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Kanban Process for Issue Tracking

Roscoe A. Bartlett edited this page Feb 19, 2016 · 14 revisions

TriBITS uses a Kanban process with Github issue tracking with the tool

The Kanban stages are:

  • Backlog: Issues we will do some day hopefully
  • Ready: Issues we will do next once we have enough free capacity [Soft limit of 4 items]
  • In Progress: Issues we are actively working one [Soft limit of 4 items]
  • In Review: Issues that are complete but need to be reviewed or are in review [Soft limit of 4 items]
  • Done: Issues have been completed and are providing real value to the customer.

See TriBITS Kanban Board.

When a new issue that is created, it is automatically put into "Backlog".

The intended Kanban process lifecycle is as follows:

  • Someone creates a new Issue as a suggestion (and it automatically is placed in the Backlog).
  • The Product Owner then takes the Issue and reviews it in the Backlog and comments on it (or closes it if justified).
  • Regularly Issues are moved into Ready when they are high enough priority and are ready to be worked. But we don't just cram a bunch of stuff into Ready. We keep that list short so that it is clear what to work on next.
  • Where adequate capacity is freed up, an Issue from Ready is moved into In Progress by the developer and is actively worked.
  • Issues In Progress should be worked as quickly as possible to get them done.
  • Once an Issue is ready, it is moved into In Review so it can be reviewed by someone. The code related to this issue should be submitted on a branch as a pull request to allow the review.
  • Once the Issue (and associated pull request) is independently reviewed, then the branch is merged and pushed (if the Issue is for a code change) and the Issue is closed.

That is the basic Kanban process in a nutshell.

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