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File metadata and controls

157 lines (121 loc) · 4.98 KB

Runespawn Logo

Runespawn is a framework for coordinating agents to automatically write code for Unity games. It is loosely based on the Voyager framework, with extensive additions.


Python environment

python -m venv rs

# Activate virtual environment (Windows)

# Activate virtual environment (Linux/macOS)
source rs/bin/activate

# Install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt

Unity Project Setup

  1. Import Experimental Runespawn Package

    • Open the Unity Package Manager, select "Add package from disk", and import the Runespawn package by selecting the RGUnityBots\src\gg.regression.unity.experimental.runespawn\package.json file.
    • After importing, check the Unity console to confirm that the TCP Listener has initialized successfully.
  2. [Optional] Configure Script Exporter

    • In your Unity project, go to Create > Script Exporter > Config
    • This will create a new ScriptExporterConfig scriptable object
    • Add the scripts you want to export to this configuration.
    • These are the scripts that Runespawn will definitely, and always, see.
    • Runespawn will always index all .CS files in the project root, and will try to retreive relevant ones for context.
  3. Record and Save Replay

    • Record a gameplay replay in your Unity project.
    • Move the recorded replay file to the recordings folder within the Runespawn directory.
    • This will include the game objects runespawn will be able to see.
  4. Add the Runespawn Script to a game object.

    • Runespawn will create a script in the place defined by the workspace.test_file in the config.
    • You can create a default Unity script in this location and add it to a empty game object in your scene.
    • When you run Runespawn, it will save the created script to this location.

Create a new config.

Copy one of the existing configs and modify it. Likely you will have to change the following fields:

"replay_folder_path": "runespawn/recordings/<path to your recording file>",
"workspace": {
    "project_root": "<path to your Unity project root>",
"game_information": {
    "name": "<name of the game>",
    "genre": "<genre of the game>",
    "camera_perspective": "<camera perspective of the game>",
    "platform": "<platform of the game>",
    "description": "<description of the game>",
    "goal": "<goal of the game>",
    "game_mode": "<game mode of the game>",
    "notes_about_AI_implementation": "<notes about AI implementation>"

Langsmith Experiment Tracking

# For Windows (PowerShell)
$env:LANGCHAIN_API_KEY="<LangSmith API key>"

# For Unix (Bash)
export LANGCHAIN_TRACING_V2="true"
export LANGCHAIN_API_KEY="<LangSmith API key>"
export LANGCHAIN_PROJECT="Runespawn"

Set these environment variables permanently by adding them to your shell's configuration file (e.g., .bashrc or .zshrc).

How to use?

Simply run python which is the following:

from runespawn import Runespawn

r = Runespawn("configs/<path to your config>.json")
overarching_goal = "<your goal for this session>"   
first_task = "<the first task runespawn should complete>", first_task)

How to run an experiment

Experiments allow you to evaluate Runespawn's performance across different configurations and tasks. Here's how to run one:

  1. Create an experiment config file (JSON format):
  "experiment_name": "Test Experiment",
  "description": "This experiment compares different configurations and prompts",
  "session_config_paths": [
  "tasks": [
      "name": "Collect Token - Basic Prompt",
      "prompt": "Collect a token.",
      "success_criteria": "Token collected!",
      "episode_length": 10,
      "num_repetitions": 5
      "name": "Collect Token - Step by Step Prompt",
      "prompt": "Move until you are underneath a token, then jump and collect it.",
      "success_criteria": "Token collected!",
      "episode_length": 10,
      "num_repetitions": 5
  1. Run the experiment using one of these methods:
from runespawn.evaluation import ExperimentRunner

experiment = ExperimentRunner("<path to your experiment config>")
experiment_results =

The experiment will:

  • Run each task with each configuration
  • Repeat each task-config pair the specified number of times
  • Save results to runespawn/evaluation/experiment_results/<experiment_name>/<timestamp>/
  • Generate a summary of success rates by task and configuration

Results can be loaded and analyzed later:

from runespawn.evaluation.eval_datatypes import ExperimentResults

results = ExperimentResults.load("path/to/experiment_results.json")

For more detailed analysis examples, see the evaluation helper notebook at runespawn/notebooks/03_evaluation_helper.ipynb.

Running Tests
