog | Defines if tracing should be turned on. PnP Core, which is the foundation of these cmdlets uses the standard Trace functionality of .NET. With this cmdlet you can turn capturing of this trace to a log file on or off. |
Cmdlet | Description |
Add‑PnPCustomAction | Adds a custom action to a web |
Get‑PnPCustomAction | Returns all or a specific custom action(s) |
Remove‑PnPCustomAction | Removes a custom action |
Get‑PnPHomePage | Returns the URL to the home page |
Set‑PnPHomePage | Sets the home page of the current web. |
Add‑PnPJavaScriptBlock | Adds a link to a JavaScript snippet/block to a web or site collection |
Add‑PnPJavaScriptLink | Adds a link to a JavaScript file to a web or sitecollection |
Get‑PnPJavaScriptLink | Returns all or a specific custom action(s) with location type ScriptLink |
Remove‑PnPJavaScriptLink | Removes a JavaScript link or block from a web or sitecollection |
Get‑PnPMasterPage | Returns the URLs of the default Master Page and the custom Master Page. |
Set‑PnPMasterPage | Sets the default master page of the current web. |
Set‑PnPMinimalDownloadStrategy | Activates or deactivates the minimal downloading strategy. |
Add‑PnPNavigationNode | Adds a menu item to either the quicklaunch or top navigation |
Remove‑PnPNavigationNode | Removes a menu item from either the quicklaunch or top navigation |
Disable‑PnPResponsiveUI | Disables the PnP Responsive UI implementation on a classic SharePoint Site |
Enable‑PnPResponsiveUI | Enables the PnP Responsive UI implementation on a classic SharePoint Site |
Get‑PnPTheme | Returns the current theme/composed look of the current web. |
Set‑PnPTheme | Sets the theme of the current web. |
Cmdlet | Description |
Add‑PnPContentType | Adds a new content type |
Get‑PnPContentType | Retrieves a content type |
Remove‑PnPContentType | Removes a content type from a web |
Remove‑PnPContentTypeFromList | Removes a content type from a list |
Get‑PnPContentTypePublishingHubUrl | Returns the url to Content Type Publishing Hub |
Add‑PnPContentTypeToList | Adds a new content type to a list |
Set‑PnPDefaultContentTypeToList | Sets the default content type for a list |
Remove‑PnPFieldFromContentType | Removes a site column from a content type |
Add‑PnPFieldToContentType | Adds an existing site column to a content type |
Cmdlet | Description |
Remove‑PnPContentTypeFromDocumentSet | Removes a content type from a document set |
Add‑PnPContentTypeToDocumentSet | Adds a content type to a document set |
Add‑PnPDocumentSet | Creates a new document set in a library. |
Set‑PnPDocumentSetField | Sets a site column from the available content types to a document set |
Get‑PnPDocumentSetTemplate | Retrieves a document set template |
Cmdlet | Description |
Add‑PnPEventReceiver | Adds a new event receiver |
Get‑PnPEventReceiver | Returns all or a specific event receiver |
Remove‑PnPEventReceiver | Removes/unregisters a specific event receiver |
Cmdlet | Description |
New‑PnPExtensbilityHandlerObject | Creates an ExtensibilityHandler Object, to be used by the Get-SPOProvisioningTemplate cmdlet |
Disable‑PnPFeature | Disables a feature |
Enable‑PnPFeature | Enables a feature |
Get‑PnPFeature | Returns all activated or a specific activated feature |
Cmdlet | Description |
Add‑PnPField | Adds a field to a list or as a site column |
Get‑PnPField | Returns a field from a list or site |
Remove‑PnPField | Removes a field from a list or a site |
Add‑PnPFieldFromXml | Adds a field to a list or as a site column based upon a CAML/XML field definition |
Add‑PnPTaxonomyField | Adds a taxonomy field to a list or as a site column. |
Cmdlet | Description |
Add‑PnPFile | Uploads a file to Web |
Copy‑PnPFile | Copies a file or folder to a different location |
Find‑PnPFile | Finds a file in the virtual file system of the web. |
Get‑PnPFile | Downloads a file. |
Move‑PnPFile | Moves a file to a different location |
Remove‑PnPFile | Removes a file. |
Rename‑PnPFile | Renames a file in its current location |
Set‑PnPFileCheckedIn | Checks in a file |
Set‑PnPFileCheckedOut | Checks out a file |
Add‑PnPFolder | Creates a folder within a parent folder |
Ensure‑PnPFolder | Returns a folder from a given site relative path, and will create it if it does not exist. |
Get‑PnPFolder | Return a folder object |
Move‑PnPFolder | Move a folder to another location in the current web |
Remove‑PnPFolder | Deletes a folder within a parent folder |
Rename‑PnPFolder | Renames a folder |
Get‑PnPFolderItem | List content in folder |
Copy‑PnPItemProxy | Proxy cmdlet for using Copy-Item between SharePoint provider and FileSystem provider |
Move‑PnPItemProxy | Proxy cmdlet for using Move-Item between SharePoint provider and FileSystem provider |
Cmdlet | Description |
Get‑PnPSiteClosure | Get the site closure status of the site which has a site policy applied |
Set‑PnPSiteClosure | Opens or closes a site which has a site policy applied |
Set‑PnPSitePolicy | Sets a site policy |
Get‑PnPSitePolicy | Retrieves all or a specific site policy |
Cmdlet | Description |
Get‑PnPDefaultColumnValues | Gets the default column values for all folders in document library |
Set‑PnPDefaultColumnValues | Sets default column values for a document library |
Get‑PnPList | Returns a List object |
New‑PnPList | Creates a new list |
Remove‑PnPList | Deletes a list |
Set‑PnPList | Updates list settings |
Add‑PnPListItem | Adds an item to a list |
Get‑PnPListItem | Retrieves list items |
Remove‑PnPListItem | Deletes an item from a list |
Set‑PnPListItem | Updates a list item |
Set‑PnPListItemPermission | Sets list item permissions |
Move‑PnPListItemToRecycleBin | Moves an item from a list to the Recycle Bin |
Set‑PnPListPermission | Sets list permissions |
Get‑PnPProvisioningTemplateFromGallery | Retrieves or searches provisioning templates from the PnP Template Gallery |
Request‑PnPReIndexList | Marks the list for full indexing during the next incremental crawl |
Add‑PnPView | Adds a view to a list |
Get‑PnPView | Returns one or all views from a list |
Remove‑PnPView | Deletes a view from a list |
Cmdlet | Description |
Connect‑PnPMicrosoftGraph | Uses the Microsoft Authentication Library (Preview) to connect to Azure AD and to get an OAuth 2.0 Access Token to consume the Microsoft Graph API |
Get‑PnPUnifiedGroup | Gets one Office 365 Group (aka Unified Group) or a list of Office 365 Groups |
New‑PnPUnifiedGroup | Creates a new Office 365 Group (aka Unified Group) |
Remove‑PnPUnifiedGroup | Removes one Office 365 Group (aka Unified Group) or a list of Office 365 Groups |
Set‑PnPUnifiedGroup | Sets Office 365 Group (aka Unified Group) properties |
Cmdlet | Description |
Add‑PnPDataRowsToProvisioningTemplate | Adds datarows to a list inside a PnP Provisioning Template |
Remove‑PnPFileFromProvisioningTemplate | Removes a file from a PnP Provisioning Template |
Add‑PnPFileToProvisioningTemplate | Adds a file to a PnP Provisioning Template |
Convert‑PnPFolderToProvisioningTemplate | Creates a pnp package file of an existing template xml, and includes all files in the current folder |
Add‑PnPListFoldersToProvisioningTemplate | Adds folders to a list in a PnP Provisioning Template |
Apply‑PnPProvisioningTemplate | Applies a provisioning template to a web |
Convert‑PnPProvisioningTemplate | Converts a provisioning template to an other schema version |
Get‑PnPProvisioningTemplate | Generates a provisioning template from a web |
Load‑PnPProvisioningTemplate | Loads a PnP file from the file systems |
New‑PnPProvisioningTemplate | Creates a new provisioning template object |
Save‑PnPProvisioningTemplate | Saves a PnP file to the file systems |
New‑PnPProvisioningTemplateFromFolder | Generates a provisioning template from a given folder, including only files that are present in that folder |
Set‑PnPProvisioningTemplateMetadata | Sets metadata of a provisioning template |
Cmdlet | Description |
Set‑PnPAvailablePageLayouts | Sets the available page layouts for the current site |
Set‑PnPDefaultPageLayout | Sets a specific page layout to be the default page layout for a publishing site |
Add‑PnPHtmlPublishingPageLayout | Adds a HTML based publishing page layout |
Add‑PnPMasterPage | Adds a Masterpage |
Add‑PnPPublishingImageRendition | Adds an Image Rendition if the Name of the Image Rendition does not already exist. This prevents creating two Image Renditions that share the same name. |
Get‑PnPPublishingImageRendition | Returns all image renditions or if Identity is specified a specific one |
Remove‑PnPPublishingImageRendition | Removes an existing image rendition |
Add‑PnPPublishingPage | Adds a publishing page |
Add‑PnPPublishingPageLayout | Adds a publishing page layout |
Add‑PnPWikiPage | Adds a wiki page |
Remove‑PnPWikiPage | Removes a wiki page |
Get‑PnPWikiPageContent | Gets the contents/source of a wiki page |
Set‑PnPWikiPageContent | Sets the contents of a wikipage |
Cmdlet | Description |
Get‑PnPSearchConfiguration | Returns the search configuration |
Set‑PnPSearchConfiguration | Sets the search configuration |
Submit‑PnPSearchQuery | Executes an arbitrary search query against the SharePoint search index |
Get‑PnPSiteSearchQueryResults | Executes a search query to retrieve indexed site collections |
Cmdlet | Description |
Clear‑PnpRecycleBinItem | Permanently deletes all or a specific recycle bin item |
Move‑PnpRecycleBinItem | Moves all items or a specific item in the first stage recycle bin of the current site collection to the second stage recycle bin |
Restore‑PnpRecycleBinItem | Restores the provided recycle bin item to its original location |
Get‑PnPRecycleBinItem | Returns the items in the recycle bin from the context |
Get‑PnPTenantRecycleBinItem | Returns the items in the tenant scoped recycle bin |
Cmdlet | Description |
Set‑PnPAppSideLoading | Enables the App SideLoading Feature on a site |
Get‑PnPAuditing | Get the Auditing setting of a site |
Set‑PnPAuditing | Set Auditing setting for a site |
Get‑PnPSite | Returns the current site collection from the context. |
Install‑PnPSolution | Installs a sandboxed solution to a site collection. WARNING! This method can delete your composed look gallery due to the method used to activate the solution. We recommend you to only to use this cmdlet if you are okay with that. |
Uninstall‑PnPSolution | Uninstalls a sandboxed solution from a site collection |
Cmdlet | Description |
Get‑PnPSiteCollectionTermStore | Returns the site collection term store |
Export‑PnPTaxonomy | Exports a taxonomy to either the output or to a file. |
Import‑PnPTaxonomy | Imports a taxonomy from either a string array or a file |
Set‑PnPTaxonomyFieldValue | Sets a taxonomy term value in a listitem field |
Get‑PnPTaxonomyItem | Returns a taxonomy item |
Remove‑PnPTaxonomyItem | Removes a taxonomy item |
Get‑PnPTaxonomySession | Returns a taxonomy session |
Get‑PnPTerm | Returns a taxonomy term |
New‑PnPTerm | Creates a taxonomy term |
Get‑PnPTermGroup | Returns a taxonomy term group |
New‑PnPTermGroup | Creates a taxonomy term group |
Remove‑PnPTermGroup | Removes a taxonomy term group and all its containing termsets |
Import‑PnPTermGroupFromXml | Imports a taxonomy TermGroup from either the input or from an XML file. |
Export‑PnPTermGroupToXml | Exports a taxonomy TermGroup to either the output or to an XML file. |
Get‑PnPTermSet | Returns a taxonomy term set |
Import‑PnPTermSet | Imports a taxonomy term set from a file in the standard format. |
New‑PnPTermSet | Creates a taxonomy term set |
Cmdlet | Description |
Get‑PnPAccessToken | Gets the OAuth 2.0 Access Token to consume the Microsoft Graph API |
Clear‑PnPTenantRecycleBinItem | Permanently deletes a site collection from the tenant scoped recycle bin |
Restore‑PnPTenantRecycleBinItem | Restores a site collection from the tenant scoped recycle bin |
Get‑PnPTenantSite | Office365 only: Uses the tenant API to retrieve site information. |
New‑PnPTenantSite | Creates a new site collection for the current tenant |
Remove‑PnPTenantSite | Office365 only: Removes a site collection from the current tenant |
Set‑PnPTenantSite | Office365 only: Uses the tenant API to set site information. |
Get‑PnPTimeZoneId | Returns a time zone ID |
Get‑PnPWebTemplates | Office365 only: Returns the available web templates. |
Cmdlet | Description |
Get‑PnPGroup | Returns a specific group or all groups. |
New‑PnPGroup | Adds group to the Site Groups List and returns a group object |
Remove‑PnPGroup | Removes a group from a web. |
Set‑PnPGroup | Updates a group |
Get‑PnPGroupPermissions | Returns the permissions for a specific SharePoint group |
Set‑PnPGroupPermissions | Adds and/or removes permissions of a specific SharePoint group |
Get‑PnPUser | Returns site users of current web |
New‑PnPUser | Adds a user to the built-in Site User Info List and returns a user object |
Remove‑PnPUserFromGroup | Removes a user from a group |
Add‑PnPUserToGroup | Adds a user to a group |
Cmdlet | Description |
New‑PnPPersonalSite | Office365 only: Creates a personal / OneDrive For Business site |
Get‑PnPUserProfileProperty | You must connect to the tenant admin website ( with Connect-PnPOnline in order to use this cmdlet. |
Set‑PnPUserProfileProperty | Office365 only: Uses the tenant API to retrieve site information. You must connect to the tenant admin website ( with Connect-PnPOnline in order to use this command. |
Cmdlet | Description |
Send‑PnPMail | Sends an email using the Office 365 SMTP Service or SharePoint, depending on the parameters specified. See detailed help for more information. |
Cmdlet | Description |
Get‑PnPWebPart | Returns a webpart definition object |
Remove‑PnPWebPart | Removes a webpart from a page |
Get‑PnPWebPartProperty | Returns a web part property |
Set‑PnPWebPartProperty | Sets a web part property |
Add‑PnPWebPartToWebPartPage | Adds a webpart to a web part page in a specified zone |
Add‑PnPWebPartToWikiPage | Adds a webpart to a wiki page in a specified table row and column |
Get‑PnPWebPartXml | Returns the webpart XML of a webpart registered on a site |
Cmdlet | Description |
Set‑PnPIndexedProperties | Marks values of the propertybag to be indexed by search. Notice that this will overwrite the existing flags, i.e. only the properties you define with the cmdlet will be indexed. |
Add‑PnPIndexedProperty | Marks the value of the propertybag key specified to be indexed by search. |
Remove‑PnPIndexedProperty | Removes a key from propertybag to be indexed by search. The key and it's value remain in the propertybag, however it will not be indexed anymore. |
Get‑PnPIndexedPropertyKeys | Returns the keys of the property bag values that have been marked for indexing by search |
Get‑PnPPropertyBag | Returns the property bag values. |
Remove‑PnPPropertyBagValue | Removes a value from the property bag |
Set‑PnPPropertyBagValue | Sets a property bag value |
Request‑PnPReIndexWeb | Marks the web for full indexing during the next incremental crawl |
Get‑PnPRequestAccessEmails | Returns the request access e-mail addresses |
Set‑PnPRequestAccessEmails | Sets Request Access Emails on a web |
Get‑PnPSubWebs | Returns the subwebs of the current web |
Get‑PnPWeb | Returns the current web object |
New‑PnPWeb | Creates a new subweb under the current web |
Remove‑PnPWeb | Removes a subweb in the current web |
Set‑PnPWeb | Sets properties on a web |
Invoke‑PnPWebAction | Executes operations on web, lists and list items. |
Set‑PnPWebPermission | Sets web permissions |
Cmdlet | Description |
Add‑PnPWorkflowDefinition | Adds a workflow definition |
Get‑PnPWorkflowDefinition | Returns a workflow definition |
Remove‑PnPWorkflowDefinition | Removes a workflow definition |
Resume‑PnPWorkflowInstance | Resumes a previously stopped workflow instance |
Stop‑PnPWorkflowInstance | Stops a workflow instance |
Add‑PnPWorkflowSubscription | Adds a workflow subscription to a list |
Get‑PnPWorkflowSubscription | Returns a workflow subscriptions from a list |
Remove‑PnPWorkflowSubscription | Removes a workflow subscription |