From 04eea67e8257f81f330184c91fb11498adc41f7d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: service-tip-git Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 18:05:04 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] [INTERNAL] Translation delivery: commit by LX Lab Change-Id: I82d2fd1e151f0c3dcaaeb1a1cabb5777e788f644 --- .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 10 ++++---- .../src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 18 +++++++------- .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 24 ++++++++++--------- .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 6 +++-- .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ .../src/i18n/ | 4 +++- .../src/i18n/ | 2 ++ 48 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 40b879efd89a..bf1060a325fe 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=الصفحة السابقة CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=الصفحة التالية +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=شريط التمرير + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=لوحة الألوان - الألوان المحددة مسبقًا COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=لوحة الألوان diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index e470adebb631..b51ce153014a 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Предишна страница CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Следваща страница +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Карусел + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Цветова палитра - предварително определени цветове COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Цветова палитра diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 44df5a6ea28d..f5f33e1486c3 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Pàgina anterior CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Pàgina següent +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Carrusel + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Paleta de colors - colors predefinits COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Paleta de colors diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index abe23251850a..ad64a1b5d86a 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Prethodna stranica CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Sljedeća stranica +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Karusel + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Paleta boja - 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preddefinirane boje COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Paleta boja @@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ DATEPICKER_OPEN_ICON_TITLE=Otvori odabir DATEPICKER_DATE_DESCRIPTION=Unos datuma -DATETIME_DESCRIPTION=Unos datuma/vremena +DATETIME_DESCRIPTION=Unos datuma i vremena DATERANGE_DESCRIPTION=Unos raspona datuma @@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ EXPANDABLE_TEXT_SHOW_LESS_POPOVER_ARIA_LABEL=Zatvori popover FILEUPLOAD_BROWSE=Pretraži... -FILEUPLOADER_TITLE=Prenesi datoteku na poslužitelj +FILEUPLOADER_TITLE=Prenesi datoteku GROUP_HEADER_TEXT=Zaglavlje grupe @@ -172,9 +174,9 @@ LIST_ITEM_NOT_SELECTED=Nije odabrano LIST_ITEM_GROUP_HEADER=Zaglavlje grupe -LIST_ROLE_LIST_GROUP_DESCRIPTION=sadržava {0} podgrupa s {1} stavki +LIST_ROLE_LIST_GROUP_DESCRIPTION=sadržava ovoliko podgrupa: {0} s ovoliko stavki: {1} -LIST_ROLE_LISTBOX_GROUP_DESCRIPTION=sadržava {0} podgrupa +LIST_ROLE_LISTBOX_GROUP_DESCRIPTION=sadržava ovoliko podgrupa: {0} ARIA_LABEL_LIST_ITEM_CHECKBOX=Mod višestrukog odabira @@ -282,9 +284,9 @@ TABCONTAINER_POPOVER_CANCEL_BUTTON=Otkaži TABCONTAINER_SUBTABS_DESCRIPTION=Pritisnite tipku smjera dolje za otvaranje izbornika podstavki -TEXTAREA_CHARACTERS_LEFT={0} znakova preostalo +TEXTAREA_CHARACTERS_LEFT=Preostali znakovi: {0} -TEXTAREA_CHARACTERS_EXCEEDED={0} znakova prekoračeno +TEXTAREA_CHARACTERS_EXCEEDED=Prekoračeni znakovi: {0} TIMEPICKER_HOURS_LABEL=Sati @@ -328,7 +330,7 @@ TOKENIZER_ARIA_LABEL=Tokenizator TOKENIZER_POPOVER_REMOVE=Sve stavke -TOKENIZER_SHOW_ALL_ITEMS={0} stavki +TOKENIZER_SHOW_ALL_ITEMS=Stavki: {0} TOKENIZER_CLEAR_ALL=Očisti sve diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 6dc2c12e74d1..af792e1710cf 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Előző oldal CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Következő oldal +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Választó + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Színpaletta - előre meghatározott színek COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Színpaletta diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 2cf22b5ad6e3..fe9f5508ada0 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Halaman Sebelumnya CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Halaman Selanjutnya +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Carousel + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Palet Warna - Warna yang Ditentukan Sebelumnya COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Palet Warna diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 55a8625c99ac..1521c27a6199 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Pagina precedente CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Pagina successiva +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Carosello + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Tavolozza colori - Colori predefiniti COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Tavolozza colori diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index bd18375e8036..688ff0fb3269 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=הדף הקודם CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=הדף הבא +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=קרוסלה + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=לוח צבעים - צבעים שהוגדרו מראש COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=לוח צבעים diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index bd9a2bdcd782..c7b8ea1c4eb7 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=前ページ CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=次ページ +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=カルーセル + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=カラーパレット - 事前定義の色 COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=カラーパレット diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 5e18c05b434f..033799758178 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Алдыңғы бет CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Келесі бет +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Карусель + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Түс палитрасы - алдын ала белгіленген түстер COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Түс палитрасы diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index f19efb2e5573..b69470784e7e 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=이전 페이지 CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=다음 페이지 +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=캐러셀 + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=색상표 - 사전 정의된 색 COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=색상표 diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index dd9d8f654179..30388691abc7 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Ankstesnis puslapis CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Paskesnis puslapis +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Karuselė + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Spalvų paletė – iš anksto nustatytos spalvos COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Spalvų paletė diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 8fc08fbfbca4..884baceae66a 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -61,12 +61,14 @@ CAL_LEGEND_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Kalendāra apzīmējumi CAROUSEL_OF_TEXT=no -CAROUSEL_DOT_TEXT=Parādīta pozīcija {0} no {1} +CAROUSEL_DOT_TEXT=Attēlots elements {0} no {1} CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Iepriekšējā lapa CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Nākamā lapa +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Karuselis + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Krāsu palete: iepriekš noteiktas krāsas COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Krāsu palete @@ -178,13 +180,13 @@ LIST_ROLE_LISTBOX_GROUP_DESCRIPTION=ietver {0} apakšgrupas ARIA_LABEL_LIST_ITEM_CHECKBOX=Vairākatlases režīms -ARIA_LABEL_LIST_ITEM_RADIO_BUTTON=Pozīcijas atlase. +ARIA_LABEL_LIST_ITEM_RADIO_BUTTON=Elementa atlasīšana. -ARIA_LABEL_LIST_SELECTABLE=Satur atlasāmas pozīcijas +ARIA_LABEL_LIST_SELECTABLE=Satur atlasāmus elementus -ARIA_LABEL_LIST_MULTISELECTABLE=Satur vairākkārt atlasāmas pozīcijas +ARIA_LABEL_LIST_MULTISELECTABLE=Satur vairākatlasāmus elementus -ARIA_LABEL_LIST_DELETABLE=Satur dzēšamas pozīcijas +ARIA_LABEL_LIST_DELETABLE=Satur dzēšamus elementus MESSAGE_STRIP_CLOSE_BUTTON_INFORMATION=Informatīvas informācijas joslas aizvēršana @@ -240,7 +242,7 @@ RESPONSIVE_POPOVER_CLOSE_DIALOG_BUTTON=Noraidīt SEGMENTEDBUTTON_ARIA_DESCRIPTION=Segmentētu pogu grupa -SEGMENTEDBUTTON_ARIA_DESCRIBEDBY=Nospiediet SPACE vai ENTER, lai atlasītu pozīciju +SEGMENTEDBUTTON_ARIA_DESCRIBEDBY=Nospiediet SPACE vai ENTER, lai atlasītu elementu SEGMENTEDBUTTONITEM_ARIA_DESCRIPTION=Segmentēta poga @@ -254,7 +256,7 @@ TABLE_ROW_POSITION={0} no {1} TABLE_GROUP_ROW_ARIA_LABEL=Grupas galvenes rinda -ARIA_LABEL_ROW_SELECTION=Pozīcijas atlase +ARIA_LABEL_ROW_SELECTION=Elementa atlase ARIA_LABEL_SELECT_ALL_CHECKBOX=Atlasīt visas rindas @@ -268,7 +270,7 @@ TAB_ARIA_DESIGN_CRITICAL=Kritisks TAB_ARIA_DESIGN_NEUTRAL=Neitrāls -TAB_SPLIT_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Cilne ar apakšpozīcijām +TAB_SPLIT_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Cilne ar apakšelementiem TABCONTAINER_NEXT_ICON_ACC_NAME=Nākamais @@ -280,7 +282,7 @@ TABCONTAINER_END_OVERFLOW=Vairāk TABCONTAINER_POPOVER_CANCEL_BUTTON=Atcelt -TABCONTAINER_SUBTABS_DESCRIPTION=Lai atvērtu apakšpozīciju izvēlni, nospiediet lejupvērsto bulttaustiņu +TABCONTAINER_SUBTABS_DESCRIPTION=Nospiediet bulttaustiņu uz leju, lai atvērtu apakšelementu izvēlni TEXTAREA_CHARACTERS_LEFT=Atlikušas {0} rakstzīmes @@ -328,11 +330,11 @@ TOKENIZER_ARIA_LABEL=Marķēšana TOKENIZER_POPOVER_REMOVE=Visi elementi -TOKENIZER_SHOW_ALL_ITEMS={0} pozīcijas +TOKENIZER_SHOW_ALL_ITEMS={0} elementi TOKENIZER_CLEAR_ALL=Notīrīt visus -TREE_ITEM_ARIA_LABEL=Koka pozīcija +TREE_ITEM_ARIA_LABEL=Koka elements TREE_ITEM_EXPAND_NODE=Izvērst mezglu diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 534ec35621be..e9b0f0254956 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Претходна страница CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Следна страница +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Вртелешка + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Палета на бои — стандардни дефинирани бои COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Палета на бои diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 475ad6f3edc8..3286d9a8d47f 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Halaman Sebelumnya CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Halaman Seterusnya +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Karusel + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Palet Warna - Warna Pratakrif COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Palet Warna diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 43544c29c9fa..9328c86e0dda 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Vorige pagina CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Volgende pagina +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Carrousel + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Kleurenpalet - vooraf gedefinieerde kleuren COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Kleurenpalet diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index d9b3205ae960..a31890779998 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Forrige side CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Neste side +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Karusell + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Fargepalett - forhåndsdefinerte farger COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Fargepalett diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index e4f182834cfc..0610b7b9f597 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Poprzednia strona CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Następna strona +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Karuzela + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Paleta kolorów - kolory predefiniowane COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Paleta kolorów diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 4611632b3686..d2f61efb9177 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Página anterior CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Página seguinte +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Carrossel + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Paleta de cores - cores predefinidas COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Paleta de cores diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 2727fe62f328..40852562e163 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Página anterior CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Página seguinte +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Carrossel + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Paleta de cores - cores predefinidas COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Paleta de cores diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 6e930aa44b13..95cecdc17b13 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Pagină anterioară CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Pagină următoare +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Carusel + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Paletă de culori - culori predefinite COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Paletă de culori diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 7e4c4134d89a..652efd240975 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -ARIA_LABEL_CARD_CONTENT=Содержимое карты +ARIA_LABEL_CARD_CONTENT=Контент карты ARIA_ROLEDESCRIPTION_CARD=Карта @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Предыдущая страница CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Следующая страница +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Карусель + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Цветовая палитра – предопределенные цвета COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Цветовая палитра @@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ LINK_EMPHASIZED=Выделенная LIST_ITEM_POSITION=Позиция списка {0} из {1} -LIST_ITEM_SELECTED=Выбранные +LIST_ITEM_SELECTED=Выбрано LIST_ITEM_NOT_SELECTED=Не выбрано diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index f5515afeaa50..dd8c732fc5d7 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Prethodna stranica CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Sledeća stranica +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Karusel + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Paleta boja - prethodno definisane boje COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Paleta boja diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 8496f70911ba..1377e8dfa939 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Predchádzajúca strana CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Nasledujúca strana +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Kolotoč + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Paleta farieb - preddefinované farby COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Paleta farieb diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 862a60131452..262e6d392d3e 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Prejšnja stran CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Naslednja stran +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Vrtiljak + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Barvna paleta - predhodno določene barve COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Barvna paleta diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index f7490e0b18a5..648d61686e24 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Претходна страница CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Следећа страница +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Карусел + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Палета боја - претходно дефинисане боје COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Палета боја diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 1057fc46cbc9..f7f8949d7fb8 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Föregående sida CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Nästa sida +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Karusell + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Färgpalett - fördefinierade färger COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Färgpalett diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 737e8c9299af..dac12d01be20 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=หน้าก่อน CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=หน้าถัดไป +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Carousel + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=ชุดแบบสี - สีที่กำหนดไว้ล่วงหน้า COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=ชุดแบบสี diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 95c69e222195..db2a8c5b74a4 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Önceki sayfa CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Sonraki sayfa +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Karusel + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Renk paleti - ön tanımlı renkler COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Renk paleti diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index f062b2bb9a52..8688548c38e5 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Попередня сторінка CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Наступна сторінка +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Карусель + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Палітра кольорів - Попередньо визначені кольори COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Палітра кольорів diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 273e332bad09..0a53e610383f 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Trang trước CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Trang kế tiếp +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Xoay vòng + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Bảng màu - Màu được xác định trước COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Bảng màu diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index dbfecd1a4ed0..720a7f85a9ab 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=上一页 CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=下一页 +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=轮播控件 + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=调色板 - 预定义颜色 COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=调色板 @@ -399,7 +401,7 @@ LABEL_COLON=: TOOLBAR_OVERFLOW_BUTTON_ARIA_LABEL=附加选项 -TOOLBAR_POPOVER_AVAILABLE_VALUES=可用值 +TOOLBAR_POPOVER_AVAILABLE_VALUES=可用值 FORM_CHECKABLE_REQUIRED=如果要继续,请勾选此框。 diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index f911a6b355c1..43059ab7b189 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=上一頁 CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=下一頁 +CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=自動轉盤 + COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=調色盤 - 預先定義的色彩 COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=調色盤 From ee36e4b1db88ebce3ac370f55fffb8ae9245e7cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: service-tip-git Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 07:03:19 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] [INTERNAL] Translation delivery: commit by LX Lab Change-Id: Ic73125b3d37f6350dbc738dc665869213d9153c4 --- .../src/i18n/ | 185 ++++++++++++++- .../main/src/i18n/ | 216 ++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 400 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/packages/fiori/src/i18n/ b/packages/fiori/src/i18n/ index 86dc6aefb807..1e9a3c26e79e 100644 --- a/packages/fiori/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/fiori/src/i18n/ @@ -1,352 +1,535 @@ +#This is the resource bundle for the UI5 Web Components +# +#XBUT: Button text for cancel button in the BarcodeScannerDialog BARCODE_SCANNER_DIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON_TXT=Cancel +#XBUT: Text for the busy indicator in the BarcodeScannerDialog BARCODE_SCANNER_DIALOG_LOADING_TXT=Loading +#XACT: Aria label for the expanded header state DYNAMIC_PAGE_ARIA_LABEL_EXPANDED_HEADER=Header Expanded +#XACT: Aria label for the snapped header state DYNAMIC_PAGE_ARIA_LABEL_SNAPPED_HEADER=Header Snapped +#XACT: Aria label for the button that expands the header DYNAMIC_PAGE_ARIA_LABEL_EXPAND_HEADER=Expand Header +#XACT: Aria label for the button that snaps the header DYNAMIC_PAGE_ARIA_LABEL_SNAP_HEADER=Snap Header +#XACT: Aria label for the button that pins the header DYNAMIC_PAGE_ARIA_LABEL_PIN_HEADER=Pin Header +#XACT: Aria description for the button that toggles the header DYNAMIC_PAGE_ARIA_DESCR_TOGGLE_HEADER=Toggle Header +#XTXT: Text for the FlexibleColumnLayout start column FCL_START_COLUMN_TXT=First column +#XTXT: Text for the FlexibleColumnLayout mid column FCL_MIDDLE_COLUMN_TXT=Middle column +#XTXT: Text for the FlexibleColumnLayout end column FCL_END_COLUMN_TXT=Last column +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the separator between start and mid columns FCL_START_SEPARATOR_TOOLTIP=Resize between start and mid columns +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the separator between mid and end columns FCL_END_SEPARATOR_TOOLTIP=Resize between mid and end columns +#XTXT: Text for the Navigation Menu Popover hidden text NAVIGATION_MENU_POPOVER_HIDDEN_TEXT=Navigation +#XTXT: Accessible name for the NotificationList NOTIFICATION_LIST_ACCESSIBLE_NAME=Notifications +#XTXT: Text for the 'ShowMore' link in the NotificationListItem NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_SHOW_MORE=More +#XTXT: Text for the 'ShowLess' link in the NotificationListItem NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_SHOW_LESS=Less +#XBUT: Tooltip text for 'Overflow' button in the NotificationListItem, that opens a menu with actions NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_MENU_BTN_TITLE=Actions +#XBUT: Label text for 'More' link in the NotificationListItem, that shows the full texts of the title and the description, if truncated NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_MORE_LINK_LABEL_FULL=More button. Show the full texts +#XBUT: Label text for 'More' link in the NotificationListItem, that truncates the texts (title and description) NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_MORE_LINK_LABEL_TRUNCATE=Less button. Show the texts with truncation +#XBUT: Tooltip text for 'Close' button in the NotificationListItem NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_CLOSE_BTN_TITLE=Close +#XTXT: Text for the NotificationListItem "loading" state NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_LOADING=Loading +#XTXT: Text for the NotificationListItem "read" state NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_READ=Read +#XTXT: Text for the NotificationListGroupItem "unread" state NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_UNREAD=Unread +#XTXT: Text for the NotificationListItem status NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_INFORMATION_STATUS_TXT=Status Information NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_POSITIVE_STATUS_TXT=Status Positive NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_NEGATIVE_STATUS_TXT=Status Negative NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_CRITICAL_STATUS_TXT=Status Critical +#XTXT: Text for the NotificationListItem Importance label NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_IMPORTANT_TXT=Important +#XTXT: Text for the NotificationListGroupItem NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_ITEM_TXT=Notification Group +#XTXT: Text for the NotificationListGroupItem counter NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_ITEM_COUNTER_TXT=Counter +#XBUT: accessible name for 'Toggle' icon in the NotificationListGroupItem NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_ITEM_TOGGLE_ICON_COLLAPSE_TITLE=Expand/Collapse +#XTXT: The state of the NotificationListGroupItem NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_COLLAPSED=Collapsed +#XTXT: The state of the NotificationListGroupItem NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_EXPANDED=Expanded +#XACT: ARIA announcement for timeline label TIMELINE_ARIA_LABEL=Timeline +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the TimelineItem state TIMELINE_ITEM_INFORMATION_STATE_TEXT=Information State TIMELINE_ITEM_POSITIVE_STATE_TEXT=Positive State TIMELINE_ITEM_NEGATIVE_STATE_TEXT=Negative State TIMELINE_ITEM_CRITICAL_STATE_TEXT=Critical State +#XBUT: Button text for cancel button in the UploadCollectionItem UPLOADCOLLECTIONITEM_CANCELBUTTON_TEXT=Cancel +#XBUT: Text for Rename button in the UploadCollectionItem in case of renaming a file UPLOADCOLLECTIONITEM_RENAMEBUTTON_TEXT=Rename +#XTXT: Text for 'Error' upload state in the UploadCollectionItem UPLOADCOLLECTIONITEM_ERROR_STATE=Terminated +#XTXT: Text for 'Ready' upload state in the UploadCollectionItem UPLOADCOLLECTIONITEM_READY_STATE=Pending +#XTXT: Text for 'Uploading' upload state in the UploadCollectionItem UPLOADCOLLECTIONITEM_UPLOADING_STATE=Uploading +#XBUT: Tooltip text for 'Terminate' button in the UploadCollectionItem UPLOADCOLLECTIONITEM_TERMINATE_BUTTON_TEXT=Terminate +#XBUT: Tooltip text for 'Retry' button in the UploadCollectionItem UPLOADCOLLECTIONITEM_RETRY_BUTTON_TEXT=Retry +#XBUT: Tooltip text for 'Edit' button in the UploadCollectionItem UPLOADCOLLECTIONITEM_EDIT_BUTTON_TEXT=Edit +#XMSG: Message text for no data text in the UploadCollection UPLOADCOLLECTION_NO_DATA_TEXT=No files found +#XMSG: Message text for no data description in the UploadCollection UPLOADCOLLECTION_NO_DATA_DESCRIPTION=Drop files to upload them or use the "Upload" button. +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the ettribute 'aria-roledescription' of the UploadCollection component UPLOADCOLLECTION_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Upload Collection +#XMSG: Message text indicating where to drag UPLOADCOLLECTION_DRAG_FILE_INDICATOR=Drag files here. +#XMSG: Message text indicating where to drop file and upload UPLOADCOLLECTION_DROP_FILE_INDICATOR=Drop files to upload them. +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the ShellBar container SHELLBAR_LABEL=Shell Bar +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the logo button SHELLBAR_LOGO=Logo -SHELLBAR_LOGO_AREA=SAP {0} {1} Home +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the logo area +SHELLBAR_LOGO_AREA={0} {1} +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the main navigation button SHELLBAR_ADDITIONAL_CONTEXT=Additional Info +#XACT: ARIA description announcement for the search field SHELLBAR_SEARCHFIELD_DESCRIPTION=Search results will be shown in the main area +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the notifications button SHELLBAR_NOTIFICATIONS={0} Notifications +#XACT: ARIA predefined text for the notifications without the notifications count SHELLBAR_NOTIFICATIONS_NO_COUNT=Notifications +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the profile button SHELLBAR_PROFILE=Profile +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the products button SHELLBAR_PRODUCTS=Products +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the ProductSwitch button SHELLBAR_PRODUCT_SWITCH_BTN=Product Switcher +#XACT: ARIA announcement of ProductSwitch container PRODUCT_SWITCH_CONTAINER_LABEL=Products +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the search button SHELLBAR_SEARCH=Search +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the search field SHELLBAR_SEARCH_FIELD=Search Field +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the search button SHELLBAR_SEARCH_BTN_OPEN=Open Search +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the more button SHELLBAR_OVERFLOW=More +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the cancel button SHELLBAR_CANCEL=Cancel +#XACT: ARIA announcement for aria-label attribute of Wizard navigation header WIZARD_NAV_ARIA_LABEL=Wizard Progress Bar +#XACT: ARIA announcement for aria-label attribute of Wizard list WIZARD_LIST_ARIA_LABEL=Wizard Steps +#XACT: ARIA announcement for aria-describedby attribute of Wizard nav list WIZARD_LIST_ARIA_DESCRIBEDBY=To activate, press the space bar or Enter +#XACT: ARIA announcement for aria-label attribute of Wizard ActionSheet steps WIZARD_ACTIONSHEET_STEPS_ARIA_LABEL=Steps +#XACT: ARIA announcement for aria-label attribute of optional Wizard steps WIZARD_OPTIONAL_STEP_ARIA_LABEL=Optional +#XACT: ARIA announcement for aria-label attribute of Active Wizard steps WIZARD_STEP_ACTIVE=Active +#XACT: ARIA announcement for aria-label attribute of Inactive Wizard steps WIZARD_STEP_INACTIVE=Inactive +#XACT: ARIA announcement for aria-label attribute of Wizard steps WIZARD_STEP_ARIA_LABEL=Step {0} +#XACT: ARIA announcement for roledescription attribute of Wizard navigation header WIZARD_NAV_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Wizard +#XACT: WizardProgressNavigator predefined text for step WIZARD_NAV_STEP_DEFAULT_HEADING=Step +#XTIT: View Settings Dialog dialog title for Sort VSD_DIALOG_TITLE_SORT=View Settings +#XFLD: View Settings Dialog popover OK button text VSD_SUBMIT_BUTTON=OK +#XFLD: View Settings Dialog popover Cancel button text VSD_CANCEL_BUTTON=Cancel +#XFLD: View Settings Dialog Reset button text VSD_RESET_BUTTON=Reset +#XMSG: View Settings Dialog Reset button invisible message text VSD_RESET_BUTTON_ACTION=Reset has reverted all settings to initial state +#XTOL View Settings Dialog Sort button tooltop text VSD_SORT_TOOLTIP=Sort +#XTOL View Settings Dialog Filter button tooltop text VSD_FILTER_TOOLTIP=Filter +#XBLI: View Settings Dialog Sort Order group header text VSD_SORT_ORDER=Sort Order +#XBLI: View Settings Dialog Sort Order group header text VSD_FILTER_BY=Filter By +#XBLI: View Settings Dialog Sort By group header text VSD_SORT_BY=Sort By +#XBLI: View Settings Dialog sort order list Ascending text VSD_ORDER_ASCENDING=Ascending +#XBLI: View Settings Dialog sort order list Descending text VSD_ORDER_DESCENDING=Descending +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the BeforeSearch illustration IM_TITLE_BEFORESEARCH=Let''s get some results +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the BeforeSearch illustration IM_SUBTITLE_BEFORESEARCH=Start by providing your search criteria. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the NoActivities illustration IM_TITLE_NOACTIVITIES=You''ve not added any activities yet +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the NoActivities illustration IM_SUBTITLE_NOACTIVITIES=Would you like to add one now? +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the NoColumnsSet illustration IM_TITLE_NOCOLUMNSSET=Add columns to see the content +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the NoColumnsSet illustration IM_SUBTITLE_NOCOLUMNSSET=Select the columns you need in the table settings. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the NoData illustration IM_TITLE_NODATA=There''s no data yet. +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the NoData illustration IM_SUBTITLE_NODATA=When there is, you''ll see it here. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the NoEmail illustration IM_TITLE_NOMAIL=No new mail +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the NoEmail illustration IM_SUBTITLE_NOMAIL=Check back again later. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the NoEntries illustration IM_TITLE_NOENTRIES=There are no entries yet +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the NoEntries illustration IM_SUBTITLE_NOENTRIES=When there are, you''ll see them here. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the NoNotifications illustration IM_TITLE_NONOTIFICATIONS=You don''t have any new notifications +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the NoNotifications illustration IM_SUBTITLE_NONOTIFICATIONS=Check back again later. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the NoSavedItems illustration IM_TITLE_NOSAVEDITEMS=You''ve not added any favorites yet +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the NoSavedItems illustration IM_SUBTITLE_NOSAVEDITEMS=Would you like to create a list of your favorite items now? +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the NoSearchResults illustration IM_TITLE_NOSEARCHRESULTS=No results found +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the NoSearchResults illustration IM_SUBTITLE_NOSEARCHRESULTS=Try changing your search criteria. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the NoTasks illustration IM_TITLE_NOTASKS=You don’t have any new tasks +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the NoTasks illustration IM_SUBTITLE_NOTASKS=When you do, you''ll see them here. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the UnableToLoad illustration IM_TITLE_UNABLETOLOAD=Unable to load data +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the UnableToLoad illustration IM_SUBTITLE_UNABLETOLOAD=Check your Internet connection. If that''s not it, try reloading. If that still doesn''t help, check with your administrator. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the UnableToLoadImage illustration IM_TITLE_UNABLETOLOADIMAGE=Unable to load image +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the UnableToLoadImage illustration IM_SUBTITLE_UNABLETOLOADIMAGE=We couldn''t find the image at the specified location, or the server isn''t responding. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the UnableToUpload illustration IM_TITLE_UNABLETOUPLOAD=Unable to upload data +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the UnableToUpload illustration IM_SUBTITLE_UNABLETOUPLOAD=Check your Internet connection. If that doesn’t help, check the file format and file size. Otherwise contact your administrator. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the UploadToCloud illustration IM_TITLE_UPLOADTOCLOUD=Migrate to SAP Integration Suite +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the UploadToCloud illustration IM_SUBTITLE_UPLOADTOCLOUD=Move your integration content from the existing Process Integration subscription to the Cloud Integration capability. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the AddColumn illustration IM_TITLE_ADDCOLUMN=Looks like there''s free space +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's description for the AddColumn illustration IM_SUBTITLE_ADDCOLUMN=You can add more columns in the table settings. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the AddPeople illustration IM_TITLE_ADDPEOPLE=You''ve not added anyone to the calendar yet +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's description for the AddPeople illustration IM_SUBTITLE_ADDPEOPLE=Do you want to add someone now? +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the BalloonSky illustration IM_TITLE_BALLOONSKY=You''ve been appreciated! +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's description for the BalloonSky illustration IM_SUBTITLE_BALLOONSKY=Keep up the great work! +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the EmptyPlanningCalendar illustration IM_TITLE_EMPTYPLANNINGCALENDAR=Nothing planned yet +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's description for the EmptyPlanningCalendar illustration IM_SUBTITLE_EMPTYPLANNINGCALENDAR=There are no activities in this time frame. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the FilterTable illustration IM_TITLE_FILTERTABLE=Filter options are available +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's description for the FilterTable illustration IM_SUBTITLE_FILTERTABLE=Filters help you focus on what''s most relevant for you. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the GroupTable illustration IM_TITLE_GROUPTABLE=Try grouping items for a better overview +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's description for the GroupTable illustration IM_SUBTITLE_GROUPTABLE=You can choose grouping categories in the group settings. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the NewMail illustration IM_TITLE_NEWMAIL=New mail +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's description for the NewMail illustration IM_SUBTITLE_NEWMAIL=You have new mail in your inbox. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the NoFilterResults illustration IM_TITLE_NOFILTERRESULTS=No results found +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's description for the NoFilterResults illustration IM_SUBTITLE_NOFILTERRESULTS=Try adjusting your filter criteria. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the PageNotFound illustration IM_TITLE_PAGENOTFOUND=Sorry, we can''t find this page +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's description for the PageNotFound illustration IM_SUBTITLE_PAGENOTFOUND=Please check the URL you are using to call the app. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the ResizeColumn illustration IM_TITLE_RESIZECOLUMN=Choose your own column width +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's description for the ResizeColumn illustration IM_SUBTITLE_RESIZECOLUMN=You can resize columns by dragging the column borders. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the SignOut illustration IM_TITLE_SIGNOUT=You''ve been signed out +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's description for the SignOut illustration IM_SUBTITLE_SIGNOUT=You can now close this window. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the SortColumn illustration IM_TITLE_SORTCOLUMN=Not seeing the most important items first? +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's description for the SortColumn illustration IM_SUBTITLE_SORTCOLUMN=Choose the sort criteria in the sort settings. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the SuccessScreen illustration IM_TITLE_SUCCESSSCREEN=Nicely done! +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's description for the SuccessScreen illustration IM_SUBTITLE_SUCCESSSCREEN=You completed all your learning assignments. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the UploadCollection illustration IM_TITLE_UPLOADCOLLECTION=Drop files here +#XTXT: IllustratedMessage's description for the UploadCollection illustration IM_SUBTITLE_UPLOADCOLLECTION=You can also upload several files all at once. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the AddDimensions illustration IM_TITLE_ADDDIMENSIONS=Some dimensions are missing +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the AddDimensions illustration IM_SUBTITLE_ADDDIMENSIONS=Add more dimensions to complete your chart. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the NoDimensionsSet illustration IM_TITLE_NODIMENSIONSSET=No chart data +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the NoDimensionsSet illustration IM_SUBTITLE_NODIMENSIONSSET=Try adjusting your chart settings. +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's title for the Survey illustration IM_TITLE_SURVEY=Your Opinion Matters +#XTIT: IllustratedMessage's subtitle for the Survey illustration IM_SUBTITLE_SURVEY=We want to hear what you think about SAP software. Share your feedback with us by taking our short survey. +#XACT: ARIA announcement for DynamicSideContent main content label DSC_MAIN_ARIA_LABEL=Main Content +#XACT: ARIA announcement for DynamicSideContent side content label DSC_SIDE_ARIA_LABEL=Side Content +#XACT: ARIA label for search field scope select SEARCH_FIELD_SCOPE_SELECT_LABEL=Select Scope +#XACT: ARIA announcement for search field clear icon SEARCH_FIELD_CLEAR_ICON=Clear Search +#XACT: ARIA announcement for search field search icon SEARCH_FIELD_SEARCH_ICON=Search +#XACT: ARIA announcement for search field collapsed search button SEARCH_FIELD_SEARCH_COLLAPSED=Open Search +#XACT: ARIA announcement for search field expanded search button SEARCH_FIELD_SEARCH_EXPANDED=Collapse Search +#XTXT: Text for the Side Navigation Popover hidden text SIDE_NAVIGATION_POPOVER_HIDDEN_TEXT=Navigation +#XTXT: Aria role description for the Side Navigation collapsed List SIDE_NAVIGATION_COLLAPSED_LIST_ARIA_ROLE_DESC=Navigation List Menu Bar +#XTXT: Aria role description for the Side Navigation collapsed List Items SIDE_NAVIGATION_COLLAPSED_LIST_ITEMS_ARIA_ROLE_DESC=Navigation List Menu Item +#XTXT: Aria role description for the Side Navigation List SIDE_NAVIGATION_LIST_ARIA_ROLE_DESC=Navigation List Tree +#XTXT: Aria role description for the Side Navigation List Items SIDE_NAVIGATION_LIST_ITEMS_ARIA_ROLE_DESC=Navigation List Tree Item +#XTXT: Accessible name for the Side Navigation overflow item SIDE_NAVIGATION_OVERFLOW_ACCESSIBLE_NAME=More Items +#XTXT: Accessible name for the Group Header SIDE_NAVIGATION_GROUP_HEADER_DESC=Group Header +#XTXT: User menu other accounts button USER_MENU_OTHER_ACCOUNT_BUTTON_TXT=Other Accounts +#XTXT: User menu manage account button USER_MENU_CLOSE_BUTTON_TXT=Close +#XTXT: User menu manage account button USER_MENU_MANAGE_ACCOUNT_BUTTON_TXT=Manage Account +#XTXT: User menu sign out button USER_MENU_SIGN_OUT_BUTTON_TXT=Sign Out +#XACT: ARIA User menu edit avatar USER_MENU_EDIT_AVATAR_TXT=Edit avatar +#XACT: ARIA edit accounts USER_MENU_EDIT_ACCOUNTS_TXT=Edit accounts +#XACT: ARIA information for the user menu popover USER_MENU_POPOVER_ACCESSIBLE_NAME=User menu for +#XACT: ARIA close dialog USER_MENU_CLOSE_DIALOG_BUTTON=Decline +#XTXT: ARIA selected account +USER_MENU_POPOVER_ACCESSIBLE_ACCOUNT_SELECTED_TXT=Selected + +#XTXT: ARIA User menu current account information +USER_MENU_CURRENT_INFORMATION_TXT=Current user information + +#XTXT: ARIA User menu actions +USER_MENU_ACTIONS_TXT=Actions + +#XACT: ARIA information for the user settings dialog USER_SETTINGS_DIALOG_ACCESSIBLE_NAME=User Settings Dialog +#XTXT: Aria role description for the user settings items USER_SETTINGS_LIST_ARIA_ROLE_DESC=User Settings Item +#XTXT: User settings dialog close button USER_SETTINGS_DIALOG_CLOSE_BUTTON_TEXT=Close +#XTXT: User settings dialog not result text USER_SETTINGS_DIALOG_NO_SEARCH_RESULTS_TEXT=No search results diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index 2b5bdbfb8671..e62db01ed706 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -1,408 +1,614 @@ +#This is the resource bundle for the UI5 Web Components +# +#XBUT: Card Content aria-label text ARIA_LABEL_CARD_CONTENT=Card Content +#XBUT: Card aria-roledescription text ARIA_ROLEDESCRIPTION_CARD=Card +#XBUT: Card Header aria-roledescription text ARIA_ROLEDESCRIPTION_CARD_HEADER=Card Header +#XBUT: Card Header aria-roledescription interactive text ARIA_ROLEDESCRIPTION_INTERACTIVE_CARD_HEADER=Interactive Card Header +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the Avatar default tooltip AVATAR_TOOLTIP=Avatar +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the Avatar default tooltip AVATAR_GROUP_DISPLAYED_HIDDEN_LABEL={0} displayed, {1} hidden. +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the Avatar default tooltip AVATAR_GROUP_SHOW_COMPLETE_LIST_LABEL=Activate for complete list. +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the AvatarGroup type Individual aria-label attribute AVATAR_GROUP_ARIA_LABEL_INDIVIDUAL=Individual avatars. +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the AvatarGroup type Group aria-label attribute AVATAR_GROUP_ARIA_LABEL_GROUP=Conjoined avatars. +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the navigation in AvatarGroup AVATAR_GROUP_MOVE=Press ARROW keys to move. +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the badge with "Tag" design TAG_DESCRIPTION_TAG=Tag +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the roledescription attribute TAG_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Tag button +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the "Negative" state TAG_ERROR=Error +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the "Critical" state TAG_WARNING=Warning +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the "Positive" state TAG_SUCCESS=Success +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the "Information" state TAG_INFORMATION=Information +#XACT: position (current and max. value) of a Breadcrumb item which should be announced by screenreaders BREADCRUMB_ITEM_POS={0} of {1} +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the breadcrumbs BREADCRUMBS_ARIA_LABEL=Breadcrumb Trail +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the breadcrumbs overflow button BREADCRUMBS_OVERFLOW_ARIA_LABEL=More +#XFLD: Breadcrumbs popover cancel button BREADCRUMBS_CANCEL_BUTTON=Cancel +#XACT: Breadcrumbs popover accessible name FORM_SELECTABLE_AVALIABLE_VALUES=Available Values +#XTOL: text that could be show if BusyIndicator is active BUSY_INDICATOR_TITLE=Please wait +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the accept button BUTTON_ARIA_TYPE_ACCEPT=Positive Action +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the reject button BUTTON_ARIA_TYPE_REJECT=Negative Action +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the emphasized button BUTTON_ARIA_TYPE_EMPHASIZED=Emphasized +#XACT: Text for Today item in CalendarLegend CAL_LEGEND_TODAY_TEXT=Today +#XACT: Text for Selected Day item in CalendarLegend CAL_LEGEND_SELECTED_TEXT=Selected Day +#XACT: Text for Working Day item in CalendarLegend CAL_LEGEND_WORKING_DAY_TEXT=Working Day +#XACT: Text for Non-Working Day item in CalendarLegend CAL_LEGEND_NON_WORKING_DAY_TEXT=Non-Working Day +#XACT: Role description text for the Calendar Legend CAL_LEGEND_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Calendar Legend +# Carousel of text CAROUSEL_OF_TEXT=of +#Carousel dots text CAROUSEL_DOT_TEXT=Item {0} of {1} displayed +# Carousel Previous Page text CAROUSEL_PREVIOUS_ARROW_TEXT=Previous Page +# Carousel Next Page text CAROUSEL_NEXT_ARROW_TEXT=Next Page +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the attribute 'aria-roledescription' of the Carousel component CAROUSEL_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Carousel +#XFLD: Label of the container holding the colors COLORPALETTE_CONTAINER_LABEL=Color Palette - Predefined Colors +#XFLD: Title of the popup holding the colors COLORPALETTE_POPOVER_TITLE=Color Palette +#XFLD: Label of the color box COLORPALETTE_COLOR_LABEL=Color +#XFLD: Color Palette dialog button COLOR_PALETTE_DIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON=Cancel +#XFLD: Color Palette dialog button COLOR_PALETTE_DIALOG_OK_BUTTON=OK +#XTIT: Color Palette dialog title of the Color Picker COLOR_PALETTE_DIALOG_TITLE=Change Color +#XTIT: Color Palette dialog button text to open the Color Picker COLOR_PALETTE_MORE_COLORS_TEXT=More Colors... +#XTIT: Color Palette dialog button text to set the default color COLOR_PALETTE_DEFAULT_COLOR_TEXT=Default Color +#XACT: ARIA information for the ColorPicker Alpha slider COLORPICKER_ALPHA_SLIDER=Alpha control +#XACT: ARIA information for the ColorPicker Hue slider COLORPICKER_HUE_SLIDER=Hue control +#XTOL: Six symbol hexadecimal group representing CSS color hex string COLORPICKER_HEX=Hexadecimal +#XFLD: Label text for the ColorPicker Red input field COLORPICKER_RED=Red +#XFLD: Label text for the ColorPicker Green input field COLORPICKER_GREEN=Green +#XFLD: Label text for the ColorPicker Blue input field COLORPICKER_BLUE=Blue +#XFLD: Label text for the ColorPicker Hue input field COLORPICKER_HUE=Hue +#XFLD: Label text for the ColorPicker Saturation input field COLORPICKER_SATURATION=Saturation +#XFLD: Label text for the ColorPicker Light input field COLORPICKER_LIGHT=Light +#XTOL: Tooltip for color picker mode toggle button COLORPICKER_TOGGLE_MODE_TOOLTIP=Change Color Mode +#XTOL: Alpha chanel transparency value for RGBA color mode COLORPICKER_ALPHA=Alpha +#XACT: DatePicker 'Open Picker' icon title DATEPICKER_OPEN_ICON_TITLE=Open Picker +#XACT: Aria information for the Date Picker DATEPICKER_DATE_DESCRIPTION=Date Input +#XACT: Aria information for the Date Time Picker DATETIME_DESCRIPTION=Date Time Input +#XACT: Aria information for the Date Range Picker DATERANGE_DESCRIPTION=Date Range Input +#XACT: Aria information for the Date Picker popover DATEPICKER_POPOVER_ACCESSIBLE_NAME=Choose Date +#XACT: Aria information for the Date Time Picker popover DATETIMEPICKER_POPOVER_ACCESSIBLE_NAME=Choose Date and Time +#XACT: Aria information for the Date Range Picker popover DATERANGEPICKER_POPOVER_ACCESSIBLE_NAME=Choose Date Range DELETE=Delete +#XFLD: En dash (–) character to indicate that there is an empty space. In some languages there might be a different symbol used. EMPTY_INDICATOR_SYMBOL=– +#XFLD: ARIA announcement for the empty value. EMPTY_INDICATOR_ACCESSIBLE_TEXT=Empty Value +#XLNK: Link to allow the user to see complete text EXPANDABLE_TEXT_SHOW_MORE=Show More +#XLNK: Link to allow the user to collapse the complete text and display only the first characters that can fit EXPANDABLE_TEXT_SHOW_LESS=Show Less +#XBUT: Text for close action of dialog on mobile devices EXPANDABLE_TEXT_CLOSE=Close +#XACT: ARIA-label text for link that allows the user to see complete text in a popover EXPANDABLE_TEXT_SHOW_MORE_POPOVER_ARIA_LABEL=Show the full text +#XACT: ARIA-label text for link that allows the user to close the popover with the complete text EXPANDABLE_TEXT_SHOW_LESS_POPOVER_ARIA_LABEL=Close the popover FILEUPLOAD_BROWSE=Browse... +#XACT: File uploader title FILEUPLOADER_TITLE=Upload File GROUP_HEADER_TEXT=Group Header +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the Select`s roledescription attribute SELECT_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Listbox +#XTXT: MultiComboBox and ComboBox icon accessible name SELECT_OPTIONS=Select Options +#XTXT: MultiComboBox show selected items button accessible name SHOW_SELECTED_BUTTON=Show Selected Items Only +#XBUT: A link that can be clicked to display more/all items INPUT_SUGGESTIONS=Suggestions Available +#XCKL: Select all checkbox label MCB_SELECTED_ITEMS=Select All ({0} of {1}) +#XBUT: Default title text for mobile INPUT_SUGGESTIONS_TITLE=Select +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input suggestion result if one hit INPUT_SUGGESTIONS_ONE_HIT=1 result available +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input suggestion result if more than one hit ({0} is the number of hits) INPUT_SUGGESTIONS_MORE_HITS={0} results are available +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input suggestion result if no hit INPUT_SUGGESTIONS_NO_HIT=No results +#XACT: ARIA label for the Input clear icon INPUT_CLEAR_ICON_ACC_NAME=Clear +#XFLD: Subtle link description label LINK_SUBTLE=Subtle +#XFLD: Emphasized link description label LINK_EMPHASIZED=Emphasized +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the active clickable list items +LIST_ITEM_ACTIVE=Is Active + +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the position of the list items in an entire list LIST_ITEM_POSITION=List item {0} of {1} +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the list item selection. LIST_ITEM_SELECTED=Selected +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the list item selected=false state LIST_ITEM_NOT_SELECTED=Not Selected +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the list item selected=false state LIST_ITEM_GROUP_HEADER=Group Header +#XACT: ARIA announcement for grouping with role=list LIST_ROLE_LIST_GROUP_DESCRIPTION=contains {0} sub groups with {1} items +#XACT: ARIA announcement for grouping with role=listbox LIST_ROLE_LISTBOX_GROUP_DESCRIPTION=contains {0} sub groups +#XBUT: List Multi Selection Mode Checkbox aria-label text ARIA_LABEL_LIST_ITEM_CHECKBOX=Multiple Selection Mode +#XBUT: List Single Selection Mode RadioButton aria-label text ARIA_LABEL_LIST_ITEM_RADIO_BUTTON=Item Selection. +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the list which allows single selections ARIA_LABEL_LIST_SELECTABLE=Contains Selectable Items +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the list which allows multiple selections ARIA_LABEL_LIST_MULTISELECTABLE=Contains Multi-Selectable Items +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the list which has deletable items ARIA_LABEL_LIST_DELETABLE=Contains Deletable Items +#XTOL: Tooltip of information message strip close button MESSAGE_STRIP_CLOSE_BUTTON_INFORMATION=Information Information Bar Close +#XTOL: Tooltip of positive message strip close button MESSAGE_STRIP_CLOSE_BUTTON_POSITIVE=Positive Information Bar Close +#XTOL: Tooltip of negative message strip close button MESSAGE_STRIP_CLOSE_BUTTON_NEGATIVE=Negative Information Bar Close +#XTOL: Tooltip of critical message strip close button MESSAGE_STRIP_CLOSE_BUTTON_CRITICAL=Critical Information Bar Close +#XTOL: Tooltip of custom message strip close button MESSAGE_STRIP_CLOSE_BUTTON_CUSTOM=Custom Information Bar Close +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's closable state MESSAGE_STRIP_CLOSABLE=Closable +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Error" state MESSAGE_STRIP_ERROR=Error Information Bar +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Warning" state MESSAGE_STRIP_WARNING=Warning Information Bar +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Success" state MESSAGE_STRIP_SUCCESS=Success Information Bar +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Information" state MESSAGE_STRIP_INFORMATION=Information Bar +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Custom" state MESSAGE_STRIP_CUSTOM=Custom Information Bar +#XFLD: MultiComboBox dialog button MULTICOMBOBOX_DIALOG_OK_BUTTON=OK +#XACT: ARIA announcement for Combo Box and Multi Combo Box available options COMBOBOX_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS=Available Options +#XACT: ARIA announcement for suggestions popup INPUT_AVALIABLE_VALUES=Available Values +#XMSG: Text used for value state error message when an item is already selected VALUE_STATE_ERROR_ALREADY_SELECTED=This value is already selected. +#XBUT: MultiInput aria-roledescription text MULTIINPUT_ROLEDESCRIPTION_TEXT=Multi Value Input +#XFLD: Token number indicator which is used to show more tokens MULTIINPUT_SHOW_MORE_TOKENS={0} more +#XACT: ARIA announcement for value help MULTIINPUT_VALUE_HELP_LABEL=Show Value Help +#XTOL: Tooltip for panel expand title PANEL_ICON=Expand/Collapse +#XACT: ARIA description for range slider progress RANGE_SLIDER_ARIA_DESCRIPTION=Range +#XACT: ARIA description for range slider start handle RANGE_SLIDER_START_HANDLE_DESCRIPTION=Left handle +#XACT: ARIA description for range slider end handle RANGE_SLIDER_END_HANDLE_DESCRIPTION=Right handle +#XBUT: Rating indicator tooltip text RATING_INDICATOR_TOOLTIP_TEXT=Rating +#XBUT: Rating indicator aria-roledescription text RATING_INDICATOR_TEXT=Rating Indicator +#XACT: Rating indicator ARIA description RATING_INDICATOR_ARIA_DESCRIPTION=Required +#XFLD: ResponsivePopover's button's text which closes the dialog RESPONSIVE_POPOVER_CLOSE_DIALOG_BUTTON=Decline +#XACT: ARIA description for the segmented button SEGMENTEDBUTTON_ARIA_DESCRIPTION=Segmented button group +#XACT: ARIA described by for the segmented button SEGMENTEDBUTTON_ARIA_DESCRIBEDBY=Press SPACE or ENTER to select an item +#XACT: ARIA description for the segmented button item SEGMENTEDBUTTONITEM_ARIA_DESCRIPTION=Segmented button +#XACT: ARIA description for slider handle SLIDER_ARIA_DESCRIPTION=Slider handle +#XTXT Table and List "load more" row's text. LOAD_MORE_TEXT=More +#XTXT Table's header row text. TABLE_HEADER_ROW_INFORMATION=Header Row 1 of {0} +#XACT Table row's position TABLE_ROW_POSITION={0} of {1} +#XACT Table group row's aria label TABLE_GROUP_ROW_ARIA_LABEL=Group Header Row +#XACT ARIA label for selection checkbox ARIA_LABEL_ROW_SELECTION=Item Selection +#XACT ARIA label for select all checkbox in a multiselect mode table ARIA_LABEL_SELECT_ALL_CHECKBOX=Select All Rows +#XACT ARIA label for table cell without content ARIA_LABEL_EMPTY_CELL=Empty +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the positive design TAB_ARIA_DESIGN_POSITIVE=Positive +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the negative design TAB_ARIA_DESIGN_NEGATIVE=Negative +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the critical design TAB_ARIA_DESIGN_CRITICAL=Critical +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the neutral design TAB_ARIA_DESIGN_NEUTRAL=Neutral +#XACT: ARIA role description for Tab with subitems TAB_SPLIT_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Tab with Subitems +#XACT: ACC next icon name in tab container TABCONTAINER_NEXT_ICON_ACC_NAME=Next +#XACT: ACC previous icon name in tab container TABCONTAINER_PREVIOUS_ICON_ACC_NAME=Previous +#XACT: ACC overflow menu title in tab container TABCONTAINER_OVERFLOW_MENU_TITLE=Overflow Menu +#XTXT Text for end overflow button in tab container TABCONTAINER_END_OVERFLOW=More +#XBUT Text for cancel button, which closes the popover on mobile devices TABCONTAINER_POPOVER_CANCEL_BUTTON=Cancel +#XACT: ARIA description for TabContainer tablist when there are tabs with subitems TABCONTAINER_SUBTABS_DESCRIPTION=Press down arrow key to open subitems menu +#XTXT: Text for characters left TEXTAREA_CHARACTERS_LEFT={0} characters remaining +#XTXT: Text for characters over TEXTAREA_CHARACTERS_EXCEEDED={0} characters over limit +#XFLD: Timepicker slider header TIMEPICKER_HOURS_LABEL=Hours +#XFLD: Timepicker slider header TIMEPICKER_MINUTES_LABEL=Minutes +#XFLD: Timepicker slider header TIMEPICKER_SECONDS_LABEL=Seconds +#XFLD: Timepicker popover button TIMEPICKER_SUBMIT_BUTTON=OK +#XFLD: Timepicker popover button TIMEPICKER_CANCEL_BUTTON=Cancel +#XACT: Aria information for the Time Picker TIMEPICKER_INPUT_DESCRIPTION=Time Input +#XACT: Aria information for the Time Picker popover TIMEPICKER_POPOVER_ACCESSIBLE_NAME=Choose Time +#XACT: Aria information for the Time Picker Clock Dial TIMEPICKER_CLOCK_DIAL_LABEL=Clock Dial +#XACT: Time Picker Inputs tooltip/aria-label for Hours input TIMEPICKER_INPUTS_ENTER_HOURS=Please enter hours +#XACT: Time Picker Inputs tooltip/aria-label for Minutes input TIMEPICKER_INPUTS_ENTER_MINUTES=Please enter minutes +#XACT: Time Picker Inputs tooltip/aria-label for Seconds input TIMEPICKER_INPUTS_ENTER_SECONDS=Please enter seconds +#XACT: Aria information for the Duration Picker DURATION_INPUT_DESCRIPTION=Duration Input +#XFLD: DateTimePicker popover button DATETIME_PICKER_DATE_BUTTON=Date +#XFLD: DateTimePicker popover button DATETIME_PICKER_TIME_BUTTON=Time +#XACT: ARIA announcement for token deletable TOKEN_ARIA_DELETABLE=Deletable +#XACT: ARIA announcement for token label TOKEN_ARIA_LABEL=Token +#XACT: ARIA announcement for tokens TOKENIZER_ARIA_CONTAIN_TOKEN=No Tokens +#XACT: ARIA announcement for tokenizer with 1 token TOKENIZER_ARIA_CONTAIN_ONE_TOKEN=Contains 1 token +#XACT: ARIA announcement for tokenizer with n tokens TOKENIZER_ARIA_CONTAIN_SEVERAL_TOKENS=Contains {0} tokens +#XACT: ARIA announcement for tokenizer label TOKENIZER_ARIA_LABEL=Tokenizer +#XFLD: Tokenizer's Dialog title on mobile devices. TOKENIZER_POPOVER_REMOVE=All items +#XFLD: Token number indicator which is used to show all tokens in Tokenizer when all of the tokens are hidden TOKENIZER_SHOW_ALL_ITEMS={0} Items +#XFLD: Clear All link text in Tokenizer TOKENIZER_CLEAR_ALL=Clear All +#XACT: Label text for TreeListItem TREE_ITEM_ARIA_LABEL=Tree Item +#XTOL: tooltip for expand icon in a tree item TREE_ITEM_EXPAND_NODE=Expand Node +#XACT: tooltip for collapse icon in a tree item TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSE_NODE=Collapse Node +#XACT: the value state type that is preppended to value state error message text VALUE_STATE_TYPE_ERROR=Value State Error +#XACT: the value state type that is preppended to value state warning message text VALUE_STATE_TYPE_WARNING=Value State Warning +#XACT: the value state type that is preppended to value state success message text VALUE_STATE_TYPE_SUCCESS=Value State Success +#XACT: the value state type that is preppended to value state information message text VALUE_STATE_TYPE_INFORMATION=Value State Information +#XTOL: text that is appended to the tooltips of input fields etc. which are marked to have an error VALUE_STATE_ERROR=Invalid entry +#XTOL: text that is appended to the tooltips of input fields etc. which are marked to have a warning VALUE_STATE_WARNING=Warning issued +#XTOL: text that is appended to the tooltips of input fields etc. which are marked to be informative VALUE_STATE_INFORMATION=Informative entry +#XTOL: text that is appended to the tooltips of input fields etc. which are marked to be in success state VALUE_STATE_SUCCESS=Entry successfully validated +#XBUT: Tooltip text for 'Next' button in the Calendar Header CALENDAR_HEADER_NEXT_BUTTON=Next +#XBUT: Tooltip text for 'Previous' button in the Calendar Header CALENDAR_HEADER_PREVIOUS_BUTTON=Previous +#XBUT: Text for 'Week number' in the DayPicker DAY_PICKER_WEEK_NUMBER_TEXT=Week Number +#XBUT: Text for 'Non-Working Day' in the DayPicker DAY_PICKER_NON_WORKING_DAY=Non-Working Day +#XBUT: Text for 'Today' in the DayPicker DAY_PICKER_TODAY=Today +#XACT: ARIA description for month picker MONTH_PICKER_DESCRIPTION=Month Picker +#XACT: ARIA description for year picker YEAR_PICKER_DESCRIPTION=Year Picker +#XACT: ARIA description for slider tooltip input SLIDER_TOOLTIP_INPUT_DESCRIPTION=Press F2 to enter a value +#XACT: ARIA label for slider tooltip input SLIDER_TOOLTIP_INPUT_LABEL=Current Value +#XTOL: tooltip for decrease button of the StepInput STEPINPUT_DEC_ICON_TITLE=Decrease +#XTOL: tooltip for increase button of the StepInput STEPINPUT_INC_ICON_TITLE=Increase +#XACT: Aria information for the Split Button SPLIT_BUTTON_DESCRIPTION=Split Button +#XACT: Aria hint for the keyboard handling support of the Split Button SPLIT_BUTTON_KEYBOARD_HINT=Press Space or Enter to trigger default action and Alt + Arrow Down or F4 to trigger arrow action +#XBUT: Tooltip text for 'Arrow' button SPLIT_BUTTON_ARROW_BUTTON_TOOLTIP=Open Menu +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the Menu Back button aria-label attribute MENU_BACK_BUTTON_ARIA_LABEL=Back +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the Menu Close button aria-label attribute MENU_CLOSE_BUTTON_ARIA_LABEL=Decline +#XACT: ARIA information for the Menu popover MENU_POPOVER_ACCESSIBLE_NAME=Select an option from the menu +#XACT: ARIA announcement for roldesecription attribute of Dialog header DIALOG_HEADER_ARIA_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Interactive Header +#XACT: ARIA announcement for describedby attribute of resizable Dialog header DIALOG_HEADER_ARIA_DESCRIBEDBY_RESIZABLE=Use Shift+Arrow keys to resize +#XACT: ARIA announcement for describedby attribute of draggable Dialog header DIALOG_HEADER_ARIA_DESCRIBEDBY_DRAGGABLE=Use Arrow keys to move +#XACT: ARIA announcement for describedby attribute of draggable and resizable Dialog header DIALOG_HEADER_ARIA_DESCRIBEDBY_DRAGGABLE_RESIZABLE=Use Arrow keys to move, Shift+Arrow keys to resize +#XFLD: A colon to separate the "label" from an input. In some languages there might be a different symbol used for such a colon LABEL_COLON=: +#XACT: ARIA announcement for the input field of the TimePicker TOOLBAR_OVERFLOW_BUTTON_ARIA_LABEL=Additional Options +#XACT: ARIA announcement for Toolbar's popup TOOLBAR_POPOVER_AVAILABLE_VALUES=Available Values +#XMSG: Text used for reporting that a radio button group requires one of the radio buttons to be checked FORM_CHECKABLE_REQUIRED=Please tick this box if you want to proceed. FORM_MIXED_TEXTFIELD_REQUIRED=Please fill in this field or select an item in the list. @@ -413,13 +619,23 @@ FORM_SELECTABLE_REQUIRED2=Please select one of these options. FORM_TEXTFIELD_REQUIRED=Please fill in this field. +#XACT: ARIA description for the column header with selection TABLE_SELECTION=Selection +#XACT: ARIA description for the selection component of the row TABLE_ROW_SELECTOR=Row Selector +#XMSG: Message text to be displayed when there are no rows in the grid TABLE_NO_DATA=No Data +#XACT: Description for the popin containing column header TABLE_ROW_POPIN=Row Popin +#XTXT: Text for the growing button TABLE_MORE=More +#XACT: ARIA description for the growing button TABLE_MORE_DESCRIPTION=To load more rows, press Enter or Space +#XACT: ARIA description for the row action of the header cell TABLE_ROW_ACTIONS=Row Actions +#XACT: ARIA description for the row action navigation TABLE_NAVIGATION=Navigation +#XTOL: Tooltip for the AI button in the column header to indicate that the column is generated by AI TABLE_GENERATED_BY_AI=Generated by AI +#XACT: ARIA description for the column header row of the table TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER_ROW=Column Header Row From e2bd45425f52552032c0a964e998bd9b06847b1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: service-tip-git Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:02:46 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] [INTERNAL] Translation delivery: commit by LX Lab Change-Id: I03152aae87a37d617a89dd70cb93d9ddd5ed37a3 --- .../fiori/src/i18n/ | 8 +++++++- .../main/src/i18n/ | 2 ++ 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/packages/fiori/src/i18n/ b/packages/fiori/src/i18n/ index 560de615a3b0..6836acad5b5d 100644 --- a/packages/fiori/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/fiori/src/i18n/ @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ SHELLBAR_LABEL=‌​‍‌‌‍‍​​‍‍​​‍‍‍‍​ SHELLBAR_LOGO=‌‌‌​‌‍‍‌‌‍​​​‍​​‌​​‌‌‌​‍‌​‍‍‍‌‌​‌​‍‌​‌​​‌Logo -SHELLBAR_LOGO_AREA=‍‍​‌​‍​‍‌‍​​​‍​‍‍​‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​‍​‍​‍​‌​​​‌‍‌SAP ​​​{0}‌‌‌ ​​​{1}‌‌‌ Home +SHELLBAR_LOGO_AREA=‍‍​‌​‍​‍‌‍​​​‍​‍‍​‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​‍​‍​‍​‌​​​‌‍‌​​​{0}‌‌‌ ​​​{1}‌‌‌ SHELLBAR_ADDITIONAL_CONTEXT=‍‍‌‌​​​​‍‍‌​‌‍‍‌‌​‌‌‌​‌​‌​​​​‌‍‌‌​​‍‍​‌​Additional Info @@ -343,6 +343,12 @@ USER_MENU_POPOVER_ACCESSIBLE_NAME=‌‍‌​‌‌‍‍‌‌‌‍ USER_MENU_CLOSE_DIALOG_BUTTON=‌​​‌​‌‍‍​‍​​​​​‍‌​‍‍​‌‍‌‍‌‌‍​​​‌‌‍​​‍‍‌‍Decline +USER_MENU_POPOVER_ACCESSIBLE_ACCOUNT_SELECTED_TXT=‍‌​‍​‌​​​‍‍​‍‍‌‍​‍‍​‍‌​‌​​‌​‍​‌‍‌‍‌‌​‍‌​Selected + +USER_MENU_CURRENT_INFORMATION_TXT=‌​‌‍​‍‍‍​​​​​‍​​​‌​‍‌​‍​‍​‍‍‍​​​‍​​​‍​​‌Current user information + +USER_MENU_ACTIONS_TXT=‌​​‌‌‌​‍‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌‍‌‍‍​‍‌‌​​‌‍‍‌​‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌Actions + USER_SETTINGS_DIALOG_ACCESSIBLE_NAME=‌​​‌​‍​​‍‌​‍​‍‌‍​‍​‌‍​‌‍​​‌‌​‌​‍‌​​​‌​User Settings Dialog USER_SETTINGS_LIST_ARIA_ROLE_DESC=‌​‌‍​​‍‌‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‌​‌​‌​​‌​​‍‌‍​‍‍‌​​‌‍‌‍‍User Settings Item diff --git a/packages/main/src/i18n/ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ index a670befc19ba..13e7e15b4521 100644 --- a/packages/main/src/i18n/ +++ b/packages/main/src/i18n/ @@ -166,6 +166,8 @@ LINK_SUBTLE=‌​​‌‍‍​‌​‌‍‍​​‌​‌‍‍ LINK_EMPHASIZED=‌​‌‌‍‍​​‌‍‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌‌‍‌‌​‍‌‌‍​‍​‌​‌‍​‍‍‌‌‌Emphasized +LIST_ITEM_ACTIVE=‌​‌‌‍‌‍‌‍‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍​‍​​​​‍​‌‌​​​‌‌‍‌‌‍‍​​‌‍Is Active + LIST_ITEM_POSITION=‌‌‍‍​‌‌​​​​‍‌‌‍​‌‌​‍‌​‍‍‌​‍‍​‌​​‌‌​‌‍‍​‍List item ​​​{0}‌‌‌ of ​​​{1}‌‌‌ LIST_ITEM_SELECTED=‌​​‍‍‌‌‍​‍​‌‍​​‍‌‍‍‌‌​​‍‌‌‍​​‍‌​​‍‌​​‌‌‌​Selected