- Fix upgrade step; we can't update types due to customer customizations; we need to fix single parts of type profiles [lucabel]
- Remove limit to "assessore_di_riferimento" in UO [lucabel]
- Add upgrade-step to add missing metadata for image captions. [cekk]
- Add "data fine effettiva" for events, to order listing correctly [lucabel]
- Fix typo in Venue serializer that didn't return the right history version. [cekk]
- Add "Emolumenti a carico della finanza pubblica" to Persona Add "Dichiarazioni di insussistenza e incompatibilità" to Persona [lucabel]
- Added download xlsx of users in design-utils [mamico]
- Change number of related assessore_riferimento [lucabel]
- Add File to CT Documento but hide it from volto add menu [lucabel]
- Refactor retrieveContentsOfFolderDeepening to be compliant with RedTurtle/redturtle.bandi#25. [cekk]
- Return None in geolocation converter also if coordinates are 0.0. [cekk]
- Added the metadata preview_caption and image_caption. An upgrade step is not necessary because the metadata will primarily be used for new content. [mamico]
- add SEO behavior to File [mamico]
- Fix sorting in @scadenziario-day endpoint. [folix-01]
- Check servizi view: remove illegal characters. [daniele]
- Removed Document from addable types of Documento CT.
- Removed moduli limitation on Documento CT serializer. [eikichi18]
- Update it translations [lucabel]
- Add dependency with collective.volto.blocksfield >= 2.2.0 and install it to have all blocks indexed in block_types index. [cekk]
- Do not use eea.api.taxonomy because it is deprecated. [cekk]
- Add fields end and recurrence on event summary serializer [eikichi18]
- Override BandoView: in io-Comune we add new children on Folder Deepening content and we need to proper handle it [lucabel]
- update serializer for documento ct adding more information about modulo children [lucabel]
- Aggiunto indice per gestire correttamente i confronti rispetto alla data di inizio; start viene trattato in modo customizzato [lucabel]
- Fix tests: do not import collective.volto.cookieconsent. [cekk]
- Fix upgrade step [lucabel]
- Avoid acquisition problem in onModify event handler: now try to reindex children only if context is folderish. [cekk]
- Add sort_on sortable_title to event_location, uo_location, ufficio_responsabile vocabularies [lucabel]
- Return Bando.apertura_bando as null if had been set default("1100-01-01T00:00:00"). [folix-01]
- Add link to "find-broken-links" in design-utils view (need dependency with redturtle.volto>=5.5.3).
- Fix a bug introduced by changes in 6.2.16 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'absolute_url' [mamico]
- Refactor ServizioTextLineFieldSerializer adapter to check eventually a content type [lucabel]
- The permission to view the ModelloPratica has been made parametric. [lucabel]
- On CT Servizio don't want to see 'unauthorized' for anonymous user when click on "Accedi al servizio" but prefer to see an 'access' label, which can be obtained using {url}/login. For this reason, we want to ensure that if the current user doesn't have permission to view the target of the 'access the service' button, a link with /login will be used instead. [lucabel]
- Workaround for empty contacts UO summaryserializer [mamico]
- Add design.plone.contenttypes.behavior.news_base behavior (news metadata, without blocks) [mamico]
- Add folder creation (multimedia + allegati) for "ComunicatiStampa" CT (if exists) [mamico]
- Add "Emolumenti a carico della finanza pubblica" to Persona Add "Dichiarazioni di insussistenza e incompatibilità" to Persona [lucabel]
- Fix security problems for bandit. [cekk]
- Fix to_7306` upgrade-step to be more specific on types configuration. [cekk]
- Set file_principale field as primary, so we call @@download on the content, that file will be downloaded automatically. [cekk]
- Override listing.pt from plone.app.contenttypes due to error rendering event [lucabel]
- Fix problem with upgrade step to 7305 [lucabel]
- Disallower other objs creation in Persona and Incarico ct.
- Fix limit in query for service in ScadenziarioDayPost service [eikichi18]
- Add importi_viaggio_servizio field as block field in Incarico response [eikichi18]
- Add rassegna index to events [lucabel]
- Remove File from addable type in Servizio / modulistica folder. As stated by AGID team we can't add File in this folder but link to modules in "Documenti e Dati" section [lucabel]
- Add this folder "Altri Documenti" under "Persona pubblica" [lucabel]
- Code porting to work with both plone 6.0.10.x and 6.0.11 due to some core egg update Code porting to work with the new plone.restapi 9.6.1 version [lucabel]
- Add start metadata to event summary serialization; useful when create event with children event: in items list we have subevents with missing start date [lucabel]
- Fix change_news_type view; Taxonomy doesn't index values not present in the taxonomy vocabulary, so we had lot of old values not indexed and not listed as available type to change. [lucabel]
- Do not break News serialzier if tipologia_notizia attribute is missing. [cekk]
- improved check on relation. [daniele]
- check-servizi: fixed check on relation title. [daniele]
- converted some file and image fields as blob fields [mamico]
- Image are no longer required in venue [lucabel]
- @@check-servizi: provides also the full list of servizi. [daniele]
- UnitaOrganizzativa.assessore_riferimento title internationalize. [folix-01]
- Added check for blocks field in check_luoghi view. [eikichi18]
- Remove unused behavior (design.plone.contenttypes.behavior.geolocation_uo). [cekk]
- Standardize subfolders creations in events. [cekk]
- Do not return a fieldset if it has all fields hidden (maybe after a schema tweak). [cekk]
- Improve types test for their schema, required fields, fieldsets. [cekk]
- Add exclude_from_search indexer and behavior, and enable for Document and Folder. [cekk]
- Add custom adapter for IZCatalogCompatibleQuery to force all anonymous @search calls to skip items excluded from search. [cekk]
- Set exclude_from_search to True in all Documents/Folders automatically created in createSubfolders event handler, and add an upgrade-step that fix already created ones. [cekk]
- Fix in @scadenziario endpoint: return future events if afterToday criteria is set. [cekk]
- Set base view to News Item, to do not break on Classic Plone. [cekk]
- Change description for field sede in UnitaOrganizzativa CT.
- Fixed typo in update_note field description. [eikichi18]
- Handle missing show_dynamic_folders_in_footer in registry entry. [cekk]
- Remove un-needed commit in upgrade-step. [cekk]
- Added new indexer, catalog index and query operation for canale_digitale_link field of Servizio CT
- Fixed script to update pdc with description [eikichi18]
- Add getObjSize info in File field serializer. [cekk]
- Add new flag in settings needed to choose to show or not auto-generated footer columns. [cekk]
- Customize @navigation endpoint to expose also the new flag for frontend. [cekk]
- Added description to PDC fields [pnicolli]
- Added upgrade step to update PDC fields description [lucabel]
- Added new widget for event luoghi_correlati [pnicolli]
- Added UID for all summary obj [eikichi18]
- Add UID to UOJSONSummarySerializer [eikichi18]
- Add behavior argomento to Link CT [lucabel]
- Removed maximumSelectionSize from all fields that had it greater than 0 [pnicolli]
- Improved "Check notizie" view adding a way to set "a cura di" field [lucabel]
- Fixed label for tassonomia_evento taxonomies. [eikichi18]
- Improved "Buone pratiche" view for Event: checking both for relation with Venue and coordinates. [daniele]
- Allow reorder of data grid fields. [pnicolli]
- Fix check_persone. When there are no relation. [mamico]
- "Buone pratiche" views: fixed check on Competenze field. Excluding expired events and news. [daniele]
- Added utility views: @@check-notizie and @@download-check-notizie. [daniele]
- Fix event for obj parent update. [eikichi18]
- Added utility views: @@check-eventi and @@download-check-eventi. [daniele]
- Added utility views for Venue: @@check-luoghi and @@download-check-luoghi. [daniele]
- Added utility view for Documento: @@check-documenti and @@download-check-documenti. [daniele]
- Added utils view for UO: @@check-uo and @@download-check-uo. [daniele]
- Added utility views for Persona: @@check-persone and @@download-check-persone. [daniele]
- Update default summary serializer to better handle geolocation information. [lucabel]
- Optionally add image_scales and image_field in Summary serializer. [mamico]
- Add @@design-utils view that shows all available utility views. [cekk]
- Add user action that points to @@design-utils view. [cekk]
- Add @@export-incarichi view that allows to download a csv file with all Persona and their roles. [cekk]
- Add tipologia_bando to summary serializer. [cekk]
- Handle cost with empty text block in previous upgrade-step. [cekk]
- Add upgrade-step to set a default cost text for events. [cekk]
- Set event tickets cost as required field [pnicolli]
- Add permission check to solve problem accessing private resources with anonymous user [lucabel]
- Added dates for incarico persona. [deodorhuter]
- chaged migration of compensi and importi_di_viaggio field on Incaricto ct creation. [eikichi18]
- Fixed relation between person and uo. [deodorhunter]
- fix check_servizi handling "condizioni di servizio". [lucabel]
- Update check_servizi view to add service download
- Add contact information to check_servizi view
- Fix bug with "tempi e scadenze" error message [lucabel]
- Update check_servizi to skip private and expired services [lucabel]
- Add IDesignPloneContentType interface to News and Event to allow a correct SearchableText indexing [lucabel]
- Added image_scales field in service of ScadenziarioDay
- summary serializer to make it more roboust [mamico]
- remove preview_caption [mamico]
- removed required from persone_struttura field in uo interface. [eikichi18]
- Added time to start date in service of ScadenziarioDay. [sabrina-bongiovanni]
- Fix url in check_servizi [mamico]
- Fix problem with Persona summary and deleted incarico object. [lucabel]
- Fix check_servizi view and made optional canale_fisico in Servizio [lucabel]
- Added images serialization to the summary serializer of the UO content type; If both the image and preview image are present, the 'image_field' attribute is forced to contain 'preview_image'. [lucabel]
- Remove address, city, zip_code, nome_sede, title, quartiere, circoscrizione, street from UO summary serializer and add sede in thery place in the UO summary serializer [lucabel]
- Re-add FileFieldViewModeSerializer accidentally deleted. [cekk]
- Fix broken tests. [cekk]
- Remove redturtle.prenotazioni integration. [cekk]
- Fix syndication. [lucabel]
- Change check_servizi making optional the check for field "condizioni_di_servizio" and removing the check for the "contact_info" field. Import a fontawesome cdn in this view to show the "V" icon. Change some minor style in the check_servizi view. [lucabel]
- Fix condizioni_di_servizio field, no more required. [eikichi18]
- Fix None type itereation attempt in relation field adapter [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Add serializer/deserializer for canale_digitale_link to handle internal/external links like remoteURL field. [cekk]
- Force canale_digitale_link return url widget in Servizio schema. [cekk]
- Do not purge allowed_content_types filter for Servizio. [cekk]
- Fix patch/post validations for required fields: do not return errors when sorting items. [cekk]
- Add "Atto di nomina" link in incarico summary serializer [lucabel]
- improve upgrade step [lucabel]
- timeline_tempi_scadenze non più obbligatorio [pnicolli]
- Better handle default language in upgrade-step [cekk]
- Add a new upgrade step to rename "multimedia" in "immagini" under an event and add the new "video" folder. [lucabel]
- Change event schema: "patrocinato da" right now is a rich text [lucabel]
- First release of check_service view; need to test on a staging [lucabel]
- Start implement a view to check service for new data [lucabel]
- Improved check for taxonomy data. [sabrina-bongiovanni]
- Improved github action for automatic deploy.
- Fixed tipologia_notizia in serializer. [eikichi18]
- Fixed tipologia_notizia in serializer. [eikichi18]
- Fixed design_italia_meta_type data in summary for News Item. [eikichi18]
- Fix field description Fix bug with taxonomies for old contenttypes Change field fieldset [lucabel]
- Cambiato descrizione tempi e scadenze [lucabel]
- Fix upgrade step.
- Update some tickets to show or hide fields in Servizo and UO. Fix problems with taxonomies upgrade steps to clean catalog [lucabel]
- New view 'change_news_type' [foxtrot-dfm1]
- New view 'move_news_items'
- Fixed some field in event and news ct.
- Add news argomenti_evento behavior for event.
- Remove old argomenti behavior for news item. [eikichi18]
- Fix persona role handling: take the role from the connected incarico object [lucabel]
- various fixes
- add Event summary serializer to get image information also on parent
- merge with last master update [lucabel]
- Fix patch for collective.taxonomy. [eikichi18]
- add image to event summary. [lucabel]
- fix datagrid field frontend widget declaration. [roman]
- removed unused field evento_genitore e appuntamenti from event ct. [eikichi18]
- Update upgrade steps to change types information according to new AGID AI [lucabel]
- Fixed upgrade step
- minor fix [lucabel]
- Remove collective.dexteritytextindexer dependency (it's in core). [cekk]
- Adjustments to the pnrr. [deodorhunter, lucabel, eikichi18]
- Optional integration with redturtle.prenotazioni [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Update upgrade step after some more use case [lucabel]
- Enable plone.excludefromnavigation for Venue ct. [cekk]
- @modulistica-items honors the currently logged-in user roles to access inactive contents (expired and not yet published). [cekk]
- Fix lables. [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Fix label of CartellaModulisitica visualize_files field. [foxtrot-dfm1]
- All the file fields download link view method of child contents depends on the CartellaModulistica c.t. visualize_files field. [foxtrot-dfm1]
- New view 'change_news_type'. [foxtrot-dfm1]
- New view 'move_news_items'. [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Remove selection limit in ufficio_responsabile field for Servizio. [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Add new indexer "tassonomia_argomenti_uid" that indexes related Argomenti UIDs. [cekk]
- Change collection criteria to use new index. [cekk]
- Upgrade-step to convert old blocks with new criteria. [cekk]
- Fix date format in related_news_serializer. [cekk]
- Remove plone.tableofcontents behavior from Document. [cekk]
- Handle missing attribute in pagina_argomento event handler. [cekk]
- Backref of UO to Servizio [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Remove unused import in tests. [cekk]
- Fix content-types behaviors for plone.volto update (re-disable volto.blocks in News Items and Events). [cekk]
- Field tipologia_organizzazione in Unita Organizzativa ct. changed to required [foxtrot-dfm1]
- Index Bando text. [cekk]
- Handle new Bando field: apertura_bando. [cekk]
- Enable versioning also for: CartellaModulistica, Documento, Link, Pagina Argomento, Persona, Servizio, Unità Organizzativa, Venue. [cekk]
- Fix SearchableText indexing for Venues. [cekk]
- Add volto.preview_image behavior in Bando portal_type. [cekk]
- Add missing msgids to Unita Organizzativa fields. [cekk]
- Add custom expand_events method in scadenziario endpoints, because in plone.app.events >= 3.2.13 that method changed and breaks our integration. We keep previous version of that method to not re-implement scadenziario endpoints. [cekk]
- Add behavior for update note additional field. [cekk]
- Fix servizi_collegati labels. [cekk]
- Add new criteria for tipologia_organizzazione field/index. [cekk]
- Fix summary serializers for specific types. [cekk]
- Do not return related items in serializer, if they're published but the date is in the future and the current user can't edit current context. [cekk]
- Add default folders when creating a new Bando. [cekk]
- Align summary serializer with latest redturtle.volto changes (pr #53). [cekk]
- Fix common indexers to work with also non-folderish contents. [cekk]
- Fix geolocation hack. [cekk]
- Add "geolocation" info in Summary serializer for backward compatibility with some block templates. [cekk]
- Add right widget to scadenza_domande_bando field. [cekk]
- Remove all u" from strings because they are un-needed in Python3 (and new black does not support python2 anymore). [cekk]
- Fix miniature dimension to be the same as design.plone.policy ones. [cekk]
- Fix upgrade-step to rename Document childrens with "image" as id. [cekk]
- Add new metadata "icona" for Pagina Argomento. [cekk]
- Remove broken template customization. [cekk]
- Add new metadata for Volto 14 support: we need some extra infos in blocks without getting the full object. [cekk]
- Add preview_image in all contents (from plone.volto). [cekk]
- Customized summary serializer to add more infos for listing blocsk. [cekk]
- Bandi folder deepening now returns actual children order in parent instead of being ordered by title. [deodorhunter]
- Added default values for Persona roles. [daniele]
- Fix publication when adding events. [daniele]
- Add default blocks in automatic created documents. [cekk]
- Added criteria and indexes for Persona [daniele]
- Create additional folder in Persona for curriculum vitae. [cekk]
- Fix scadenziario sort_order [pnicolli]
- Add plone.constraintypes behavior for Document. [cekk]
- Export children and parent UO in UO details. [cekk]
- Export more infos in UO summary adapter. [cekk]
- ufficio_responsabile in Servizio allows now 10 items. [cekk]
- ruolo is now a Choice field and can be configured in control panel. [cekk]
- Add ruolo metadata for Persona and export it in summary serializer. [cekk]
- Fix addable content-types for Venue. [cekk]
- Import p.a.caching. [cekk]
- Fix typo. [cekk]
- p.a.caching rules for rest api services. [cekk]
- [fix] Do not duplicate default folders in UO and Persona when copy/paste them. [cekk]
- Enable kitconcept.seo beaviour for a set of CT. [daniele]
- Add link_siti_esterni to SearchableText index. [cekk]
- showModifiedDefaultValue compatible with plone.restapi >= 8.9.1 [cekk]
- All content-types extends IDesignPloneContentType marker interface. [cekk]
- Register custom TextBlockSearchableText adapter to index all text blocks in IDesignPloneContentType contents. [cekk]
- Customize some Bando and Bando Folder Deepenings fields and allowed types. [cekk]
- Add ufficio_responsabile_bando and Subject_bando indexes to speedup @bandi-search-filters endpoint. [cekk]
- Upgrade step to enable kitconcept.seo behavior on contents. [daniele]
- Refactor @types endpoint to be more extensible. [cekk]
- show_modified_default is True by default. [cekk]
- Add new index: uo_location. [cekk]
- Add new fields to be indexed in SearchableText for UO: nome_sede, email, pec, web [cekk]
- Do not break if there are extra fieldsets that comes from non standard addons: just append them to the default ordered list. [cekk]
- Remove required from ufficio_responsabile and area_responsabile in Documento contents. [cekk]
- You can now add "File" content type inside a CartellaModulistica. [arsenico13]
- Convert File into Modulo when trying to do a massive upload inside a Documento. [cekk]
- Fix description for "a_cura_di_persone" field. [cekk]
- Added "maximumSelectionSize" in RelatedItemsFieldWidget [giulia]
- Add mostra_bottoni_condivisione field.
- Change block @type: newsHome -> highlitedContent [cekk]
- Enabled "trasparenza" behavior. It's back! [arsenico13]
- Handle contents with old Richtext values in volto13 migration. [cekk]
- Volto 13 compatibility. [cekk]
- Add new behavior "design.plone.contenttypes.behavior.show_modified". [cekk]
- Removed field "Accedere al servizio" from Documento ct. [daniele]
- Add design.plone.contenttypes.behavior.argomenti_document behavior to Document. [cekk]
- correlato_in_evidenza field now return also icon value in restapi calls. [cekk]
- Add leadimage to CartellaModulistica. [cekk]
- Added criteria for ente bando and ufficio responsabile. [daniele]
- Added backreferences to Documento and Cartella Modulistica for related services. [daniele]
- Documento now set b_size=200 by default to show more than 25 items when getting its data. [cekk]
- Fix upgrade-step. [cekk]
- Rename controlpanel. [cekk]
- Now controlpanel settings entries can be multilanguage. [cekk]
- organizzazione_riferimento field for Persona no more required. [cekk]
- servizi_offerti in UO serializer now returns only related Servizi. [cekk]
- Fix Venue fields order. [cekk]
- Add `plone.app.dexterity.behaviors.id.IShortName`behavior to Venue content-type to allow renaming. [cekk]
- Fix typo. [cekk]
- Added behavior plone.translatable by default on almost all the content types. [arsenico13]
- Now you can customize tipologie_persona from the control panel. [arsenico13]
- Fix defaults for vocabularies. [cekk]
- Add remoteUrl to summarize serialization for Link content-type. [cekk]
- BREAKING CHANGE: use blocks editor also in other "text" fields. [cekk]
- Add search_sections field in control panel. [cekk]
- Can add Images into Cartella Modulistica (to be able to add image blocks in it). [cekk]
- Customizable tipologie_documento. [cekk]
- Fix typo. [cekk]
- Do not run dependencies when upgrading plone.app.registry. [cekk]
- Handle Servizio tabs in both cases: with Trasparenza enabled or not. [cekk]
- Disable trasparenza behavior by default. [deodorhunter]
- Remove reference limit in "persone_struttura" field. [cekk]
- Add upgrade-step to cleanup Bando behaviors. [cekk]
- BREAKING CHANGE Convert RichText fields into BlocksField.
- Upgrade-step to fix unused listing block template. [cekk]
- Fix rolemap for new types. [cekk]
- Do not break eventoCreateHandler when copying and event. [cekk]
- Add immagine_testata new field in design.plone.contenttypes.behavior.info_testata behavior. [cekk]
- Add correlato_in_evidenza new field in design.plone.contenttypes.behavior.argomenti behavior. [cekk]
- Initial release. [RedTurtle]