diff --git a/packages/main/cypress/specs/TableNavigation.cy.tsx b/packages/main/cypress/specs/TableNavigation.cy.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9843061b4269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/main/cypress/specs/TableNavigation.cy.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+import Table from "../../src/Table.js";
+import TableHeaderRow from "../../src/TableHeaderRow.js";
+import TableHeaderCell from "../../src/TableHeaderCell.js";
+import TableRow from "../../src/TableRow.js";
+import TableCell from "../../src/TableCell.js";
+import TableGrowing from "../../src/TableGrowing.js";
+describe("Table - Keyboard Navigation", () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.mount(
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+ cy.document().then(doc => {
+ const table = doc.getElementById("table0");
+ const input = doc.getElementById("before-table1");
+ table?.addEventListener("ui5-row-click", () => {
+ if (input instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
+ input.valueAsNumber++;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ cy.get("#table0").children("ui5-table-row").as("rows");
+ cy.get("#table0").children("ui5-table-header-row").as("headerRow");
+ });
+ function getCell(row: number, cell: number, headerRow: boolean) {
+ if (headerRow) {
+ return cy.get("@headerRow").children("ui5-table-header-cell").eq(cell);
+ }
+ return cy.get("@rows").eq(row)
+ .children("ui5-table-cell")
+ .eq(cell);
+ }
+ function performActions(actions: { element: Cypress.Chainable, click?: string, condition?: string, conditionValue?:string, type?: string, press?: string | string[] }[]) {
+ actions.forEach(action => {
+ if (action.click) {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ action.element.click(action.click);
+ }
+ if (action.condition) {
+ if (action.conditionValue) {
+ // timing issue - without wait the check is failing
+ action.element.wait(0).should(action.condition, action.conditionValue);
+ } else {
+ action.element.wait(0).should(action.condition);
+ }
+ }
+ if (action.type) {
+ action.element.type(action.type);
+ }
+ if (action.press) {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ action.element.realPress(action.press);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ it("should navigate on rows", () => {
+ performActions([
+ // left click is needed to focus the row
+ // otherwise the it would click in the center of the row where an input is
+ // resulting in a focus on the input instead of the row
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), click: "left" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), type: "{leftarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), type: "{uparrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@headerRow"), type: "{uparrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@headerRow"), type: "{downarrow}{downarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(1), type: "{pagedown}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(21), type: "{pagedown}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(24), type: "{pagedown}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("#growing").shadow().find("#growing-button"), type: "{pageup}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(5), type: "{pageup}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), type: "{end}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(24), type: "{end}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("#growing").shadow().find("#growing-button"), type: "{home}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), type: "{home}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@headerRow"), condition: "be.focused" }
+ ]);
+ });
+ it("should navigate on cells", () => {
+ performActions([
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), click: "left" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), type: "{rightarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(0, 0, false), type: "{leftarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), type: "{rightarrow}{rightarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(0, 1, false), type: "{home}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(0, 0, false), type: "{end}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(0, 3, false), type: "{rightarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(0, 3, false), type: "{end}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), type: "{end}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(24), type: "{rightarrow}{rightarrow}{rightarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(24, 2, false), type: "{pageup}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(4, 0, false), type: "{pageup}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(0, 0, false), type: "{pageup}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(0, 0, true), type: "{pagedown}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(19, 0, false), type: "{pagedown}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(24, 0, false), type: "{pagedown}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("#growing").shadow().find("#growing-button"), type: "{home}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), type: "{home}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@headerRow"), type: "{downarrow}{rightarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(0, 0, false), type: "{downarrow}{rightarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(1, 1, false), type: "{downarrow}{rightarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(2, 2, false), type: "{downarrow}{rightarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(3, 3, false), type: "{downarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(4, 0, false), condition: "be.focused" }
+ ]);
+ });
+ it("should handle F2/F7/Enter/Tab/Up/Down", () => {
+ cy.get("@rows").eq(0).get("#row1-input").as("row1Input");
+ cy.get("@rows").eq(1).get("#row2-input").as("row2Input");
+ performActions([
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), click: "left" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), press: "F2", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@row1Input"), press: "F2", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(0, 1, false), press: "F2", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@row1Input"), press: "F7", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), press: "F7", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@row1Input").eq(0), type: "{downarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@row1Input").eq(0), type: "{uparrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@row1Input").eq(0), press: ["F2", "{uparrow}"], condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(0, 1, true), press: "F2", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(0, 1, true), type: "{leftarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(0, 0, true), type: "{enter}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@headerRow").get("#row0-link"), type: "{downarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(0, 0, false), press: "Tab", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("#after-table1"), press: ["Shift", "Tab"], condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), type: "{downarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(1), press: "F7", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@row2Input").eq(0), press: "Tab", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(1).get("#row2-button"), press: "F7", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(1), type: "{uparrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), press: "F7", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0).get("#row1-button"), type: "{uparrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(0, 2, true), press: "F7", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@headerRow"), type: "{downarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), press: "F7", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(0, 2, false), press: "F7", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(0), type: "{downarrow}", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(1), press: "F7", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: getCell(1, 2, false), press: ["Shift", "Tab"], condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("#before-table1"), press: "Tab", condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").eq(1), press: "Tab", condition: "be.focused" }
+ ]);
+ });
+ it("should should work correctly for interactive rows", () => {
+ cy.get("@rows").eq(1).get("#row2-button").as("row2Button");
+ cy.get("#table0").get("#before-table1").as("input");
+ cy.get("@rows").get("#interactive-row").as("row");
+ performActions([
+ { element: cy.get("@row"), click: "left" },
+ { element: cy.get("@input"), condition: "have.value", conditionValue: "1" },
+ { element: cy.get("@row"), type: "{enter}" },
+ { element: cy.get("@input"), condition: "have.value", conditionValue: "2" },
+ { element: cy.get("@rows").get("#notinteractive-row"), click: "left" },
+ { element: cy.get("@input"), condition: "have.value", conditionValue: "2" },
+ { element: cy.get("@row2Button"), click: "left" },
+ { element: cy.get("@input"), condition: "have.value", conditionValue: "2" },
+ { element: cy.get("@row2Button"), type: "{enter}" },
+ { element: cy.get("@input"), condition: "have.value", conditionValue: "2" },
+ { element: cy.get("@row2Button"), press: "F7" },
+ { element: cy.get("@row"), condition: "be.focused" },
+ { element: cy.get("@row"), press: "Space" },
+ { element: cy.get("@input"), condition: "have.value", conditionValue: "2" },
+ { element: cy.get("@row"), type: "{enter}" },
+ { element: cy.get("@input"), condition: "have.value", conditionValue: "3" }
+ ]);
+ });