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Intersection with Different Database Designs

Date: 30.5.2022

DBMS: PostgreSql 11.11

Let us imagine that we need to store information about documents where every document contains a set of words and our typical query is to search for documents containing a specific set of words. The idea behind this problem can be identified in different scenarios such as products and their features, or persons and their skills. The topic is not that important, what is significant is that we basically want to perform an intersection of several lists. In this article, we describe and compare several different ways how to handle this problem in PostgreSQL.

Relational Approach

We first start with the most straightforward solution storing the data in the relations and creating of an appropriate index. The relational data model can be seen in the following Figure. The data model is a simple M:N relationship between Document and Word.

Relational data model

Sample SQL script contains an anonymous procedure that create these tables and generate artificial data. The number of words is fixed to one hundred, whereas the number of documents can be set using the v_numOfDoc variable. The initial value of documents is ten thousand. Script randomly assigns words to documents. In the end, we create an index that helps the query processor quickly find the documents according to the list of words. For simplicity, we use just their id.

CREATE INDEX idx_Belongs_idword ON Belongs (id_word);

Once the data is ready we may search for documents containing a specified set of words using the following SQL.

SELECT id_doc
FROM Belongs
WHERE id_word in (10, 20, 30)
GROUP BY id_doc
HAVING count(*) = 3;

ARRAY Approach

The second approach is using the ARRAY data type to store the list of words per document. This approach clearly breaks the first normal form and has several other implications, however, it allows us to solve the problem as well. The table will have the following structure.

    id_doc      int primary key,
    padding 	varchar(10),
    id_words	int array

Similarly to the relational approach, we need an index to avoid a sequential scan. We will use the intarray extension since we are working with a list of integers and we use the GIN index.

CREATE INDEX idx_DocWord_idb ON DocWord USING gin (id_words gin__int_ops);

The GIN index creates an inverted list of sorted id_doc allowing their fast intersection using a single scan of appropriate word posting lists. We just need to use <@ operator in order to let the PostgreSQL put the GIN index into a query plan.

SELECT id_doc
FROM DocWord
WHERE '{10, 20, 30}' <@ id_words;

Roaringbitmaps Approach

Since I'm a fan of Daniel Lemire's work I decided to try Roaringbitmaps 0.5.0 extension that is based on his Roaringbitmaps library. In this case, you need to build and install the extension on your PostgreSQL instance first. Please follow the instruction in the description of the extension. Roaringbitmap is quite simple data structure storing a set in a form of a compressed bit array.

We can prepare data once the extension is installed. In this case, we add a list of documents to each word record. Therefore, the list of documents is stored as a compressed bitmap (Roaringbitmap).

CREATE EXTENSION roaringbitmap;
	id_word		int primary key,
    padding		varchar(50),
	id_docs		roaringbitmap

From a certain perspective, we directly prepare the data as an inverted list, where the posting list is simply Roaringbitmap. The query performs logical AND uses these bit arrays (function rb_and_agg), subsequent function rb_to_array just transform the bit array into ARRAY, and finally query unnest the result from ARRAY into a set of rows.

SELECT unnest(rb_to_array(rb_and_agg(id_docs)))
FROM WordDoc
WHERE WordDoc.id_word in (10, 20, 30);

Comparison of approaches

We have been testing these approaches on a quite old server with Intel Xeon X5670 running the PostgreSQL 11.11. I'm not familiar with the details of Roaringbitmaps implementation, however, SSE2 is available on that processor. The following table shows the different times for a different number of documents per word. The number of words is fixed and it is one hundred. Documents are distributed almost uniformly, therefore, the number of documents per word in the smallest collection is around one hundred. In the case of the largest collection, it is thousands of documents per word.

                                                                                                       Query times
Number of documentsRelational [ms]ARRAY [ms]Roaringbitmaps [ms]
10 000954
100 0003464
1 000 000350105
                                                                                                       Index sizes
Number of documentsRelational [MB]ARRAY [MB]Roaringbitmaps [MB]
10 00030.40.015
100 0003330.015
1 000 00033230.015

Tables clearly show a dominance of Roaringbitmap approach from the query time and index size perspective. However, these are not the only aspects of data processing. There are certain drawbacks of non-relational approaches that need to be kept in mind if we consider using them:

  1. Values in an array are not foreign keys (yet). Therefore, referential integrity inside the database has to be maintained by the application.
  2. It can be particularly costly to add new documents into the Roaringbitmap implementation of our database.
  3. It may be difficult to express a different type of query using the ARRAY or Roaringbitmap approach.

I have to emphasize the role of the main parameter again: documents per word. As it is obvious from the experiments the selection of a non-relational approach should be driven by an expected number of documents per word. If we expect thousands of documents per word, then it may make sense to use ARRAY or some other inverted list-based approach.


The main aim of this article is to think about the possibilities of implementing intersection in PostgreSQL. We compare relational approach with two non-relational that are based on a inverted list. We try to cover pros and cons of different approaches that are currently available in PostgreSQL. We focus on a query perspective and show that it make sense to use non-relational approach if the number of documents per word is high (at least in thousands documents per word).