- Events
- CSS modification
- Call stack
- Data retrival
- Data Structures
- Algorithms
- Asynchronous
- Objects in Detail
- Prototype in Plain, Detailed Language
- Variable Scope and Hoisting Explained
- Closures
- Callback (Higher-Order) Functions
- “this”
- Apply, Call, and Bind Methods
- Custom Events
- Unit Testing
- DOM (Document Object Model) and BOM (Browser Object Model)
- Preventing and Handling JavaScript Errors and Debugging Your Code
- Design Patterns
- Functional programming
- Promises
- Recursion
- Partial function
- Currying
- Memoization
- Garbage collection
- Iterables
- Iterators and generators
Will cover following topics in nodejs
- Encryption
- Compression
- File system
- Child process
- Threading
- Callback
- Exception handling
- Performance tuning
- Database
- Security
- Caching
- Websockets
- Asynchronous
- Modules
- Events
- Streams
- Event Loop
- Push notification, messages
- Utils
- Querying
- CRUD Methods
- Aggregation
- MapReduce
- Indexing
- Validators
- Text Search
- Performance Tuning
- Schema design