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AppVeyor is a CI/CD service for Windows, Linux, and macOS. AppVeyor supports most source control platforms. You can link AppVeyor to Rocket.Chat through webhooks and get notified in a Rocket.Chat channel each time a build runs.

AppVeyor webhook integration

Sign up for an Appveyor account and link it to your source control platform. The demonstration here is done using GitHub as the source control platform.

Create a New AppVeyor Project

To create an AppVeyor project:

  • Create a new GitHub repository or clone this NodeJs project.
  • Sign in to AppVeyor.
  • Go to the Projects page.
  • Click +NEW PROJECT.
  • Select GitHub on the left pane.
  • Select either public repositories only or both public and private repositories.
  • Click Authorize GitHub.
  • Sign in to GitHub in the newly opened tab.
  • Select the above-created webhook project in the list of projects shown as the repository to use.

Create Rocket.Chat Incoming Webhook

Follow the necessary steps to create a Rocket.Chat incoming webhook. See Create a new incoming webhook. Take note of the generated webhook URL.

Script details

Paste the following script into the Script field for the incoming webhook created.

/* exported Script */
/* globals console, _, s */

/** Global Helpers
 * console - A standard console instance
 * _       - An underscore instance
 * s       - An underscore string instance

class Script {
     * @params {object} request
    process_incoming_request({ request }) {
        let reqContent = request.content;
        let message = "";
        const name = reqContent.commitAuthor;
        const authorEmail = reqContent.commitAuthorEmail;
        const commitDate = reqContent.commitDate;
        const commitMessage = reqContent.commitMessage;
        const repo = reqContent.repositoryName;
        const commitId = reqContent.commitId;
        const projectName = reqContent.projectName;
        const buildNumber = reqContent.buildNumber;
        const buildId = reqContent.buildId;
        message += "Commit by author:" + name + " whose email is " + authorEmail;
        message += " on the repo " + "[" + projectName + "](" + repo + ")";
        message += " on " + commitDate + " and their commit message was,'" + commitMessage + "'\n"
        message += "Build details, build ID:" + buildId + ", build number:" + buildNumber + "\n"
        message += "You can check the [Commit](" + repo + "/commit/" + commitId + ")"

        const content = {
            "emoji": ":smiley:",
            "text": message,
            "attachments": [
                    "title": projectName + " build",
                    "title_link": "",
                    "text": "Appveyor is a CI tool,"
                    "image_url": "",
                    "color": "#764FA5"

        return {

Code details

Each time you push to your configured GitHub repository, AppVeyor posts a payload to our webhook. The structure of the payload is similar to that of sample.json found in the example repository. You retrieve the content object and use the details to create a message object which becomes the text portion of the Rocket.Chat message returned in the method. process_incoming_request.

Configuring AppVeyor build

To configure your build:

  • Create a file in the root directory of your configured GitHub project called appveyor.yml and paste the following content.
  nodejs_version: "8"

# Install scripts. (runs after repo cloning)
  # Get the latest stable version of Node.js or io.js
  - ps: Install-Product node ''
  # install modules
  - npm install

# Post-install test scripts.
  # Output useful info for debugging.
  - node --version
  - npm --version
  # run tests
  - npm test

# Don't actually build.
build: off
  provider: Webhook
  url: https://the-link-to-your-incoming-webhook
  request_timeout: 5
  • The install block in the configuration tells the build to install the latest version of NodeJS and the deploy block tells AppVeyor to make use of webhooks. Replace the url variable with the webhook URL generated during the creation of your incoming webhook. Check provider settings to understand better.
  • Commit and push the code to your GitHub repository.
  • The build process starts immediately after the push is successful.
  • A notification is sent in the channel you configured to be used for your incoming webhook.

The current build can be verified by navigating to Projects > Your-Project > Current build on AppVeyor.