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Quiz Game - Part 10

In this exercise, the main focus is to add Spring Security to handle the registration of users. Only a logged in user should be able to play. Furthermore, for each user we want to keep track (and display) how many matches s/he has won/lost.

Note: regarding the security mechanisms, you should re-use (i.e., copy&paste and then adapt) code from the security module.

To the pom.xml file, add this dependency:

  • org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security

Create two new entities:

  • User: used to stored info of the user needed by Spring Security, like username, password, roles and enabled.

  • MatchStats: containing a reference to a User, and the number of victories and defeats.

Create two new services for the two new entities:

  • UserService: have a method to create a new user with a given password.

  • MatchStatsService: have methods to report a new victory for a given user, to report a new defeat, and to get the current MatchStats associated with the user.

In the DefaultDataInitializerService class, besides creating quizzes, also do create a default user (e.g., username foo and password 123). This will be useful for when you debug the application: you will not need each time you start it to register yet again a new user.

Create these new pages:

  • login.xhtml: provide a form with button in which one can try to login by providing a username and a password. If one fails to log in, an error message should be displayed.

  • signup.xhtml: similar to login.xhtml, but instead of logging in an existing user, do a create a new one. If one fails to sign up, an error message should be displayed.

Update the following existing pages:

  • index.xhtml: if a user is not logged in, show a message like Log in to play!!!. Otherwise, show the number of current victories/defeats, and also the button to start a new match.

  • layout.xhtml: if a user is not logged in, in the template all pages should show links to the login/signup pages. Otherwise, show a logout button and also a welcome message that includes the username of the logged in user.

Create two new JSF controllers:

  • UserInfoController: have methods to return the username of the currently logged in user, and also a method to retrieve his/her MatchStats entry.

  • SignUpController: provide a method to sign up a new user. If the creation is successful, do redirect to the home page. Furthermore, a successful creation should also automatically log in the user (besides just saving the user info in the database). In other words, if one creates a new user, then s/he should not need to also do a login for that user.

Update the MatchController to handle these cases:

  • If a user tries to start a new match while one is going on (because s/he does not know the answer for the current quiz), then the previous match should automatically result in a defeat. However, notice that, by storing the info of an ongoing match in a session bean and not the database, a user can still "cheat" by logging out...

  • Every time a user wins or loses a match, the MatchStats needs to be updated.

Add a @Configuration file called PasswordConfig in which you create a @Bean for type PasswordEncoder with name passwordEncoder, in which you use as concrete instance BCryptPasswordEncoder. In other words, setup BCrypt as the default password encoder for your application.

Add a @Configuration file called WebSecurityConfig in which you set up Spring Security, where user info is stored on database. An anonymous user should be able to access the home page and the sign-up/login pages. However, s/he should not be able to access the match and the result pages. Have also proper redirection. For example, if one does log out (which can be done on any page), do a redirect to the home page.

In the service tests, you need to update the ResetService to handle the new entities introduced in this exercise.

Add a new service test class called MatchStatsServiceTest with:

  • testDefaultStats: test that by default a new user starts with 0 victories and 0 defeats.

  • testStats: create a new user and register the fact that s/he wins 2 matches and loses 1. Read back the data from the database, and verify that indeed the database contains 2 victories and 1 defeat for that user.

Create a new abstract LayoutPO Page Object. All pages that use layout.xhtml as layout will need to extend such abstract class. In such Page Object add methods to interact with the layout template components, like for example the button to logout.

Create a new SignUpPO Page Object for the the signup.xhtml page.

In the SeleniumLocalIT test class, add the following test:

  • testCreateAndLogoutUser: from home page, verify that by default a user is not logged in (e.g., there should be no logout button, and there should be the links to login/sign-up). Go to the sign-up page, and register a new valid user. You should be automatically redirected back to the home page. Verify that you are actually logged in, and that the username of the user is displayed on the page. Do press the logout button. Verify the user is no longer logged in, and his/her username is no longer displayed.

Note: all previous existing Selenium tests will fail once you are adding Spring Security. The reason is that they try to play the game without having a user being logged in. On each of such tests, do first the step to sign-up a new user. This should be enough to make the tests now passing.

As part of the build, add the org.owasp:dependency-check-maven plugin to check for known security issues in the used libraries.

Solutions to this exercise can be found in the intro/exercise-solutions/quiz-game/part-10 module.

Note: to avoid copy&paste of the same code, the solution for part-10 does use the code of test-utils as library.