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+## API for SliceLibrary
+* [Screen Manager](#scrman)
+* [Events](#dsleve)
+* [DSLExtensions](#dslext)
+# ScreenManager
+public static class ScreenManager
+Defines a set of methods for managing windows on different screens.
+### Enums
+* [DisplayConfigTopology](#discontop)
+* [ScreenAlignment](#scrali)
+### Properties
+* [SecondaryScreen](#secscr)
+* [PrimaryScreen](#priscr)
+* [CurrentTopology](#curtop)
+* [NumberOfDisplays](#numofdis)
+### Functions
+* [SendToPrimary()](#sentopri)
+* [SendToSecondary()](#sentosec)
+* [SwapScreen()](#swascr)
+* [SendToScreen()](#sentoscr)
+* [SendProgramToScreen()](#senprotoscr)
+* [ExtendScreens()](#extscr)
+* [CloneScreens()](#closcr)
+* [getScreenFromWindow()](#getscrfrowin)
+* [AlignmentToOffset()](#alitooff)
+* [getProcessWindowByName()](#getprowinbynam)
+* [DelayedActionOnWindow()](#delactonwin)
+### Enums
+#### DisplayConfigTopology
+enum DisplayConfigTopology
+represents different display modes
+* Internal
+* Clone
+* Extend
+* External
+#### ScreenAlignment
+enum ScreenAlignment
+represents different screen alignments
+* None
+* Center
+* Left
+* Right
+* Top
+* Bottom
+##### example:
+ScreenManager.SendToSecondary(myWindow, ScreenAlignment.Center | ScreenAlignment.Right);
+### Properties
+#### SecondaryScreen
+static Screen SecondaryScreen { get; }
+will return the first screen which is not a primary screen or null if there is only one screen
+ this will work assuming the first screen that is not the primary screen is the second screen.
+ works only on extended mode
+#### PrimaryScreen
+static Screen PrimaryScreen { get; }
+will return the primary screen
+#### CurrentTopology
+static DisplayConfigTopology CurrentTopology { get; set; }
+DisplayConfigTopology of current state
+##### example:
+ScreenManager.CurrentTopology = ScreenManager.DisplayConfigTopology.External;
+#### NumberOfDisplays
+static uint NumberOfDisplays
+The number of displays, even on clone or internal/external
+### Functions
+#### SendToPrimary()
+static bool SendToPrimary(Window window, ScreenAlignment align, bool extend = false)
+static bool SendToPrimary(Window window, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0, bool extend = false)
+Sends a window to the primary screen
+##### Parameters:
+- Window window
+>to send to the primary screen
+- ScreenAlignment align / int offsetX+offsetY
+>Screen alignment / offset
+- bool extend
+>change screen topology to extended. if current topology is not on extend the function will fail
+##### Return value
+indicates success and failure
+##### example:
+ScreenManager.SendToPrimary(myWindow, ScreenAlignment.Center | ScreenAlignment.Right);
+#### SendToSecondary()
+static bool SendToSecondary(Window window, ScreenAlignment align, bool extend = false)
+static bool SendToSecondary(Window window, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0, bool extend = false)
+Sends a window to the secondary screen
+##### Parameters:
+- Window window
+> to send to the secondary screen
+- ScreenAlignment align / int offsetX+offsetY
+> Screen alignment / offset
+- bool extend
+> change screen topology to extended. if current topology is not on extend the function will fail
+##### Return value
+indicates success and failure
+##### example:
+ScreenManager.SendToSecondary(myWindow, ScreenAlignment.Center | ScreenAlignment.Right);
+#### SwapScreen()
+static bool SwapScreen(Window window, ScreenAlignment align, bool extend = false)
+static bool SwapScreen(Window window, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0, bool extend = false)
+Sends a window to from primary screen to secondary or from secondary screen to primary screen.
+##### Parameters:
+- Window window
+> to send
+- ScreenAlignment align / int offsetX+offsetY
+> Screen alignment / offset
+- bool extend
+> change screen topology to extended. if current topology is not on extend the function will fail
+##### Return value
+indicates success and failure. failure will denote when there aren't enough displays or the current screen topology is not extend and the extend mark is set to false
+##### example:
+ScreenManager.SwapScreen(myWindow, ScreenAlignment.Bottom);
+#### SendToScreen()
+static bool SendToScreen(Window window, Screen screen, ScreenAlignment align)
+static bool SendToScreen(Window window, Screen screen, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
+static bool SendToScreen(IntPtr hwnd, Screen screen, ScreenAlignment align)
+static bool SendToScreen(IntPtr hwnd, Screen screen, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
+Sends a window to a screen.
+##### Parameters:
+- Window window/IntPtr hwnd
+> window/window handle to send
+- Screen screen
+> to send to
+- ScreenAlignment align / int offsetX+offsetY
+> Screen alignment / offset
+##### Return value
+indicates success and failure.
+##### example:
+ScreenManager.SendToScreen(myWindow, ScreenManager.SecondaryScreen, ScreenAlignment.Left);
+#### SendProgramToScreen()
+static bool SendProgramToScreen(string progName, Screen screen, ScreenAlignment align)
+Sends the main window of a program to a screen.
+##### Parameters:
+- String progName
+> the name of the program
+- Screen screen
+> to send to
+- ScreenAlignment align / int offsetX+offsetY
+> Screen alignment / offset
+##### Return value
+indicates success and failure.
+##### example:
+ScreenManager.SendProgramToScreen("OUTLOOK", ScreenManager.SecondaryScreen, ScreenAlignment.Top);
+#### ExtendScreens()
+static bool ExtendScreens()
+Changes CurrentTopology to DisplayConfigTopology.Extend
+##### Return value
+indicates success and failure.
+#### CloneScreens()
+static bool CloneScreens()
+Changes CurrentTopology to DisplayConfigTopology.Clone
+##### Return value
+indicates success and failure.
+#### getScreenFromWindow()
+static Screen getScreenFromWindow(Window window)
+Retrieves a Screen for the display that contains the largest portion of the window
+##### Parameters:
+- Window window
+> to get screen from
+##### Return values
+The Screen for the display that contains the largest portion of the window
+#### getProcessWindowByName()
+static IntPtr[] getProcessWindowByName(string proccessName)
+Returns an array of window handles of all processes with the name [processName]
+##### Parameters:
+- string processName
+> The name of the process
+##### Return values
+an array of window handles of all processes with the name [processName]
+#### DelayedActionOnWindow()
+public static void DelayedActionOnWindow(Window window, int delay, Action action)
+Creates a thread, sleeps for [delay] miliseconds and runs an action in window's thread. useful when wanting to move a window from one screen to another screen when subscribing to DSLEvents.SecondaryScreenAvailableChanged event.
+##### [ example:](#secscrava)
+## DSLEvents
+public class DSLEvents : IDisposable
+DSLEvents contains a single event (SecondaryScreenAvailable) you can subscribe to which is raised when the secondary screen becomes available or not available
+### Constructor and Dispose
+* [DSLEvents()](#dsleve())
+* [Dispose()](#dsldis)
+### Events
+* [SecondaryScreenAvailableChanged](#secscrava)
+### Event Args
+* [SAvailableEventArgs](#savaeveargs)
+#### DSLEvents()
+public DSLEvents()
+Subscribed to system's DisplaySettingsChanged. DisplaySettingsChanged is a static event so we must detach our event handler when the object is destoryed or dispose it
+#### Dispose()
+public void Dispose()
+Detaches from system's DisplaySettingsChanged
+#### SecondaryScreenAvailableChanged
+public event EventHandler SecondaryScreenAvailableChanged
+Notifies when the secondary screen's availability is changed.
+In order to use this event to move the window to a different screen you should use [ScreenManager.DelayedActionOnWindow()](#delactonwin) function.
+##### example:
+events.SecondaryScreenAvailableChanged += ((sender, e) =>
+ if (e.isAvailable)
+ ScreenManager.DelayedActionOnWindow(this, 500,
+ () => this.SendToSecondary(ScreenManager.ScreenAlignment.Center | ScreenManager.ScreenAlignment.Left));
+#### SAvailableEventArgs
+public class SAvailableEventArgs
+Event arguments for SecondaryScreenAvailableChanged event
+##### contains:
+public bool isAvailable { get; private set; }
+### DSLExtensions
+public static class DSLExtensions
+Extensions for WPF windows
+#### Functions
+* SendToPrimary()
+* SendToSecondary()
+* SendToScreen()
+* SwapScreen()
+* getScreen()