- For help/questions, email our team of instructors/helpers: [email protected]
- To join us as a helper/instructor in the future, send us an email to [email protected], and/or join our mailing list by sending a blank email to [email protected]
- Learn about future workshops by joining the ACI Mailing List.
- Advanced Computing Initiative
- Research Data Services
- Center for High Throughput Computing (when a program takes too long or crashes on your computer)
- DoIT student training
- SSCC courses
- Access to Lynda online lessons
- UW Policy on Software (Intellectual Property) Ownership
- Explain Shell
- Unix/Linux command reference sheet (pdf)
- Another Unix/Linux command reference sheet (pdf)
- nano
- emacs
- vi/vim
- Interactive git tutorial on GitHub
- Different git tutorial
- git/GitHub command reference sheet (pdf)
- MacDown wysiwyg markdown editor for Mac
Google's python style guide
Anaconda python installer and package manager
PyPi python package index
Pylint for code assessment
Iteractive programming
Packages and modules
Weekly email newsletters
- Practice and improve your typing speed
- Improve your typing speed with practice and games
- Vim adventures
- Cheatography (various "cheat sheets" and quick references)
Humorous resources for breaking up, introducing, or concluding a lesson