Getting Slack access token Open Click Create New App button Select From an app manifest Select Workspace where you are going to use it Select JSON format on manifest editor page and paste this code: { "_metadata": { "major_version": 1, "minor_version": 1 }, "display_information": { "name": "Raycast - Set Slack Status" }, "oauth_config": { "scopes": { "user": [ "emoji:read", "users.profile:write", "users.profile:read", "users:write" ] } }, "settings": { "org_deploy_enabled": false, "socket_mode_enabled": false, "token_rotation_enabled": false } } Press Next and then Create In the sidebar select OAuth & Permissions Press Install to Workspace button in OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace section Once installed, you'll be able to copy your access token in OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace section. It starts with xoxp-.