Minikube: Ensure Minikube is installed and running. Follow the official Minikube installation guide if needed.
Helm: Ensure Helm is installed. Follow the official Helm installation guide if needed.
minikube start
Navigate to the scicat-app
directory and build the Helm dependencies.
cd scicat-app
helm dependency build
Navigate to the scicat-helm
root directory and install the Helm chart using the specified values file.
Helm Install Doc
helm install scicat-app scicat-app --namespace scicat-dev --create-namespace -f scicat-app/values.yaml > scicat-app/app.yaml
Check the status of the release.
helm status scicat-app --namespace scicat-dev
After successfully starting the tunnel, you can access the application at http://localhost
minikube tunnel
NOTE: ingress needs to be enabled.
Alternatively, you can customize the ingress host and modify your /etc/hosts
file accordingly. By default, the ingress host is set to localhost
ingress config can be found in the scicat-app/values.yaml
helm upgrade scicat-app scicat-app --namespace scicat-dev -f scicat-app/values.yaml
helm uninstall scicat-app --namespace scicat-dev
Modify the values.yaml
file with your desired settings.
The charts directory and Chart.lock file are ignored in version control as specified in the .gitignore file.
By following these steps, you should be able to run scicat-app locally with Minikube.