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The best way to simulate a module is through nMigen's Simulator.

Define your ports

Define a ports function in your module which returns an array of your module's ports:

class YourModule(Elaboratable):
    def ports(self):
        return [self.yourmodule.p1, self.yourmodule.p2, ...]

Create a top-level module

Create a top-level module for your simulation:

from nmigen import *
from nmigen.back.pysim import Simulator, Delay, Settle
from somewhere import YourModule

if __name__ == "__main__":
    m = Module()
    m.submodules.yourmodule = yourmodule = YourModule()

    sim = Simulator(m)

    def process():
        # To be defined

    sim.add_process(process) # or sim.add_sync_process(process), see below
    with sim.write_vcd("test.vcd", "test.gtkw", traces=yourmodule.ports()):

There is currently a bug in nMigen where inputs to your module are not output to the trace file. To get around this, for each such input, place this in your main before the Simulator construction:

    input1 = Signal(...)
    m.d.comb += yourmodule.input1.eq(input1)
    sim = Simulator(m)

Inside your process, refer to this input as input1, not yourmodule.input1. This will force nMigen to include input1 in the trace file.

Define your clocks, if any

If you have clocks, add each clock after the Simulator construction, giving the clock period in seconds. For example, a 1MHz clock for clock domain fast_clock and a (nearly) 1.1MHz clock for faster_clock would be:

   sim = Simulator(m)
   sim.add_clock(1e-6, domain="fast_clock")
   sim.add_clock(0.91e-6, domain="faster_clock")

Leaving out domain will cause the clock period to be assigned to the default clock domain, sync.

The process function

The process function is a Python generator that nMigen calls to see what to do next in the simulation. Since it is a generator, process must yield a statement to perform. For example:

    def process():
        yield x.eq(0)
        yield y.eq(0xFF)

The above would set x to 0 and y to 0xFF, with effectively no delay between them.

You can yield nMigen Values, which you can then use, for example, to do various comparisons:

    def process():
        yield x.eq(0)
        yield Delay(1e-6)  # causes a delay of 1 microsecond
        yield y.eq(0xFF)
        yield Settle()     # forces all combinatorial computation to happen
        got = yield yourmodule.sum
        want = yield (x+y)[:8]
        if got != want:
            print(f"Oh noes! Error! Got {got:02x}, wanted {want:02x}")

In the above example, x will be set to 0, then there will be a one microsecond delay, then y will be set to 0xFF, all combinatorial logic will be given a chance to settle, and finally yourmodule.sum and (x+y)[:8] will be evaluated, and if they are not equal, a diagnostic message is sent to the terminal output.

You can even have more than one process running at a time!

    def x_process():
        yield Delay(1e-6)
        yield x.eq(0)
        yield Settle()

    def y_process():
        yield Delay(1.2e-6)
        yield y.eq(0xFF)
        yield Settle()


In the above example, x will be set to 0 at time 1 microsecond, and y will be set to 0xFF at time 1.2 microseconds.

Warning: driving the same signal from more than one process can lead to undefined behavior if both processes assign to the signal simultaneously.

Non-synchronous processes

If you want to specify exactly when signals change based on time, then you can create a non-synchronous process. You must add such a process to the simulator via add_process:


Synchronous processes

If you want to specify when signals change based on clock edges, then you can create a synchronous process. You can add such a process to the simulator via add_sync_process, specifying the clock domain it should be clocked from:

    sim.add_sync_process(process1, domain="name1")
    sim.add_sync_process(process2, domain="name2")

If you yield with no value from a synchronous process, then the process will wait for the next clock edge. Note that for synchronous processes, one clock edge will always occur before the process starts, so take that into account when you look at your traces.

It is also important to understand when statements are executed in relation to clock edges. They are always executed infinitesimally after the previous clock edge. Thus, in this example:

    def process():
        yield x.eq(0)  # step 1
        yield          # step 2
        yield x.eq(1)  # step 3
        yield          # step 4

there will be one clock edge that always takes place before the process runs. Then x is set to 0 (step 1). Then another clock edge happens (step 2). x is set to 1 infinitesimally after that clock edge (step 3). Then another clock edge happens (step 4). In the traces, you will not see signals change "just after" the clock edge. They will appear to be coincident with the clock edge. Just remember the rule that signals that appear to change coincident with a clock edge actually change just after that clock edge. Outputs that change like that can be considered to have been "caused" by the clock edge.

Passive and active processes

Processes may be passive or active. When an active process runs out of things to tell the simulator to do, it asks the simulator to finish. In effect, it controls the endpoint of the simulator. The simulation ends when all active processes are done. A passive process, on the other hand, doesn't ask the simulator to finish.

By default, processes added with add_process and add_sync_process are active. A process can change its mode using yield Active() or yield Passive().

Ending the simulation

As mentioned above, the simulation ends when all active processes are done. This is how works.

However, you can instead use sim.run_until(), which lets you end the simulation at a particular time. The run_passive key is False by default, meaning that the simulation will also end if all active processes are done. This behavior can be changed by setting run_passive to True, in which case the simulation will only end once the specified time is reached. For example, the following will run the simulation for 100 microseconds and then stop, regardless of whether the active processes are done:

    with sim.write_vcd("test.vcd", "test.gtkw", traces=yourmodule.ports()):
        sim.run_until(100e-6, run_passive=True)

Running the simulation and viewing the output

The simulation is run simply by running the main module:

$ python3

The output should be a test.vcd file and a test.gtkw file. Running gtkwave will allow you to view the output. Running it on test.vcd will make you select the signals you want to see when gtkwave opens, while running it on test.gtkw will open gtkwave showing the signals in the traces key that you gave in the call to sim.write_vcd().

$ gtkwave test.vcd
$ gtkwave test.gtkw