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248 lines (187 loc) · 9.28 KB

File metadata and controls

248 lines (187 loc) · 9.28 KB
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The support for FreeV2G / WHITE Beet has been moved to a different issue tracker. Please use the following website for any future requests:

All open issues will be addressed, but please note that new issues will be closed automatically. This repository will be archived on November 30th. You can access the FreeV2G releases here:

Thank you for your contributions in the past!


We are currently investigating issues with the firmware update file for EV firmware V01_00_06 and strongly advise against updating your EV module to V01_00_06 using the FWU file obtained from CODICOs download area prior to the 27th of June 2023.


FreeV2G is a reference implementation in python to control the 8devices WHITE-beet-EI ISO15118 EVSE and WHITE-beet-PI ISO15118 EV modules using Ethernet host control interface (HCI).

For detailed information about the WHITE-beet modules please visit and pages. Evaulation boards for the modules can be found on and

Please use the correct version of the FreeV2G application for your WHITE-beet firmware.

The following table shows the relationship between WHITE-beet-EI ISO15118 EVSE firmware versions and FreeV2G.

WB FW Version SW Type FreeV2G Tag
V01_01_06 EIM EVSE_v1.1.6_1
V01_01_07 EIM EVSE_v1.1.7_1
V02_00_00 PNC EVSE_v2.0.0_0
V02_00_01 PNC EVSE_v2.0.1_4

The following table has information about the relationship between WHITE-beet-PI ISO15118 EV firmware and FreeV2G.

WB FW Version SW Type FreeV2G Tag
V01_00_04 EIM EV_v1.0.4_0
V01_00_05 EIM EV_v1.0.5_0
V01_00_06 EIM EV_v1.0.6_1

Actual WHITE-beet SW updates for EVSE abd EV are available at CODICO PLC documentation area under NDA.


The main feature of this implementation is the parsing of the protocol used to communicate with the WHITE-beet. Other features are the WHITE-beet class which answers the parameter requests of the WHITE-beet and the charger class which simulates the voltage and current based on the given parameters during initialization and on the parameters received by the EV during the charging process.

Control Pilot

There is a basic control pilot implemenation which detects the EV plugin and sets the duty cycle to 5% when the module is ready to receive the SLAC request message from the EV. When the charging session is finished the oscillator shuts down automatically.


SLAC is performed automatically by the WHITE-beet. A notification is received and the application is ready for high-level communication.

V2G High-Level Communication

When SLAC was succefully performed the EVSE and the EV are in same network and the high-level communication can be started. The EV will try to discover the EVSE with the SDP protocol and will then connect to the EVSE. The EVSE will choose one of the protocols the EV provided and a V2G session will be started. The service discovery, charge parameter discovery and authorization is performed and the charging loop is started. The EV will continue to charge until it decides to stop the session.


To get started first clone the repository. This will get you the latest version of the repository.

$ git clone
$ cd FreeV2G

Create a virtual environment

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate

Install the python packages needed

$ pip install --pre scapy[basic]
$ pip install Cython
$ pip install python-libpcap


Make sure that EVSE and EV are not physically connected on the PLC interface.

Find the MAC address printed on the label of the board in the form of i.e. c4:93:00:22:22:24. This is the MAC address of the PLC chip. To get the MAC address of the ethernet interface substract 2 of the last number of the MAC address. For the example above this would result in the MAC address c4:93:00:22:22:22 for the ethernet interface.

Find the ethernet interface the WHITE-beet is connected to with

$ ip list

Run the Application in EVSE mode by typing (we need root privileges for raw socket access).

$ sudo .venv/bin/python3 eth -i eth0 -m c4:93:00:22:22:22 -r EVSE

You should see the following output

Welcome to Codico Whitebeet EVSE reference implementation
Initiating framing interface
iface: eth0, mac: c4:93:00:22:22:22
Set the CP mode to EVSE
Set the CP duty cycle to 100%
Start the CP service
Start SLAC in EVSE mode
Wait until an EV connects

Now, physically connect the PLC interface of the EV to the EVSE

EV connected
Start SLAC matching
Set duty cycle to 5%
SLAC matching successful
Set V2G mode to EVSE
Start V2G
"Session started" received
Protocol: 2
Session ID: f3976451aedd64ce
EVCC ID: 000101637730
"Request EVSE ID" received
Set EVSE ID: DE*ABC*E*00001*01
"Request Authorization" received
Authorize the vehicle? Type "yes" or "no" in the next 59s:

Now you can authorize the vehicle by typing "yes", the application will continue. All the parameters that are exchanged between the vehicle and the charging station are printed to the console.

Vehicle was authorized by user!
"Request Schedules" received
Max entries: 2
Set the schedule: [(0, 65535, 25000), (1, 65535, 25000)]
"Request Discovery Charge Parameters" received
EV maximum current: 20A
EV maximum power: 8000W
EV maximum voltage: 400V
Bulk SOC: 50%
SOC: 50%
"Request Cable Check Status" received
"Request Cable Check Parameters" received
SOC: 50%
"Request Pre Charge Parameters" received
EV target voltage: 380V
EV target current: 50A
SOC: 50%
"Request Start Charging" received
Schedule ID: 0
Time anchor: 0
EV power profile: [(0, 10000)]
SOC: 50%
Charging complete: False
"Request Charge Loop Parameters" received
EV maximum current: 20A
EV maximum voltage: 400V
EV maximum power: 8000W
EV target voltage: 380V
EV target current: 16A
SOC: 50%
Charging complete: False

... charge loop continues until EV stops charging...

"Request Charge Loop Parameters" received
EV maximum current: 20A
EV maximum voltage: 400V
EV maximum power: 8000W
EV target voltage: 380V
EV target current: 16A
SOC: 50%
Charging complete: False
"Request Stop Charging" received
Schedule ID: 0
SOC: 50%
Charging complete: 1
"Request Post Charge Parameters" received
SOC: 50%
"Session stopped" received
EVSE loop finished


Run the application in EV mode by typing

$ sudo .venv/bin/python3 eth -i eth0 -m c4:93:00:33:33:33 -r EV


You can set the configuration via a configuration file in json format.

Currently only EV mode supports a configuration file.

Run the application with configuration file

$ sudo .venv/bin/python3 eth -i eth0 -m c4:93:00:33:33:33 -r EV -c $PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE

If no path is given the configuration file defaults to ./ev.json. An example configuration can be found in ev.json.


Install the python packages needed

$ pip install spidev
$ pip install RPi.GPIO

Connect the WHITE-beet to the Raspberry Pi

The SPI pinout for the Pi can be found on

WB Pin Raspberry Pi Pin
J8 GND Ground
J1 PD4 GPIO 22
J1 PD11 GPIO 27

Set up the WHITE-beet to start in SPI mode by connecting PC2 to 3.3V and PA4 to GND on J4.

Power up the WHITE-beet and run the application in SPI mode with the following command

sudo .venv/bin/python3 spi -i spidev0.0 -m 00:01:01:63:77:33 -r EVSE