For me, using Docker in embedded systems has a key advantage: it eliminates the need for a README filled with outdated commands for setting up the development environment. In reality, such lists are rarely kept up to date (I often forget to update them myself too!). Docker solves this problem by providing a structured list of everything you need to install to get your environment up and running. But it's more than just a list - it's code, meaning it can be verified, maintained, and reused easily.
- Install Docker. For Linux, this should be straightforward. For Windows, you need to install WSL first and set up a Linux image.
In the main directory (HardwareDataLogger), run the following command to build the image:
docker-compose build dev
Start the Docker image:
docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans
Log into the Docker image:
docker-compose exec dev bash
When finished, shut down the Docker container:
docker-compose down --remove-orphans