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135 lines (77 loc) · 3.25 KB

File metadata and controls

135 lines (77 loc) · 3.25 KB


SDL2/OpenGL4.5 clone of mrevenga's SDL punto ( )

Now with SSAO and superb light effects!!

alt text


Run the Makefile using $ make


  1. SDL2 . In the official repositories of most modern distributions.

  2. SDL2_ttf

  3. OpenGL 4.5

  4. libGLEW 1.13.0+ (default in the Ubuntu 16.04 repos)

  5. libPNG for the screenshots

  6. (Optional) avconv installed for recording, not having it will simply cause the recording button to do nothing.

  7. xxd.

In Fedora 35:

$ sudo dnf install SDL2-devel SDL2_ttf-devel libpng-devel libGLEW ffmpeg glew-devel vim-common

In Ubuntu 20:

$ sudo apt install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libpng-dev libglew-dev ffmpeg


Use with $ ./spunto inputfile [opts]

run ./spunto -h for information about the available options and controls.

inputfile should have the following structure:

#Lx=X;Ly=Y;Lz=Z; Comments are used to separate frames, you can force the size of the simulation box starting the comment as in this example. All three L must be provided

X1 Y1 Z1 r1 c1 Vx Vy Vz#You can comment here aswell! If your file has more than

X2 ...         #8 columns, the rest will be ignored!




\# frame=2

X1 Y1 Z1 r1 c1 Vx Vy Vz




\# frame = 3

r1 is the size of the superpunto.

c1 is its color.

Vxyz are the sizes of the arrows if --renderer arrows is selected.

If some of the columns are missing, this is the behavior according to the number of columns:

3: XYZ ->r=1, c=0, Vxyz=0
4: XYZC -> r=1, Vxyz=0
5: XYZRC -> Vxyz=0
6: XYZVxVyVz -> r=1, c=0
7: XYZCVxVyVz -> r=1


The column color can be treated in two ways:

Default or using --palette X

The colors are selected using C++ rand(), setting the initial seed to a constant given by --palette (or 923302100 by default), this constant defines a color palette with colors randomly distributed between 0 (black) and 255^3(white). The generated color palette contains 1000 colors.

The exceptions are id=0 -> red, id=1 ->green, id=2 -> blue

RGB by using --RGB

The colors will be treated as an BGR hexadecimal color, i.e. being 255 = 0xFF = red and 16711680 = 0xFF0000 = blue.



--record :  Makes a movie of all the frames in file and generates a .mp4
--frames-between-screenshots X : Number of frames skipped between screenshots when recording (default = 2)
--background R G B : Background color in RGB, default R=G=B=0.0
--palette X : Change the color palette
--RGB : Read colors as hex values in BGR (as integers) (0xFF=red=255). Overrides palette
--renderer [render=arrows,particles]: Rendering mode.



Move with WASD, E and Q to tilt and Shift/Ctrl to go up/Down
Use +/- to increase/decrease the speed
Look around holding ALT and moving the mouse
Rotate the world in XYZ using 123/456
Frame control:
Press Space to go to the next frame, R to the previous
Press T to go to the last frame, B takes you to the first one
Press M to play the frames at 60 FPS, M again to pause
Press C to take a screenshot in png
Press L to play and record to a mp4 until L is pressed again


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